
  1. T

    New Mathematical Modeling Approach To Analyzing Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trial Data

    Certara™, a leading provider of software and scientific consulting services to improve productivity and decision-making from drug discovery through drug development, announced that its Pharsight Consulting Services has developed a mathematical model of tumor growth inhibition, which when...
  2. T

    Mathematical Model Aids Ongoing Efforts To Reduce Salmonella Infection

    Our gut is home to trillions of bacteria, numbering more than the cells in the rest of our body, and these bacteria help us to digest our food, absorb nutrients and strengthen our immune system. This complex bacterial ecosystem, called the gut microbiota, also helps to prevent bad bacteria from...
  3. T

    Mathematical Probability Model Used To Predict How Lung Cancer Spreads

    The same sort of mathematical model used to predict which websites people are most apt to visit is now showing promise in helping map how lung cancer spreads in the human body, according to a new study published in the journal Cancer Research. A team of researchers used an algorithm similar to...
  4. Z

    Write down a mathematical equation using this traveling wave. (Physics)?

    The maximum transverse displacement of the string from its equilibrium position is 5 cm. At a fixed instant in time, the distance between two points where the string has zero displacement from its equilibrium position is 40. At a first position along the string, you observe that the string has...
  5. T

    Novel Approach Uses Genetic Engineering, Mathematical Modeling To Identify Promising

    A new study published online in Nature Medicine, led by scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, describes the discovery of a novel drug combination aimed at a subset of melanoma patients who currently have no effective therapeutic options. Melanoma patients have...
  6. G

    Mathematical Proof That Robbing Banks Doesn't Make Economic Sense [Crime]

    If you're struggling for cash, maybe the idea of robbing a bank has idly entered your mind. Don't do it! Because a new study by a team of economists shows that it doesn't make any financial sense whatsoever. More »
  7. C

    Can you solve the mathematical fraction problem, 7/12 + 3/4? Pop Quiz, peoples. :P?

    Just a little quiz for those who forgot what school used to be like.
  8. U

    Use mathematical induction to prove that 13+33+53+…+n3 = (n(n+1)/2)2?

    1*cubed*+3*cubed*+5*cubed*+...+n*cubed* = (n(n+1)/2)*square*
  9. P

    Describe the mathematical relationship between ...........................?

    Describe the mathematical relationship between the apparent brightness and distance of a star or other source of light?
  10. G

    A Card Trick Leads To A New Mathematical Bound On Data Compression [Mathematics]

    A complicated card trick that deals with the colors of the cards and a binary De Bruijn cycle has helped a mathematician reach a new bound on data compression. Magic and math, more friendly than you'd think! More »
  11. W

    Use the Principle of Mathematical Induction to prove that 6 divides n3-n...

    ...whenever n is a nonnegative integer.? the n3 is supposed 2 b n^3 so its n^3-n
  12. V

    The Babylonians introduced such mathematical ideas as multiplication,...

    ...division, and the concept of zero? True or False?
  13. R

    Nissan Aptitude test. Mathematical Inversions? Missing Number in an Equation?

    Hello i have an aptitude test soon for Nissan and i know for a fact it's basically find out what the missing number is in the equations e.g 5 x 5 - ? + 10 = 30. I need to work out what the Question Mark is in each Equation and only get 16-20 seconds to do them. There is a method for working them...
  14. J

    Can you recommend some interesting mathematical topics?

    I loved algebra, geometry and trigonometry when I was in high school. I took the required three courses in Calculus when was in college. I now finally have some leisure time am interested in playing around again with mathematics. Can you suggest some interesting sites or books or topics I...
  15. Q

    a tough mathematical riddle for everyone?

    in a house there are 20 bananas, and there are 20 peoples in that house, a male eats 3 bananas in a day a female eats 2 bananas in a day a child eats half banana in a day you have to tell me that how many males, females, children are there in that that all bananas divides, and all...
  16. R

    Mathematical models are tested by comparing the predictions with?

    A. observations B. experimental data C. scientific laws and theories D. predictions of mental models E. all of these answers A feedback loop A. affects the rate of change B. may be positive or negative C. has at least one storage area D. all of these answers E. none of these answers...
  17. S

    Prove using mathematical induction: n³ + 2n?

    Prove using mathematical induction: n³ + 2n is divisible by 3 for all positive integers of n I would greatly appreciate any help solving this. Thank you (That is n to the power of 3 if you cannot see it)
  18. S

    Prove using mathematical induction: n³ + 2n?

    Prove using mathematical induction: n³ + 2n is divisible by 3 for all positive integers of n I would greatly appreciate any help solving this. Thank you (That is n to the power of 3 if you cannot see it)
  19. K

    Is there a solution manual for the book "Introduction to Mathematical

    Statistics Robert Hogg,Allen Craig ? I am looking for the solution manual for the book, " Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Robert V. Hogg,Allen Craig,Joseph W. McKean ". Or are there any notes of private classes from India available ? Please let me know as I am looking for buying the...
  20. K

    Is there a solution manual for the book "Introduction to Mathematical

    Statistics Robert Hogg,Allen Craig ? I am looking for the solution manual for the book, " Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Robert V. Hogg,Allen Craig,Joseph W. McKean ". Or are there any notes of private classes from India available ? Please let me know as I am looking for buying the...