
  1. M

    My nephew starts screaming like he's hurt when you hardly touch him?

    I watch my nephew about 3 or 4 hours a day - and lately he has been screaming and and saying "owie" when my son's touch him - he's not hurt, half the time my kids are trying to hug him or give him something, or play together - but he reacts the same way he does if he fell down the stairs or...
  2. S

    Is it okay to call my dad's girlfriend's daughter's son simply my nephew?

    My father has been dating a women for 7 years now and his girlfriend's daughter just had a beautiful baby. Even though I don't get along with my dad's girlfriend or her daughter, I love the baby. Is it okay to simply call the baby my nephew since they've been dating for 7 years?
  3. N

    Should I let my nephew smoke with me?

    So I'm 24 and have a 15 year old nephew. I helped raise him because he doesn't have a dad around. I smoke and my nephew started a few months ago. I spend a good deal of time with my nephew such as we go hunting and fishing, work on my truck, watch nascar at my house. So a few days ago we're...
  4. A

    If you gave your nephew a truck, and then your brother sold it....?

    without telling you or your nephew would you be mad or furious? Before you say maybe the nephew did something wrong or my brother didnt think he needed it- he sold it because he's broke and wont get a job, he lied to get the truck earlier than he was supposed to so he could sell it quick
  5. T

    How much should my nephew sell his 95 Honda Civic for?

    It needs a cv shaft & 4 complete control arms. We found the websites difficult to look up bluebook prices etc. Thanx so much.