
  1. M

    Preventing numb feet on the elliptical trainer

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  2. M

    Numb while riding my bike?

    My hands, wrists and ears always turn numb if I ride 20 or more miles under 40F. The thing that is irritating is it's hard to handle things with numb hands. Gloves never seemed to help much. Is this just part of the game when riding in the cold?
  3. M

    i get a numb tingling feeling after I smoke my first cigarette?

    what does it mean if you get a numb/tingling feeling after I smoke my first cigarette of the day.Sometimes I'll go 2 or 3 weeks with out smoking then when I smoke my first cigarette of the day I'll get a numb and tingling feeling.What does that mean?
  4. M

    can my toes get numb after laughing gas?

    Numb toes they dont move even if i try hard? my toes have no moment on my left foot the last three toes i try n try my best to move them but i cannot.i even force real hard my whole leg but they stay in place. i thought they were asleep but for the past4days theres no sign i dont know,maybe a...
  5. N

    Why is my Left Thigh Numb?

    I woke up this morning and the outside of my left thigh is numb. I tried loosening n shaking it but it doesnt help. Is it something serious?
  6. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  7. S

    Can I be so numb to the fact of sex that I cant orgasm?

    I have been told that I am very indecisive person. I do not care about much or have that many opinions. I am normally numb to my emotions and to pain. I just live life as it is and don't let the little things bother me. But over the past year or so I started to masturbate and I have yet to...
  8. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  9. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  10. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  11. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  12. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  13. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  14. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  15. M

    I have Bell's Palsy, How Long Does it Last? Is My Face Permanently Numb?

    I explain in detail below.? I have a moderate form of Bell's Palsy. It's not as bad as what you see on google when you search it, but it's not very subtle either. I saw the doctor and had a body of tests taken which led to them thinking Bell's Palsy, so they placed me on Prednisone. I have five...
  16. E

    My right pinky goes numb after playing a handheld videogame console for

    a while. What does that mean? I'm guessing it's something to do with my blood flow. But here's the thing: my right arm and hand aren't applied pressure when I play with a GBA/DS/PSP/etc. No matter what position my body and arm is, my right pinky starts numbing. I hold my DS just like anyone else.
  17. S

    My diabetic mother who is in her 50s is complaining of numb hands?

    She says she can't sleep because of it, and she had just been to the doctor, who said she was healthier than her last visit. What could this be?
  18. M

    I'm in San Antonia in Texas on vacation & my hand is numb & as well as my arm

    You should go to the ER. It might be something related to your nerves or blood sugar, but you should see a professional about it.
  19. G

    My father died a month ago and I'm still numb?

    It's almost like the world is passing me by. It's hard for me to get up in the morning, get dressed and go to work. I feel numb and just like I'm here, but not here. I do have spurts of "life" but not many. When I'm at work, I try to be "on" like an actor. It gets me through the day, but...
  20. S

    My hands and feet are numb?

    for a little while now my hands and feet have been numb and i feel like im stoned but im sobber. and like i get scared sometimes and i freak out.. i dont know what this is and im going to the doctors monday. im 15 and im a female .. im really scared to die from it. could it be because i havent...