
  1. R

    what is this horror movie?

    i saw it when i was very young all i remember was a guy chasing after a girl down a side walk, i cannot remember if it was a bridge or not but he was throwing playing cards at her and they were bladed and slices her up pretty bad and im not sure if this is from the same movie but i remember...
  2. K

    Which is the best movie and which is the worst movie of Tom Cruise ?

    Just wondering about the best and the worst movies of Tom Cruise in your opinion. Saw Jack Reacher yesterday and found it quite interesting.
  3. K

    What is the name of this movie?

    It's a black&white movie. About a kid who speaks with a stranger with his walkie-talkie all the time,but they don't know each other. During the movie the "bad guys" attack the kid, they want to steal something (I think so...) and the stranger hears them from the walki-talkie and goes to save the...
  4. E

    What is your favorite zombie movie in terms of story, fear, and gore?

    Mine is day of the dead (original)
  5. L

    How to burn a movie on DVD?

    I really need this. I've downloaded a movie (.rar) and subtitles (.srt) and I can watch the movie with subtitles in VLC media player now, but I need to burn it on a DVD so I can bring it with me to a sleepover. So how do I do this? Do I need to bake the subtitles or what?
  6. D

    I have a chitty chity bang bang movie question?

    when grandpa potts enters the castle and there is this short man who says "your're early" to him. Then the short man walks down the hall way with the other staff in the castle. Who plays that short character, he looks like one of those midgets that played one of the munchkins from the wizard of...
  7. T

    im looking for the names of every DC movie in order if possible?

    im looking for the names of every DC movie in order if possible
  8. M

    Can I put a 1.5GB 1080p Movie into my Samsung Galaxy S2?

    Can I put a 1.5GB 1080p Movie into my Samsung Galaxy S2? or will it stuff up? Please answer :((
  9. J

    Who is a celeb that is a movie star, music star, and athlete?

    Shaq is the only one that comes to mind
  10. U

    Is Gold Rush rigged like in the movie Quiz Show?

    The producers, like, add adversary and then sometimes add gold to their clean-outs.
  11. D

    cant remember movie name!!! help!!?

    hello there was a movie i watched years ago on cable..from what i can remember it was an action movie where the main guy was trying to get back at another guy(well call the other guy the 2nd guy) though the second guy had a teenage daughter and the daughter seduced the main guy and went with him...
  12. H

    How do you play a video clips or a movie (DVD) on my TV from your Laptop?

    I found out that my roomate was playing movies/shows on his TV screen while it was playing on his laptop. I think he was using this cable to hook up his laptop to this..... uh.... Device that allows him to play his music from his iPod or the TV (might need the DVD player or not). Does anyone...
  13. T

    Anythign else like the movie "Morning Glory"?

    I really like th movie "Morning Glory" with Rachel McAdams, and I was wondering if there were other movies, or books similar to the story. Not really the romance part, more the media area. thanks :)
  14. H

    Why is it cool for musicians to do drugs but not movie stars?

    It seems like most musicians, especially rappers, do drugs and party all the time and brag about it in their music and such, how come movie stars and people in the movie business seem to live less exciting lives and get criticized for partying a lot? (ex. Lindsay Lohan)
  15. A

    Help me find this Sci-Fi movie?

    It's about this plant/fungus that's growing out of a scientist and is killing/eating people. It turns out that the scientist has a son who is immune to whatever the plant is doing to people so they send him to the facility (army?) where the plant is growing from to kill it. Maybe it was suppose...
  16. A

    I want a home movie theatre in my entire garage but...?

    I know nothing about electronics,what is the best projector,screen,surround sound and movie theatre seats,where do I get em from and what are the prices?
  17. O

    Where is this movie at? Can't seem to find....?

    Ok the famous actor played in it (or was); his name is Hayden Christensen. The movie name is "The Cold" I believe. I believe that's the name for the movie and it was suppose to come out in 2011? Something about being out in the freezing wilderness with 8 friends and they're dying or something...
  18. M

    I'm not good in english...pls answer this question about torrent movie?

    I downloaded a movie and it says it has english subtitles but when I played it there wasn't any english subtitles.pls help me guys
  19. D

    I might've dreamt this, looking for a sci-fi movie?

    All I can remember is an escapee or fugitive throws something in front of a really fast moving cargo vehicle in order to stop it and hitch a ride on it. The vehicle doesn't stop and runs over whatever it was he threw out in the road. Then he throws himself in front of the vehicle, thinking maybe...
  20. G

    Anatomy of a Movie Trailer

    If you've ever wondered how film makers chop up and reassemble a two hour film into a two minute trailer, you need wonder no longer. The New York Times has visualized the contents of five recent film trailers, so you can see how they're put together. More »