
  1. G

    Some male spiders prefer to eat old females rather than mate with them

    The Black Widow spider gets its name from the popular belief that female spiders eat their male suitors after mating. However, a new study has shown that the tendency to consume a potential mate is also true of some types of male spider. The study by Lenka Sentenska and Stano Pekar from...
  2. R

    what leopard gecko is the best mate for a bell albino?

    i was thinking of breeding my male bell albino leopard gecko and i was hoping to get an amazing looking gecko anything i could get to breed with him and what i shouldn't get to mate with him. another thing lets say you say a type of leopard gecko what will come out
  3. R

    Trying to remember a childhood book, boy coming to earth to find a mate, young adult?

    I borrowed this book a long time ago at a library and cannot find it or remember it at all. From what i can remember it was based on a boy (from another planet) coming to earth to find a mate, as his planet was suffering. I remember that he stayed at the parents from someone whos daughter was...
  4. B

    Skyrim Xbox360 my mate killed every shopkeeper and TONS of people in towns...

    ...what do I do?!? My friend stupidly killed tons of people in towns like whiterun and so on I can no longer trade to get allot easier money but after he saved the game and ive done "SOOOOOO" much and cant afford to start over again. any idea what to do? Please!!! Help Me Out
  5. T

    will a neutured male cat still try to mate with a cat in heat?

    my cat is in heat and today i saw a cat she plays with a lot (who we thought was a girl) try to mate with her.. but im sure he must be neutured as i cant see any, you know, but this stray cat who isnt neutured tried to mate with her and she was growling and hissing.. it doesnt make sense,or...
  6. R

    Hi, me and my mate wanna do a rd trip down the west coast of america for a month?

    Can anyone help us I deciding wots the best route and places 2 visit for the best parties and women? Thanks
  7. J

    Help: I argue with my best friend/room mate ALL the time?

    I met my best friend last year and we have been inseparable ever since. We have the same interests and sense of humour and get on really well. About 6 months ago we started to argue a bit but nothing too serious. Last year we were in halls of residence together at university and this year we...
  8. J

    How can i find a chat mate?

    Chat mate
  9. J

    How can i find a chat mate?

    Chat mate
  10. B

    I think my room mate is a gay?

    This guy doent have girlfriend he seems strange to me and recently i had sex whith another women and he is busy going by my back telling my roomates bad things about me i dont understand him is he a gay or not.
  11. K

    why does my room mate stop trying to talk to me?

    its like she is leaving soon, she's not going to be my room mate anymore and its like she never says anything. i dont even know why, we have nothing to fight over? i know its over-analyzing but look I live with her in a single room. I just want it to be pleasant? I cant leave now. i don't...
  12. L

    Why won't my male dog mate with my female dog on heat?

    After careful planning and selection we have found the perfect male border collie for our beautiful female border collie cross. She has been on heat for 10 days, and when put with the dog, seems very keen to mate with him (tale up and to one side, bottom facing him, etc) However, except for a...
  13. L

    Why won't my male dog mate with my female dog on heat?

    After careful planning and selection we have found the perfect male border collie for our beautiful female border collie cross. She has been on heat for 10 days, and when put with the dog, seems very keen to mate with him (tale up and to one side, bottom facing him, etc) However, except for a...
  14. B

    Who was John Bell's running mate of the Election of 1860?

    Just as the title says. Help is appreciated thanks!
  15. J

    introducing gerbils to mate?

    so about last june probally about june 6-8 2010 a black female gave birth to my now lucy and sophie. i have just tried introducing a male i have a fifty five gallon long aquarium so space isnt an issue (especialy seeing as how breeders use 20gallons) i also have a 20 gallon for babies ive let...
  16. B

    How can i get my pigeons to MATE (have sex) ?

    Yes A couple of days ago i bouqht - a pair of homeing pigeons - and i would like to know what can i do or how long does it take them to mate , iknow its to soon but i wanted to know .
  17. L

    At what point in a new relationship should you introduce your mate to the kids?

    Should there really be a waiting period before doing so?
  18. P

    Would I be able to mate a Rover 3.5l v8 to a Porsche 968 transmission?

    I'm considering building a kit car, specifically a Ferrari 355 GTS, based off of a stretched Pontiac Fiero chassis. A lot of work will be going into prepping the underpinnings of the car, and I'm wondering if I would be able to mate said engine and transmission in a Fiero with only a 2.75 inch...
  19. M

    Yerba Mate Power-Burn by Applied Nutrition -reviews?

    heyy, i recently went and bought this dietary supplement and i was wonderingg if its any good :) im hoping someone may havee some personal experience with this supplement :). did it work? didnt it work? yess i have changed my diet and i am exercising dailyy, thanks. please answerr :)
  20. N

    Funny pranks to play on my 10 year old sister and her best mate?

    the other night my sister and her friend put a dummy of a werewolf they made in the bath, and in the morning when i went to brush my teeth i almost peed my pants! lol. They then put salt on my toothbrush and stuck a MASSIVE fake spider on my wall. They have been pranking me for days and i really...