
  1. Don

    What's the deal with Mormons all selling Multi Level Marketing stuff?

    Is it part of their church services? do they have contests where the best sellers get a better place on planet Kolob?
  2. D

    Hey Mormons: Did Romney use the racial slur "Tar-Baby" in the past ?

    I know McCain had that issue and Romney as well, but I dont remember exactly when and where . I remember when McCains Campaign Bus broke down someone referred to it as the "Tar-Baby Express" in reference to his and Romneys past use of the slur. I know they downplayed it as a reference to...
  3. S

    Do Mormons ever discuss the danger of following a false Christ Jesus?

    Or, How are you to know the False Christ if you don't have the truth of Gods Word ?
  4. S

    Do Mormons ever discuss the danger of following a false Christ Jesus?

    Or, How are you to know the False Christ if you don't have the truth of Gods Word ?
  5. O

    Mormons, why no new revelations or prophecies?

    It seems that when Joseph Smith died, the Doctrine and Covenants basically stopped growing. There have been a couple of official declarations...but the 1830's saw hundreds of revelations and prophecies. Then...nothing. Why haven't subsequent prophets continued to give revelations and...
  6. E

    Why don't conservatives complain about Mormons on welfare?

    I heard that Mormon men who practice polygamy only support one wife (the one they are legally married to), and that the other wives (not legal wives but married through the church) and their children are usually all on welfare.
  7. A

    Fellow Mormons: Is Miss Cleo generally more accurate with her prophecies

    than our Joseph Smith? I need to discuss this more with my local bishop!
  8. D

    is it true mormons want to dominate U.S?

    that's the reason the candidate mitt roomney or something like that is winning the elections? that means mormons want something special privileges?
  9. D

    is it true mormons want to dominate U.S?

    that's the reason the candidate mitt roomney or something like that is winning the elections? that means mormons want something special privileges?
  10. D

    is it true mormons want to dominate U.S?

    that's the reason the candidate mitt roomney or something like that is winning the elections? that means mormons want something special privileges?
  11. D

    do mormons believe the other christians are wrong and the LDS is the

    only true church of christ? a mormon told me they don't believe the other christian churches are wrong then why do they send missionaries to different countries and to convert others and to accept the book of mormon as a true book and as a third testament of Christ? I am not evangelical but...
  12. M

    Teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) pt 7?

    Alma 39:15 And now, my son, I would say somewhat unto you concerning the coming of Christ. Behold, I say unto you, that it is he that surely shall come to take away the sins of the world; yea, he cometh to declare glad tidings of salvation unto his people. What do you think about this...
  13. E

    Mormons.... did you have a good GC weekend? did your prophet tell you any prophecy?

    Seems like old Joe would come up with prophecy at the drop of a hat (or the drop of a peep stone in a hat :-) and old Bring'em young was never short of an anecdote about people living on the moon and on the sun. but the modern prophets seem to be very short on that major component of their...
  14. I

    Are Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses considered as "Christians?"?

    Hmm.. strange and conflicting answers....
  15. C

    What is the funniest thing you have ever said/done to the Mormons who knock on...

    ...your door? When they knock on my door, I open it, smile and say: "Ah! Come to proselytize, I see!" Then, when they offer me religious reading material, I decline and offer them either a copy of the Origin of Species of a (fake) copy of the Koran (I'd hate to disrespect a religion)...
  16. O

    LDS Mormons - why does your religion discourage interracial marriage and

    relate it to the priesthood? LDS Aaronic Priesthood Manual Still Discourages Interracial Marriage From the Aaronic Priesthood Manual: “Lesson 31: Choosing an Eternal Companion,” Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3, 127 "We recommend that people marry those who are of the same racial background...
  17. O

    To Mormons - Why is it when someone brings up racial things in your religion you

    make evasive excuses? One Mormon has replied to two of my questions but in a way that sidesteps them. Not true answers. I even posted a quote from LDS where they discourage interracial marriage (with no reason given) and this Mormon lady... I'll call her "Bristine" "Bristine", when you reply...
  18. R

    mormons,Jehovah's witnesses if your beliefs are true why does everyone else laugh

    at you? im not a jerk im just observing they are the butt of everyones jokes im not a jerk im just observing they are the butt of everyones jokes aren't normal christians ridiculed and killed too
  19. M

    Do you really know anything about mormons? have you gone to the Church of Jesus...

    ...Christ of Latter-day Saints? if you have not gone to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and asked one of the leaders/teachers there you cannot say that you know these things about Mormons. I am a Mormon and have looked up Mormons and Mormonism on the web, just to see what came...
  20. H

    Christians: do you consider Mormons as your brothers and sisters in Christ?

    I don't. They are heretics who follow the false teachings of that degenerate Joseph Smith.