
  1. T

    Bariatric Surgery For Moderate Obesity With Diabetes: More Evidence Needed

    There is not enough evidence to justify widely recommending bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass for patients with moderate obesity and diabetes, according to a systematic review from the RAND Corporation published in JAMA this week... More...
  2. T

    In People With Fibromyalgia, Pain Is Not Worsened By Regular, Moderate Exercise

    For many people who have fibromyalgia, even the thought of exercising is painful. Yet a new study from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center shows that exercise does not worsen the pain associated with the disorder and may even lessen it over time. The findings are published in the current online...
  3. T

    Postmenopause Moderate Alcohol Consumption May Help Prevent Bone Loss

    Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol as part of a healthy lifestyle may benefit women's bone health, lowering their risk of developing osteoporosis. A new study assessed the effects of alcohol withdrawal on bone turnover in postmenopausal women who drank one or two drinks per day several times...
  4. P

    Theists: Do atheists sound like they have mild to moderate Asperger's Syndrome when

    they argue with you? Appeals to emotion are irrelevant. The triumph of logic and reason is inevitable. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Thank you, drive through. @Omar: Troll deez nutz. @Homosexual Agenda: No doubt. But you have to admit, we get to channeling Spock pretty...
  5. G

    Who should moderate a Science Debate?

    Science Debate Dot Org asks the question: In a nationally televised presidential science debate, who would be the best moderator? I find the suggestions that have been made so far to be interesting. A lot of people seem to be suggesting people who are obviously good scientists, or good...
  6. T

    Aren't moderate muslims and radical muslims the same thing!!?

    They both claim that we shouldn't have any satire or humor pointed at Islam. They want us to follow there Islamic rules. Just look at what moderate mulsims say. They always say we aren't allowed to make fun of there religious beliefs. I have to say sorry freedom of speech is real and if I find...
  7. J

    is t mobile's moderate coverage reliable?

    I'm wondering because I'm in a spot with that coverage. I currently have at&t and i get service at my house with it and its also in the moderate coverage area. but however i don't get any service down the road or down the hill i live..... :/ it just looks more reliable than at&t's and it seems t...
  8. J

    is t mobile's moderate coverage reliable?

    I'm wondering because I'm in a spot with that coverage. I currently have at&t and i get service at my house with it and its also in the moderate coverage area. but however i don't get any service down the road or down the hill i live..... :/ it just looks more reliable than at&t's and it seems t...
  9. T

    Comparing Regular Moderate Drinking And Binge Drinking Effects On Atherosclerosis

    An excellent study among experimental mice has reported very dramatic differences between the effects of alcohol administered in moderation on a daily basis and the same total weekly amount of alcohol administered on only two days of the week: (replicating binge drinking). The mice used in the...
  10. A

    How can I make my NAT moderate for xbox live?

    It's open and I want it moderate because my friends are to lazy to make theirs open and I can't connect to them. I asked this before and someone told me how to make it open which I already know how to do I want moderate NAT.
  11. M

    How do I change my Nat type on my XBOX 360 from moderate to open?

    I have a wireless router and have got a wireless adapter plugged into the back of my console I tried to change my DNS settings on my router but that simply changed it from moderate to strict. Is it just the area I am in or are there ways of improving it? many thanks
  12. O

    Tour guides in Russia... Cheap or moderate priced recommendations please?

    I am thinking about going to Russia in the middle of 2011. Any recommendations for cheap or moderately priced tour guides for a non-Russian speaking visitor like me? (in Moscow and St Petersburg) I have found a few on line charging prices from 30 to 45 Euros per hour which is too high...
  13. T

    Long-Term Data On Cimzia® (certolizumab Pegol) For Moderate To Severe Crohn's Disease

    Studies and analyses of the Crohn's disease (CD) treatment Cimzia® (certolizumab pegol) will be exhibited at the 2010 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology, taking place in San Antonio from October 15 - 20. "Cimzia data at this year's ACG meeting continue to...
  14. C

    Are there good quality Muslim families who are similar to moderate good...

    ...quality Christian families? Without hate nor a need to convert others and tolerant to allow others to worship freely as our American Constitution allows?
  15. S

    Ballpark guess on how much to fix a moderate rust hole on a truck and paint...

    ...professionally? Got some rust spots on a truck I bought trying to get a guess on how much to fix.
  16. M

    Is the Schwinn Frontier Sport a good mountain bike for moderate to intense

    mountain and offroad biking? I just bought one and was wondering how well it will hold up to some heavy offroad biking. Is it very durable. Are there weak points? Not looking for other suggestions of bikes, just looking for experience on the Frontier Sport.
  17. T

    Moderate Use Of Video Games Can Be A Very Useful Educational Tool For Teaching Childr

    Video games can have a very positive influence in the education of children, and, when used in moderation, they do not harm children's academic performance. This conclusion emerges from research conducted by Angeles Llorca Diez from the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal...
  18. D

    Moderate Christians, What is the point in the bible if...?

    This question is directed towards the majority of Christians whom don't accept Genesis as being literal, or ever having happened. I know R&S is filled with fundamentalists and insane people, but this directed towards 'moderate' Christians. So my question is. Why did God, have his son, killed...
  19. M

    Q&A: Moderate vs. high-intensity workout for burning fat?

    [No message]
  20. N

    First time Mt. Biking, looking for a bike for moderate trails?

    I just moved out to NJ in Aug. I lived in Michigan b4, not many trails to bike on where i lived and very flat :P Anyways, I have become kind of a work out freak, and I really wanted to pick up on cycling. I have a lot of trails where i live and most of them are moderate biking trails, i know i...