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    RCPsych Responds To NHS Information Centre Statistics On Compulsory Treatment

    Royal College of Psychiatrists responds to new NHS Information Centre statistics on the numbers of in-patients detained in hospitals under the Mental Health Act 1983 and patients subject to supervised community treatment Dr Tony Zigmond, the Royal College of Psychiatrists' lead on mental...
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    Date Set For UNISON NHS Legal Hearing, UK

    A legal hearing into the merits of, and permission for, a judicial review, will be heard on 13-14 of October, 2010, following an application made by UNISON, the UK's biggest union for health workers. UNISON lodged an application for judicial review against the Secretary of State for Health, over...
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    NHS Confederation Responds To Government Announcement About Hospital Car Parking, Eng

    Joe Farrington-Douglas, senior policy manager at the NHS Confederation, comments on the Government's announcement that it will not be implementing free hospital car parking across England... More...
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    NHS Choices: Six Warning Signs Of Cancer

    More than 1/3 people in the UK will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. The good news is that some cancers can be cured if detected early enough. The key is to be aware of unexplained changes to your body, and to know the common signs and symptoms of cancer. While many cancer...
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    Tough Challenges Faced By London's NHS In Drive To Improve Quality And Increase Savin

    A report by the NHS Confederation's London Relations Programme published outlines the significant challenges faced by the capital's health service. It says tough decisions will need to be taken if London's healthcare is to continue to improve during the financial downturn. The paper Capital...
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    NHS Confederation Response To NHS Information Centre Statistics On Complaints

    NHS Confederation senior policy manager Frances Blunden responds to figures released by the NHS Information Centre which show a rise in the number of complaints regarding NHS services. "When patients or their family are not happy with the levels of care they receive it is important that the...
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    NHS Employers Responds To The Centre For Workforce Intelligence Report On Medical Tra

    NHS Employers welcomes the final recommendations on medical training numbers for 2011 outlined in the Centre for Workforce Intelligence's (CfWI) report published today. Bill McMillan, head of medical pay and workforce at NHS Employers, said: "We support the CfWI's programme of work to increase...
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    Should The NHS Budget Be Ring Fenced?

    Is the government's decision to ring fence NHS funding fair? Two experts debate the issue on bmj.com. John Appleby, Chief Economist at the King's Fund argues that the alternative to ring fencing is too painful. "If the NHS were not protected it would have to find cuts amounting to around 14% of...
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    Luton And Dunstable NHS Foundation Trust Improves Cleanliness And Infection Control,

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) announced that Luton and Dunstable NHS Foundation Trust has addressed concerns linked to the trust's clinical governance arrangements for infection prevention and control. The regulator will now lift the remaining condition imposed on the trusts licence on 1...
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    Nurses' Expert Input Needed For NHS Product Selection, UK

    NHS Supply Chain is seeking nurses to join its various Task Forces to play a key role in helping the organisation evaluate prospective products and understand current clinical needs. The Task Force programme supports NHS Supply Chain's tender process by bringing together clinical end users...
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    NHS Staff Support 'Safe Sun' Message

    Staff from Musgrove Park Hospital and NHS Somerset ran a free mole checking service recently at the county cricket ground to help people understand the importance of being safe in the sun. Consultant Dermatologist Rachel Wachsmuth and Clinical Nurse Specialists Karen Curtis and Jo MacDonald...
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    CQC Re-Visit To West London Mental Health NHS Trust

    We're pleased that the CQC has recognised the considerable progress we've made in meeting the recommendations of their investigation into WLMHT, which was published in July 2009. Since that time there have been changes in leadership in both the executive and non executive membership of the Trust...
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    Repeat Prescription forms NHS?

    I have a form that I can hand in to my doctor's reception in Edinburgh, and they pass it on to a doctor who renews it, and then I come and collect it a day or two later. It says its called a 're-order form' I am not at home at the moment but need my prescription, am I able to go to another...
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    NHS Confederation Statement In Response To Public Inquiry Into Failings Of Care At Mi

    NHS Confederation director of policy Nigel Edwards comments on the decision to hold a public inquiry into the standards of care received by the patients treated at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust hospitals. "We understand the decision to hold a full public inquiry into why patients...
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    NHS Improving Patient Care But More Can Be Done, UK

    The Care Quality Commission's (CQC) 2009 Inpatient Survey published this week shows a steady increase in the number of inpatients satisfied with the standards of care they receive but highlights areas where improvements could be made. Commenting on the survey, Steve Barnett, chief executive of...
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    NICE Asks NHS To Follow New Advice For Neonatal Jaundice

    NHS healthcare professionals who look after newborn babies are being called on to adopt different ways of assessing and treating cases of jaundice, one of the most common conditions needing medical attention in newborn babies. Although generally harmless, some cases of severe jaundice can result...
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    Euro MPs Vote To Protect Front-line NHS Spending

    NHS European office director Elisabetta Zanon expressed delight that the European Parliament had listened to the concerns of NHS organisations and softened proposals to penalise public bodies for late payment of bills. The European Parliament has voted to significantly soften hard-line...
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    Independent Sector Calls Upon Next Government To Revitalise NHS Reform, UK

    The NHS Partners Network today calls upon the next government to increase the amount of information publicly available to NHS patients, revitalise NHS market reform and fully realise the benefits the independent sector can bring to the health service... More...
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    when was NHS introduced in America and China?

    I'd like to know which countries have most recently introduced NHS (National Health Service)
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    NHS Diabetes Publishes Self-Monitoring Of Blood Glucose Report - Diabetes UK

    A new report examines and makes recommendations about the issue of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in people with Type 2 diabetes who are not treated with insulin. The report was commissioned by the National Clinical Director for Diabetes in England. An NHS Diabetes working group was...