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    Obesity Linked To Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior Via Brain Circuit

    An investigation of the brain circuits behind compulsive behavior has surprisingly revealed they may be intimately linked to circuits that control obesity. The US researchers say the discovery offers new insights into the development and treatment of both compulsive behavior and eating...
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    Bariatric Surgery For Moderate Obesity With Diabetes: More Evidence Needed

    There is not enough evidence to justify widely recommending bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass for patients with moderate obesity and diabetes, according to a systematic review from the RAND Corporation published in JAMA this week... More...
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    Many Mexican Young Adults Have A Genetic Predisposition To Obesity

    As many as 35 percent of Mexican young adults may have a genetic predisposition for obesity, said a University of Illinois scientist who conducted a study at the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosί. "The students who inherited genetic risk factors from both parents were already 15½ pounds...
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    Genetic risk for obesity found in many Mexican young adults

    As many as 35 percent of Mexican young adults may have a genetic predisposition for obesity, said a University of Illinois scientist who conducted a study at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potos?. “The students who inherited genetic risk factors from both parents were already 15½ pounds...
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    A Vicious Cycle That Helps Obesity Perpetuate Itself

    With obesity reaching epidemic levels in some parts of the world, scientists have only begun to understand why it is such a persistent condition. A study in the Journal of Biological Chemistry adds substantially to the story by reporting the discovery of a molecular chain of events in the brains...
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    Obesity Researchers Uncover New Human Brown Fat Cell

    The body's brown fat cells play a key role in the development of obesity and diabetes. Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have now discovered that we humans have two different kinds of brown fat cells and not one kind as previously thought. This discovery, now...
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    Infection With Roundworm Quells Obesity And Related Metabolic Disorders

    Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, have shown in a mouse model that infection with nematodes (also known as roundworms) can not only combat obesity but ameliorate related metabolic disorders. Their research is published ahead of print online in the journal...
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    Discovery Of Three Unique Genes That Influence Body Size And Obesity In Those Of Afri

    Researchers from Dartmouth's Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (iQBS) and the Center for Genomic Medicine have helped to discover three unique genetic variations that influence body size and obesity in men and women of African ancestry. This study, a meta-analysis that examined 3.2...
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    Canadian Obesity Experts Calling For Restrictions On Food And Beverage Marketing Aime

    Researchers from the University of Alberta are leading a charge among Canada's obesity experts and calling on the federal government to ban food and beverage ads that target children. Kim Raine, a professor with the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health at the U of...
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    Candymakers Want To Help Fight Obesity Now That They’re Being Threatened With Governm

    After years of contributing to the world's growing waistlines, Mars Chocolate in North America thinks that candymakers should step up and propose ideas to combat the obesity epidemic. What would make a company that benefits off of your sweet tooth so eager to help make the country healthier? No...
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    The President Of Mars Chocolate Wants To Help Solve Obesity With Candy

    Debra Sandler, the president of Mars Chocolate in North America, wants to rally the National Confectioners Association in building a strategy to fight obesity (i.e. the catastrophe to come when people start figuring out that candy is bad for you). Speaking at the NCA's State of the Industry...
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    Obesity Causes Vitamin D Deficiency

    Obesity can cause Vitamin D deficiency, according to a study published in a recent issue of PLoS Medicine. The study, led by researchers from the D-CarDia collaboration, is the first to associate a high BMI with low Vitamin D levels. The implications of the finding are significant as it...
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    Phthalates Linked To Obesity In Black Children, Proving Health Isn’t Just Genetic

    Those damn phthalates are at it again. Not only are they linked to early menopause*and diabetes, but a new study has shown a new link to obesity in children, namely African-American children. More » Phthalates Linked To Obesity In Black Children, Proving Health Isn’t Just Genetic is a post from...
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    Bioethicist Suggests More Fat-Shaming Will End Obesity Crisis, Calls This Strategy “E

    Prominent bioethicist*Daniel Callahan*says our current obesity issue*could be solved by*just trying a little harder to make overweight people feel bad about themselves. He calls this strategy "edgy." We call this strategy offensive and stupid. More » Bioethicist Suggests More Fat-Shaming Will...
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    Decline In Weight Counseling Despite Rise In Obesity

    While the number of overweight and obese Americans has increased, the amount of weight counseling offered by primary care physicians has decreased - especially for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes - according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. More than 145 million...
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    New Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Gene Identified

    An international team of researchers has identified a new gene that plays an important role in obesity and insulin resistance, a condition that increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. They suggest their findings point to a potential gene therapy approach to tackle...
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    Poll Says People Want To Fight Obesity, But Not Lose Junk Food; What Do You Think?

    In a country where millions of people are well over the line to obese, where a salad will almost always cost less than a high-fat burger, it is painfully obvious that something needs to change. It's widely recognized that there has to be something to battle this ever-growing problem. The...
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    Obesity In America Poll Finds Us Split On Government Role In Fighting Fat

    American public opinion tends to be polarized on just about everything, so it's no surprise that we're split on the proper role of government in fighting obesity in America. A new poll conducted by The Associated Press found that while a third of Americans think the government should be "deeply...
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    Obesity Rates Decline Among Young Kids

    The number of children who are obese is going down, especially those between the ages of two to four years and from lower income backgrounds, according to new research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association...
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    Scientists Discover Mechanism That Could Reduce Obesity

    Approximately 68 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, according to the National Cancer Institute, which puts them at greater risk for developing cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and a host of other chronic illnesses. But an international team of scientists led by Virginia...