
  1. 2

    Were Jesus Christ and his bros mentally ill, or were they just trollin?

    trollin is defined here
  2. P

    im going mentally insane from the lack of nicotine, i really need your help!!!!!???

    its day 5 and my parents keep getting on my case and nerves, every 5 minutes they ***** and nag about something (only when i quit smoking they doo) and it's driving me mental!!!!!!, i wish i could tell my parents what the matter is and what im going threw, they are so proud of me (because they...
  3. K

    Does God give special consideration to the mentally ill?

    Do you think God will give special consideration to the mentally ill, as far as forgiveness, and remaining saved? Example: Bi-polar disorder can causes a dramatic switch between episodes of mania & depression. During Mania, bipolar's tend to live life recklessly, having promiscuous sex, lying...
  4. K

    i had this dream in my sleep, i saw a mentally ill naked lady wandering in the city

    and she was pretty? what is it mean?
  5. L

    Mentally recovering after almost getting caught shoplifting?

    Hi Everybody, Recently I have made a very big mistake... shoplifted from a 7-11 store and didnt get caught. The next day I whent back to try again. I bought something, then went back to take something again. I stuck a candybar into my pocket and while I was on my way out, the clerk said to me...
  6. J

    I'd like to get a sex change is this especially hard for mentally slow guys like me?

    I've got down syndrome help me out with this please in any way u can BQ- Rate this its an intro about a racial retard on the loose
  7. J

    Do Satanic churches allow mentally handycaped people?

    I am a mentally slow man . there is a church i've been writing back and fourth to they say yeah we'll take you you're fine. BQ- Rate this its an intro about a racial retard on the loose
  8. J

    Can mentally challenged people buy tobacco?

    Also - beer, guns, lighters knifes i tried at walgreens the other day and was turned down. im 27 and ive got state id! I am a ward of the state though :-( i wonder what the problem is!!? BQ - Rate this music . its an intro with the description "racial retard on the loose"...
  9. T

    Virginia AG Works To Increase Outpatient Treatment For Mentally Ill; Iowa Hospitals O

    News outlets report on health care developments in Virginia, the District of Columbia, California, Iowa, Maryland, Maine and Michigan. The Virginia attorney general wants to increase access to outpatient treatment for the mentally ill, The Washington Post reports. "After the shootings at...
  10. M

    dealing with a mentally challenged step-sibling?

    my step-dads daughter is 14 with the mentality of a 5 year old, she is suppose to stay that way her whole life. I know it's wrong but i feel compelled to kick her in the uterus to prevent her from breeding and to vent my frustrations with the stupid mush-head
  11. B

    Cannot afford to be mentally healthy?

    Im going to be completely honest so that when you are reading this you have all of the information. Im 20 years old and a sophomore in a state university, and i've been a casual smoker of marijuana for the past four years. It has gotten me into a slew of legal troubles and now that I have...
  12. C

    Am i really mentally sick? Is this actually full mental retardation?

    I have ADHD which stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. i wanted to know if that means im retarded. fully that is. PS i dont have down syndrome or anything, just that. PPS Side Question: i was told retarded was origionaly a word which meant slow down in physics is it right
  13. C

    Tinkerbelle eats yahoo has been trash talking me over the internet. is she mentally

    From what i have read the chick seems VERY insecure. People who are happy with themselves do not trash people like that. I would just ignore it because the crazy chick is just trying to get a rise out of you. see Eileen answer. you can tell she is very insecure. how sad.
  14. Y

    Can you get Birth Defect on your brain to cause Mentally...

    ...Retardation,Optimism,or Brain Damage when your mom? uses alcohol and drugs when you weren't born?
  15. B

    How to help a friend in a mentally abusive internet relationship?

    My friend who i have known for 15 years got in contact with a guy on the internet almost 2 yrs ago. They have never met, he refuses to. They have never spoken on the phone, only text messages and instant messages is how they communicate. I have started noticing how withdrawn she is becoming, and...
  16. L

    does anyone know the statistics for mentally handicapped people in the US?

    it's for an attention getter on a speech that's due tomorrow. o.0
  17. J

    Are men who are gay/sissy's only mentally buy never physically?

    Are they? for example gay's have bigger "boobs" and smaller dick Or it's only mentally on the never shown physically..
  18. M

    do you think that one woman is physically and mentally capable of raising 14 kids?

    apparently she has a history of mental illness already, even with the assistance of family and neighbors, how can one person, support and also provide all the emotional and physical support for that many chilldren? Especially when she doesn't seem particuarly stable herself...