
  1. I

    whats the difference between mono and stereo?

    what's the difference?
  2. P

    MY GF HAS MONO, when can i kiss her again?!?!?!?!?!?

    PLEASE HELP, she just got it
  3. J

    Converting video from stereo to mono?

    Yes, you read that correctly. Stereo to mono. So, I have a device that'll take my VHS tapes and convert the signal to digital. Only problem is I only have a yellow and white cord. And my mom's in a bad mood and won't take me to Radio Shack. So leads to my fiasco. It's a little annoying to have...
  4. C

    does mono ever go away?

    hey,i dont have mono,but does it ever go away?i no that its exchanged through saliva and u get sick for a few weeks,and i know its spreadable during that time.but lets say it was a month ago that you had mono symptoms.can you still spread the virus?or does it stay with you for the rest of your...