
  1. D

    Recovering from bulimia, need some music to keep up the motivation..?

    Any songs about recovering from an eating disorder or even more general about loving yourself? I'd really appreciate it!
  2. G

    Any good motivation to go to the gym or eat healthier?

    Im kind of slipping, anyone have any motivation?
  3. A

    Why You Have Your Genes To Thank For Your (Lack Of?) Exercise Motivation

    Hate to exercise? Blame your parents (Or, more likely, their genes). More » Why You Have Your Genes To Thank For Your (Lack Of?) Exercise Motivation is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health & healthcare..
  4. T

    I lost my motivation to play guitar?

    Im an 18 year old guy with 5 years of guitar playing experience I've recently been losing my motivation to practice guitar and I've been playing only 2 hours a day compared to my usual 3-4 hours. I'm scared of my future that I'll never be a successful musician due to the fact my style of music...
  5. A

    30 By 30: Finding A Gym Buddy Worked Wonders For My Workout Motivation

    I am the most social person I know. I love people, I love friends, I love activities. I don’t like missing out on things—and the gym is the number one reason I miss out. Which is why I've recruited ... a gym buddy. Well, another one. And it's the best. More » 30 By 30: Finding A Gym Buddy...
  6. T

    Monday Motivation - Jan 21,2013

    Http:// Listen to the Jeff Perry Show Live 6 am Monday - Friday and then all day on demand: Keep up with what is going on with the show: Jeffs Weight...
  7. T

    Motivation Improves When Working Out With Someone You Perceive As Better

    The key to motivation in physical activity may be feeling inadequate. One Kansas State University researcher found that those who exercised with a teammate whom they perceived to be better increased their workout time and intensity by as much as 200 percent. Brandon Irwin, assistant professor of...
  8. P

    OH SH!T Poster (Engineering Mishap / Motivation / Humour)?

    I am trying to find this poster as a gift. The poster is of a steam locomotive that has been reversed off what appears to be the end of an unfinished bridge. There is a group of men at edge of the bridge deck looking at the scene (in Victorian dress?) and there is a man (or two?) in a skiff at...
  9. M

    Are you game? Expert tips to stay injury-free through your Olympic-sized motivation

    [No message]
  10. M

    What was Stuart B. Schwartz motivation for writing Victors and Vanquished?

    What did he hope to accomplish?
  11. I

    I love writing but im losing motivation, always tired and after school I just...

    ...can't be bothered.? I know I need to get more sleep, *sigh* but I've already looked for a solution on yahoo answ, ers not even the medication I was prescribed even worked. Im 16, I feel my life is boring, well I suppose every teen life is. Get up, get dress, go to school by afternoon am...
  12. S

    Motivation for British Airways?

    Hey. What do you think motivates British Airways employees and demotivates them as well? I do not mind links to other pages such as newspaper, however I prefer people's opinion. Thank you.
  13. K

    I have no motivation to do anything anymore. Help?

    Lately it feels like I just can't do anything. I'll start a project and then stop it mid way. I recently dropped out of high school because the pressure was just really getting to me. I would get sick nearly every week last year during school. Which caused me to stay home, therefore I didn't...
  14. T

    Taking Vitamin Pills May Undermine Motivation To Reduce Smoking

    A new study has found that smokers who take multivitamins offset their healthy behaviour by smoking more cigarettes. This is an example of what psychologists call the licensing effect, which occurs when people make a virtuous choice that permits them to make a poor choice later on, such as when...
  15. A

    Monson video: Cormier’s opponent talks motivation while getting a tattoo

    Jeff Monson has always struck me as a little bit off. He's clearly a smart cookie with intense political philosophies, but he marches to the beat of a different drum. The 40-year-old, who once challenged for the UFC heavyweight title, is returning to the big stage to battle Daniel Cormier at...
  16. J

    i have no motivation in school and i keep saying i dont care about it now lol?

    recently i realised that i probably wouldnt make it as a doctor because im lazy and would only do it for the money. Since then i havent been doing anything in class in the most recent test i had in class i put joke answers e.g. what is man made source of NO? And i put playstation? I now have no...
  17. M

    Exercise bike 101: Workouts, fit, form and motivation

    [No message]
  18. L

    Dance fitness homework question: What is your personal motivation regarding health,

    fitness and well-being? i dont know how to answer this question! HELP!!!!
  19. F

    any inspiration and motivation video and music?

    for example football before the whistle start need some music or video to play well.thank you
  20. F

    any inspiration and motivation video and music?

    for example football before the whistle start need some music or video to play well.thank you