
  1. A

    Maradona reveals the positions his newborn son and Leo Messi?s baby will play for Arg

    Maradona has yet to meet his new son Diego Fernando, who was born last week, but he has already worked out where he will play in a future Argentine national team with Lionel Messi and Kun Aguero's sons. For the record, Messi's son, Thiago, is three months old and Aguerio's boy, who is Maradona's...
  2. T

    BPA Risks To Pregnant Women, Newborn Boys Through Thyroid Hormone Changes

    Bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-like compound that has drawn increased scrutiny in recent years, has been linked to changes in thyroid hormone levels in pregnant women and newborn boys, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. Normal thyroid function is...
  3. G

    Alessandra Ambrosio Reveals Newborn Son's Name—and It's...

    Beautiful women beget beautiful children, yes? And apparently, beautiful children beget beautiful names, too! Victoria's Secret stunner Alessandra Ambrosio and fiancé...
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    James Van Der Beek and Wife Reveal Newborn Son's Name—Is It Normal or Weird?

    James Van Der Beek may have become a father for the second time a couple weeks back, but one big question remained: What's the baby boy's name? Well, the former Dawson's...
  5. T

    Is it okay for newborn pups to nurse on her mom all night?

    The mother just had the last pup about 3 and a half hours ago. Were ready for bed and so is the mother of the Pups. Will the Pups be okay to nurse on her all night?
  6. T

    Is it okay for newborn pups to nurse on her mom all night?

    The mother just had the last pup about 3 and a half hours ago. Were ready for bed and so is the mother of the Pups. Will the Pups be okay to nurse on her all night?
  7. T

    Is it okay for newborn pups to nurse on her mom all night?

    The mother just had the last pup about 3 and a half hours ago. Were ready for bed and so is the mother of the Pups. Will the Pups be okay to nurse on her all night?
  8. T

    Is it okay for newborn pups to nurse on her mom all night?

    The mother just had the last pup about 3 and a half hours ago. Were ready for bed and so is the mother of the Pups. Will the Pups be okay to nurse on her all night?
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    Northwestern Researchers Trial New Device That May Support Improved Newborn Health

    Despite the numerous medical advances that happen every day, the infant mortality rate in the United States is still higher than most European countries. While experts believe this is closely linked to the growing rate of pre-term births, researchers are committed to finding ways to make labor...
  10. L

    How much to bring? -- vacation with a newborn?

    We're going to Singapore for 4 days with our 2.5 year old, and 3month old in January. Our son drinks formula, and usually goes through a can a week.... I don't know how much formula and diapers I should bring. Anyone who has traveled with a newborn, advice please! (Any other advice appreciated too!)
  11. A

    With an ill father and a newborn, Grispi puts MMA on the backburner

    What's wrong with Josh Grispi? That was the question on plenty of lips around the MMA community. It turns out that life got in the way ... for now. The fast-rising prospect saw his career derailed a bit by some trouble in the Octagon, but now all it has gone on hold as the 23-year-old is...
  12. N

    Why do Christians believe that a newborn baby is born with sin, and unbaptised

    babies who pass away go to hell? seems more like a weird cult than a religion to me, what with the bread (body of Jesus), and wine (blood of Jesus), worshipping idols of Jesus and Mary and saints and speaking in demonic tongues and that stuff
  13. N

    Why do Christians believe that a newborn baby is born with sin, and unbaptised

    babies who pass away go to hell? seems more like a weird cult than a religion to me, what with the bread (body of Jesus), and wine (blood of Jesus), worshipping idols of Jesus and Mary and saints and speaking in demonic tongues and that stuff
  14. N

    Why do Christians believe that a newborn baby is born with sin, and unbaptised

    babies who pass away go to hell? seems more like a weird cult than a religion to me, what with the bread (body of Jesus), and wine (blood of Jesus), worshipping idols of Jesus and Mary and saints and speaking in demonic tongues and that stuff
  15. M

    Newborn nutrition, how to make them gain weight?

    My newborn baby is having hard time adding weight to her birth weight. She is being nursed but does not seem to gain enough. She is 5 weeks old and weigh 6 lbs and 2 ounces. She was born a little less than 6 lbs.
  16. M

    Newborn nutrition, how to make them gain weight?

    My newborn baby is having hard time adding weight to her birth weight. She is being nursed but does not seem to gain enough. She is 5 weeks old and weigh 6 lbs and 2 ounces. She was born a little less than 6 lbs.
  17. C

    Newborn nutrition, how to make them gain weight?

    I would consult your babies doctor on this one but with my two neices who were born small both in the 5lbs range it took them a long time to gain weight. As long as the baby is having atleast 6 wet diaper and 1 dirty in a day then the baby is eating enough.
  18. N

    Why do Christians believe that a newborn baby is born with sin, and unbaptised

  19. N

    Why do Christians believe that a newborn baby is born with sin, and unbaptised

    babies who pass away go to hell? seems more like a weird cult than a religion to me, what with the bread (body of Jesus), and wine (blood of Jesus), worshipping idols of Jesus and Mary and saints and speaking in demonic tongues and that stuff
  20. M

    Newborn nutrition, how to make them gain weight?

    My newborn baby is having hard time adding weight to her birth weight. She is being nursed but does not seem to gain enough. She is 5 weeks old and weigh 6 lbs and 2 ounces. She was born a little less than 6 lbs.