
  1. S

    Personal narrative essay from one of the charecters in the book the crucibles?

    Personal narrative essay from one of the charecters in the book the crucibles?
  2. M

    where can i find the full research book on Humour, Language and Narrative:

    Towards a discourse analysis? By Isabel Erminda, I can only find ones costing 99 pounds which is a ridiculous amount to spend on a book
  3. P

    I need an interesting narrative topic?

    I need to write a short story that will grasp readers' attention. I've drawn a blank on ideas though - can anyone help me with some topics or ideas? Thanks so much.
  4. M

    Is this a good narrative introduction to a classification essay?

    I am writing a paper for my English Comp I class in college, and my teacher has asked us to write a classification essay, and the introduction has to be a narrative. Would what I have attached suffice? On October 5, 2011, I woke up as I had every other morning since August when I started...
  5. K

    Help for narrative short stories please!?

    I need ideas on what i should write my short story on and also ideas on how i should start it because i suck at starting stories! Thank you very much!
  6. M

    During a character's narrative, is a break in the narrative a separate paragraph?

    I don't know how else to explain it, so I'm giving an example. This excerpt from my story got me wondering what was proper. (Faarthen is talking to Jack, just to clarify the excerpt) "I don't know. The last thing I remember was a very long flight across water. I must have blanked out here and...
  7. L

    what's a good narrative title?

    it's about me being in a state for the first time. & what's a good introduction for it? PERSONAL NARRATIVE PLEASE.
  8. J

    First Person Narrative Essay?

    so i have to write this essay for english, and its around connecting four different texts through their use of first person narrative. my texts are as folllows 1. the bean trees. B. Kingsolver 2. atonement. Ian Mcewan 3. the scent of apples. J.Mccrae 4. burning for revenge. J.Marsden can i have...
  9. A

    Ideas for a 2000 word narrative.. Theme is a castle.?

    i need a start or intro into the story and i will continue from there. make sure the theme is something about a castle. i have to write 2000 words
  10. E

    What is interesting about the way Austen sequences the narrative in Pride and...

    ...prejudice? i have a rough idea but could do with a little extra help to answer the question for my essay . any valuable comments will be appreciated.
  11. C

    Third person limited narrative?

    im writing a fiction work in third person limited narrative. But it follow's two people's point of view to varying degrees. is this bad practice? is it workable?
  12. J

    narrative story - "only my mum could have embarrassed me like that"?

    hi, i need to write a narrative story related to the title, "only my mum could have embarrassed me like that". im going to write about how my mum told all my mates that i still believed in santa when i was 14(not true!), the problem is i don't know how to start it! i was thinking of having it...
  13. G

    funny narrative poem?

    however makes the best poem gets the full points.
  14. K

    How to write an introduction to a narrative essay?

    Im writing the essay about being sexually assaulted.. and i want to know what all should be in my introduction..
  15. C

    Ideas for my Autobiographical Narrative?

    So I need ideas for an Autobiographical Narrative that explains an event in my life that has changed my outlook on life or helped me grow.... The only thing is, I really haven't done many or anything at all for that matter, that is worth writing a WHOLE REPORT!!!!!! Please help me and give me...
  16. J

    Can someone pleas edit my narrative?!?!?

    It is about a girl who is being bullied and her parents dont support her so she has to work it out on her own and in the end her parents feel bad and take her to an amusment park. “That’s life,” said Mom as she turned away and continued ironing. That’s it? After I just spilled my guts about my...
  17. A

    What is a better music video, Performance based or Narrative?

    This is for A2 Media Primary Research. Which do you think is a better type of music video? Performance based like The Pretender - Foo Fighters ... or Narrativee like The Scientist - Coldplay
  18. A

    ideas to kick start a narrative?

    I have to write a creative story for an English assignment, but stress has caused a major block to letting my creativity free -_- So I'm just asking for a few ideas to get me going, such as an interesting context, a first sentence, anything :D It would be much appreciated
  19. D

    What is a good title for my narrative?

    It is about a girl who's best friend is her dog (but you dont know he's a dog until the end) and she doesnt fit in her town, she is very loud and confident whereas the people in the town are boring. What could my title be?
  20. S

    How do I start a narrative story about an interesting topic?

    The assignment is for my audio production class and we have to write a treatment paper for our podcast in the narrative form. The podcast will be about my Great Great grandpa's cousin who is 90 yrs old and still walking from Paradise, MI to Hell, MI a trip thats over 300 miles. I already...