
  1. M

    Molly Bell Monroe vs Reagan Bell Monroe?

    Need help with our babies name
  2. M

    Molly Bell Monroe vs Reagan Bell Monroe?

    Need help with our babies name
  3. O

    Who is the modern-day Marilyn Monroe?

    Serious question. No silly answers please! :)
  4. D

    Had a dream I was surrounded by corpses and dead Marilyn Monroe?

    I dreamt I was running down the dirt road I used live on when I was little. It was really dark and there were trees with baby heads and people's torsoes hanging from ropes. There were also fake skeletons like halloween decor. I ran down the canal at the end and met a man who tried to kill me...
  5. A

    The Marilyn Monroe Diet: Eggs, Meat…And Ice Cream?

    Even 50 years after her death, Marilyn Monroe is still hailed as a classic beauty--though her famous figure would be considered "plus-size" today. But how did the soft-voiced starlet maintain her appearance? According to FitPerez, who found an interview with her in an old issue of Pageant...
  6. M

    Movie trivia: What movie did Marilyn Monroe play in with Joseph Cotton?

    They play a married couple on a second honeymoon to help him recover from being in a mental hospital , but secretly Marilyn and her lover are plotting to kill him.
  7. V

    New Marilyn Monroe Pictures Found

    Recently, new Marilyn Monroe pictures were discovered. Yes, there is a God! These pictures show a 27-year-old Marilyn Monroe posing in red. She looks young, curvy and totally hot. Scroll down to see the new Marilyn Monroe pictures. The pictures were taken by Whitey Synder, a photographer and...
  8. A

    Daily Fail: Calling Marilyn Monroe Sexy Doesn’t Make Bashing Skinny Girls Okay

    The Daily Mail reported today that Marilyn Monroe was voted top beach body of all time. Which in itself, is somewhat offensive—we're talking about real women here, not a pie-baking contest—but their spin took it to an unnecessarily body-negative level: Instead of praising Marilyn for her...
  9. K

    Famous people like Marylin Monroe?

    Redoing my room putting posters of people like audrey hepburn and marylin who el¡e should i get a poster of??
  10. Y

    Looking to do Marilyn Monroe type photos..Any good street vents around?

    Need to do a series of photos like the kind in 7 Year Itch where Ms Monroe's dress was blown up by air coming out of a from a street grate. Does anyone know where a vent like this is in the States? Would help also to know of any good Amusement Park rides that have the same effect
  11. M

    Do you love Marilyn Monroe?

    I've been listening to her record gentlemen prefer blondes and i can't get enough. Do you think there'll ever be another Marilyn Monroe? I doubt it, but it's possible. :) BQ: What did you get for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hannukah? I got a victoria secret bedspread, makeup kit, and the justin bieber...
  12. S

    I had a dream I was wrestling Marilyn Monroe in hell and she kills me, lol.

    What does this mean? Alright, I had the most messed up dream the other night. I'm pretty sure this was in hell, since the devil himself was spectating our match along with other people in dirty ragged clothing and demons. I also distinctly remember a ring of fire around the arena as well. We...
  13. C

    Where can I find Jayy Von Monroe's sex tape?

    Jayy von Monroe's sex tape! Where is it!? Been searching all day but I cant find it. :/
  14. M

    Did you think Marilyn Monroe was as funny as she was beautiful?

    I was watching that movie How to Marry a Millionaire where she needs glasses and won't wear them and winds up on the wrong plane and just roared with laughter at how gifted a comedienne she was. Did you think she was funny ....and just adorable on the whole?
  15. T

    I had a dream I was wrestling Marilyn Monroe in hell and she kills me,... What does this mean? Alright, I had the most messed up dream the other night. I'm pretty sure this was in hell, since the devil himself was spectating our match along with other people in dirty ragged clothing and demons. I also distinctly remember a ring of fire around the arena as...
  16. B

    Where can I buy high quality faux fur? In the style of Marilyn Monroe?

    Does anyone know where I can get a high quality faux version of this fox stole? All the fake furs I've seen online look really cheap.
  17. B

    Where can I buy high quality faux fur? In the style of Marilyn Monroe?

    Does anyone know where I can get a high quality faux version of this fox stole? All the fake furs I've seen online look really cheap.
  18. B

    Where can I buy high quality faux fur? In the style of Marilyn Monroe?

    Does anyone know where I can get a high quality faux version of this fox stole? All the fake furs I've seen online look really cheap.
  19. B

    Where can I buy high quality faux fur? In the style of Marilyn Monroe?

    Does anyone know where I can get a high quality faux version of this fox stole? All the fake furs I've seen online look really cheap.
  20. E

    Where is the best spot to catch big fish in monroe county?

    Near Rochester New York, Pike, Salmon, Trout, Carp, Sheephead?