
  1. J

    can I get mouth cancer from one time of doing chewing tobacco?

    My friend does it a lot and insisted for me to try one so I tried a Grizzly winter green pouch premium I kept it in for the normal time and felt the buzz and what not I'm not planning on continuing this because it's disgusting however can doing this one time cause me to have cancer or any other...
  2. A

    Love Oral Sex? Get Your HPV Vaccine, Because HPV Could Lead To Mouth, Head & Neck Can

    Love Oral Sex? Get Your HPV Vaccine, Because HPV Could Lead To Mouth, Head & Neck Can Researchers at Australia's University of NSW might have stumbled upon something pretty interesting (or depressing): there have been higher incidences of oesophageal cancer, with rates higher in men (especially...
  3. A

    Red Lipstick Doesn’t Make Me Loose! Ladies Mouth Off On Lip Color

    Is wearing red lipstick some sort of scarlet letter? According to Keyson Crump, part of the totally whatever male peanut gallery, red lipstick is equal to loose women. After reading that rubbish, I felt the need to have women sound off here. More » Red Lipstick Doesn’t Make Me Loose! Ladies...
  4. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Heart to Mouth

    An expression of love can take many forms—be it a heartfelt letter, a thoughtful gesture, or, in this case, two women stroking each other's latex balloon heads. "I want to create a tension between the body and material-almost as though they become one," says Bart Hess, the Dutch artist behind...
  5. N

    in shoujo manga why does the boy put his hand into the girls mouth when having sex?

    when in a dominant shoujo manga story when they are having sex the boy is sometimes usually putting two or three fingers into the girl mouth in the occurrence of this. why is that? if you want to see by what i mean go here be aware...
  6. E

    how many weeks or mouth i have to do?

    if i have 3 units how much do i have to go for how long . how much a mouth and a week .well i only go on fridays
  7. G

    The Smartest Computer in the World Also Has the Dirtiest Mouth

    We already knew Ken Jennings thought IBM's Jeopardy-winning supercomputer was a dick, but he's not alone. Developers at IBM were forced to wipe part of Watson's memory once they realized their hyperintelligent computer had turned into a bit of a smartass. More »
  8. M

    Poll: Do you sleep with your mouth open?

  9. T

    Symptoms Of A Dry Mouth Caused By Radiotherapy For Head And Neck Cancers Relieved By

    Patients who have received radiotherapy for head and neck cancer often suffer from the unpleasant and distressing side-effect of a dry mouth, caused by damage to their salivary glands from the radiation. Now, a new study has shown that acupuncture can relieve the symptoms of dry mouth (known as...
  10. T

    Early Mouth Cancer Risk Detected By New Gene Test

    Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London have developed a new gene test that can detect pre-cancerous cells in patients with benign-looking mouth lesions. The test could potentially allow at-risk patients to receive earlier treatment, significantly improving their chance of survival...
  11. A

    Gym Rant: Kindly Do Not Spray Disinfectant Into My Mouth, Thanks

    A few days ago, I was doing a little mat work in the open space at my gym when I was assaulted with a mouthful of Simple Green. I looked up to find a man spraying down his own mat directly over my face. And while I applaud him for actually using the disinfectant, the cavalier crop-dusting of...
  12. A

    Just got braces , what is this mouth piece at the root of my mouth ?

    I just got braces yestrday , and the dentist put a retainer like thingy at the top of my mouth , it's connected to my two top molors. It's has a block at the top of my mouth and a ball at the root of my mouth. I wanna know what is this and how long do I have to keep this in ? I have a big...
  13. T

    My makeup sinks into the laugh lines around my mouth... how can I prevent this?

    I use more than enough moisturizer daily and at night. I use RoC face smoother and primer, I use smashbox primer and on TOP OF THAT, I use urban decay primer potion around my mouth. (yes I know it's used for eyeshadow). So I use all of these things and by midday of wearing my makeup.. I have THE...
  14. G

    Recharge your phone with tiny turbines attached to your mouth?

    I'm not recommending this. In fact, I may recommend against it. But I thought you should know: Read the comments on this post...
  15. L

    Lump on roof of mouth?

    i got a lump last year which over a couple of weeks grew and then went down but never actually fully went, i have noticed in the last few weeks that it is back and has grown again and feels quite large. *the dentist said that he thought it was a blocked saliva duct and to go back to him if it...
  16. A

    Dear Whoopi Goldberg: Is A Mouth Fart Due To Boredom Better Than A Real One?

    OK, so you may have heard that Whoopi Goldberg supposedly farted on The View last week during her interview with Claire Danes. It was a moment that caught all the ladies by surprise when she expelled gas so loud that even Joy Behar and Danes noticed. While everyone got caught up laughing about...
  17. K

    Genital warts in the mouth?

    I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year and I've noticed things that could pass as shaving bumps on his.. junk. The other day I gave him oral and the next day, (or 2 days later, I don't remember) I got like 10 little bumps on the inside of my cheek and they hurt like a beeeezy. And then...
  18. H

    Help my mouth gaurd for tomorrow is ruined!?

    So, tomorrow I play Lacrosse and my mum bought me a mouth gaurd. On monday we did the mold for it and it fat perfect but today I decided to do it again. Now it has shrunk and doesnt cover my back teeth. I cat even open my mouth with out the gaurd falling out! Please help!
  19. X

    Since, as a woman, I am supposed to shut my mouth in church - and one...

    ...could argue that R&S is an online church? Does that mean that I should shut up here too? 1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. I wanna talk...
  20. N

    Can you really breathe smoke from your mouth?

    If so how?