
  1. A

    Diet and Nutrition for A Lacto Vegetarian?

    For the last 2 hours I've been researching and reading about lacto vegetarian(lactarian) diets. This monday I'm planning to start a new diet. I prepared a diet plan but I'm not sure whether it is good or not. I'm 16. I am 5'7 inches tall and I weigh about 137 lbs. My calorie goal is 1554 (I...
  2. J

    Does nutrition affect your sex drive?

    I've been eating a lot less lately, and everyone tells me I'm really skinny. My boyfriend doesn't make me feel as good as he used to... does nutrition and weight have anything to do with that?
  3. S

    Where should I study nutrition in Massachusetts?

    I live in the Greater Boston area. I already have an associates degree in art but I'm looking to continue my education by enrolling in an undergraduate nutrition program, and eventually become a nutritionist. I want a school with a good reputation, but I am going to need to take out loans so...
  4. V

    What is the best website to read articles about bodybuilding, nutrition, and fitness?

    well, there are many but best thing is to get some video or e-book with instructions
  5. M

    Please help me with nutrition plan?

    I lift weights 3 times a week and also i swim between workout days. Ive noticed that im losing weight, what should i eat to bulk up?
  6. B

    What is the best website to read articles about bodybuilding, nutrition, and fitness?

    I have been reading everything on, but I feel like the articles are far too biased. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. A

    nutrition tracking for pregnancy?

    I just recently found out I'm pregnant. Before getting pregnant I was involved in 2 programs to help me lose weight. One of them tracked my fitness and nutrition, the other I used to create recipes based on my requirements. Is there any kind of online diary for me to track my nutritional intake...
  8. A

    Whats most beneficial with my lunch nutrition wise?

    I have a sandwich with condiments, lettuce, tomato and turkey (white bread) average sized bread slices...what should I add to the side? I reallly dont want to add.these snacks (weight gain's a bitch but shitty metabolism is worse). Okay, here are my optiobs: -apple -banana -nutri grain rasberry...
  9. B

    help with a nutrition plan with time frame?

    What is a good nutrition plan to lose fat and gain muscle? for a male 27y and 280lb So what i need is a nutrition plan and a time frame that will help me loose weight and gain muscle. I live in the city so it should be pretty easy for me to find foods. what i mean about a time frame is i am up...
  10. K

    Help with this nutrition problem!?

    I don't need the answer. I just need to know how to do it or how to solve it myself Based on your food log, Using the tables given, analyze your intake of the following nutrients (you may use tables in the appendix of your text, diet analysis CD, Food Processor program in the KH lab, food...
  11. R

    what is nutrition value of udi's bread?

    Udi's is a brand of gluten-free bread made in Colorado and shipped across US and Canada.
  12. S

    Nutrition Class Question. I'm not sure what he's asking.?

    One day you may devour a dozen doughnuts at midnight and sleep through your morning workout - tipping the scales toward weight gain. Another day you may snack on veggies and train for this weekend's 10K race - shifting the balance toward weight loss. Your body weight - especially as it relates...
  13. T

    Romeo's pizza nutrition facts?

    How manyis calories in their garlic bread? I can't find it anywhere!
  14. B

    Some what advanced nutrition question?

    Maybe its really simple, however unless you have a degree or experience this isn't something you should answer. Here is my question: "How should I change my diet to gain my desired result?" Background: I curently eat six to eight small meals a day.I ALWAYS adhere to portion sizes. Breakfast:one...
  15. M

    What should my nutrition intake be if I am ..?

    Okay so I'm attempting to Loose the little extra weight from my belly and hips. I was just wondering how much fat carb calories I should be getting each day? I'm 17 girl 5"6 113 pounds . Also is this okay for me to weigh this much or should I try loose atleast 13 pounds so I'm 100? Another...
  16. J

    Does better nutrition make people taller within a single generation?

    I remember my church brought in a whole pack of asians - from Laos or something and the older people were short - 4 feet tall. But their kids, who were born in Laos (or maybe it was cambodia) but mostly grew up in the U.S. are normal height! Some of the boys are like almost 6 feet tall now.
  17. A

    What do you think about physical education and nutrition is schools?

    I want to find out what your fellow students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and community members think about physical education and nutrition in US schools. This survey is quick and easy to get filled out...
  18. V

    Which degree Nutrition or Psychology for Military?

    I will be finishing my Associates degree this year and will be transferring to a University next year. Which degree would give me a decent paying job upon completion of the bachelors? Separate question, which one of these degrees would be acceptable to for me to re-enter into the military as an...
  19. I

    Which of the following is not an important function of iron in human nutrition?

    A) Formation of bone B) Oxygen transport and storage C) Immune system enzyme function D) Energy metabolism
  20. V

    Which degree Nutrition or Psychology for Military?

    I will be finishing my Associates degree this year and will be transferring to a University next year. Which degree would give me a decent paying job upon completion of the bachelors? Separate question, which one of these degrees would be acceptable to for me to re-enter into the military as an...