
  1. C

    What is the iphone game where you type objects and those objects come out of the sky?

    A question from my boyfriend. I can't really give further details and neither can he haha. Help?
  2. G

    9 Incredible Objects That Prove 3D Printers Are Totally Worth it

    If you've got a 3D printer and a little bit of imagination, you can make pretty much anything. While these machines are still too expensive to be completely ubiquitous, early adopters are making some really amazing things. We got a look at a few of these objects at the 3D Printing Expo in New...
  3. J

    Was religion invented to make women seem like more than just sex objects?

    Isn't the bologne that is organized religion just a tool to make life seem more livable because women have no brains and are only good for sex? Doesn't it create the illusion that women are divine and have some meaning or purpose in their lives beyond reproduction? Isn't that what all hero...
  4. T

    Our Fight-Or-Flight Response And Misperception That Threatening Objects Appear Closer

    When we're faced with things that seem threatening, whether it's a hairy spider or an angry mob, our goal is usually to get as far away as we can. Now, new research suggests that our visual perception may actually be biased in ways that help motivate us to get out of harm's way. Our bodies help...
  5. G

    Mind-Blowing Disney Sensor Tech Brings Gesture Based Computing To Everyday Objects [V

    Disney Research (which presumably has lots of mice) created a new sensing system called Touché that can sense a wide variety of human hand and body interactions, not just touch screens, but in all sorts of objects—even liquids. More »
  6. T

    Sound And Vision Linked In Perception Of Moving Objects

    "Imagine you are playing ping-pong with a friend. Your friend makes a serve. Information about where and when the ball hit the table is provided by both vision and hearing. Scientists have believed that each of the senses produces an estimate relevant for the task (in this example, about the...
  7. M

    I want A game about finding objectS for my iPad?

    Like snark buster and Isabella?
  8. R

    Your in a fire, just you no family, you can get 3 objects or things of any

    size, What do you get? Everything else will burn and u can't save anything but the 2 things.
  9. M

    I talk to inanimate objects?

    Hi all, my name is Belle. Recently, I've had to move in into a very big mansion kinda against my will really. It's big, grotty and lonely, so I've started talking to inanimate objects around the house. I kinda feel they are my friends and confidante now. Am I normal for doing that or should I...
  10. Z

    lesbians, what's so wrong with being sex objects for men?

    i can think of worse things you could be
  11. D

    If Ive done anal insertion with somewhat large objects does it make me gay?

    Like ive never been attracted to guys and i dont want to be with a guy at all but ive tried putting like stuff like a shaving cream can, im still a teen but i havent even done insertion in over a year, could it have been curiosity or a phase?
  12. J

    Why do some movies (blue rays especially) seem to have boxes around objects? read

    details? I have the Star Wars Blue ray and while i dont have a HD tv, it still a good picture. But sometimes tie fighters and such are surrounded by a box of sorts. Wonder if its because the Blue Ray isnt working right with the basic tv or what
  13. T

    What are some objects that relate/represent Stephen King?

    I'm doing a project where I have to pick five items that connect to him some how. So far I have one-a science fiction book because he read them, and horror books, a lot when he was younger. I need four more, but I'm totally stuck! Help! Also, if you can think of a food item it would be...
  14. A

    Describe interesting facts/details about objects from the far reaches of our

    planetary neightborhood? please..
  15. R

    Introduction to classes and objects.?

    I have to write a program as a project but i dont know were to begin first of all. its using C++ Write a program that computees a petient's bill for a hospital stay. The different pcomponents of the program are *The patientAccount class will keep the total of patients charge. it will aso keep...
  16. S

    will Induction Cook tops works with stainless steel objects ?

    i am now using ordinary gas stove ,all my utensils were stainless steel .Will those stainless steel utensils works in induction Cook tops? Will glass utensils works in induction Cook tops?
  17. M

    Do i need to meet or exceed an objects maximum static friction to begin motion?

    In order to get an object moving, do you have to overcome it's static friction, or only meet it? I.e. if an objects maximum force of static friction is 40N do i have to push 40N or >40N Thanks!
  18. T

    I needs riddles for house hold objects?

    So my wife was snooping and found her xmas present, ugh i was so mad, so now i am going to put a box under the tree about the size of her present with a note saying since she snooped now she will work for here present. I need three or four riddles on house hold items where i can stash riddle...
  19. S

    downloaded sims 3 objects not in game?

    i downloaded a few tables and chairs from the TSR for sims 3 and they have been installed through my game launcher, but they just aren't appearing in the game. I also downloaded hairstyles and clothing, but they have shown up. Where can i find my objects?
  20. L

    How Do Light-up Objects Affect A dog's behavior(Like A CellPhone)?

    I Had My Cell Phone In My Hand And I Moved Towards My Dog With It(German Shepperd Mix With Rottweiler) And As I moved She Moved Away Because I Had The Cell Phone...Why Is That???