
  1. C

    if i comb my dog looks like grey or white things come out of her big lump can't

    comb through? got any ideas
  2. M

    Why do so many YA liberals lump people that make over $200k in with...

    ...billionaires in their rants about the rich? They act like some single guy that makes $225k is flying around in private jets between his several estates. Is that because $225k in one year is more money than most YA liberals can even imagine having so they think its ultra wealthy?
  3. L

    Whats the lump on my earlobe?

    On both my ears i can feel where they have been pierced, but on my left on it feels like a bigger lump and there seems to be abit of puss. I havent wore earrings for years so i cant be allergic to them or anything. Any other idea's?
  4. M

    Lump appeared on nose, WHAT IS IT?!?

    to the left of my left nostril (right under the overhang of my nose) I FEEL THIS LIKE LITTLE LUMP. It only hurts a little when i press it but otherwise thats its. Whatever it is its under the skin (so its not a pimple or something) I noticed it like amonth ago, i felt my nose and felt the same...
  5. I

    I have a lump on my neck that has been there for 2 months, what can it be?

    I went to go see my doctor and got a CT scan, an Ultra Sound, And several blood tests. CT Scan and Ultra sound both showed I have a Big lump + a swollen lymph node. Doctors said it was probably my thyroid and could be cancerous. But then My blood tests came back for my thyroid hormones and white...
  6. E

    I have a lump at the top of my throat where my neck meets my jaw, at the top of

    my adam's apple? What could this be? It hurts a lot, hurts to swallow and sometimes to talk. Please help! Just thought I should add that it is very hard, it feels like a bone.
  7. H

    A lump of concrete falls off a crumbling overpass and strikes an automobile

    traveling on a highway below.? The lump of concrete falls 4.6 m before impact, and the automobile has a speed of 72 km/h. (a) What is the speed of impact of the lump in the reference frame of the automobile? (b) What is the angle of impact? (measured from the vertical)
  8. T

    Experts See 'Lump Sums' In Health Spending's Future

    Los Angeles Times/Dallas Morning News: Some elite California hospitals will begin "bundling" their fees for joint replacement surgeries into a single lump sum in an attempt to rethink the current pricing system that leaves "hospitals and doctors charging separately for their services," driving...
  9. T

    Experts See 'Lump Sums' In Health Spending's Future

    Los Angeles Times/Dallas Morning News: Some elite California hospitals will begin "bundling" their fees for joint replacement surgeries into a single lump sum in an attempt to rethink the current pricing system that leaves "hospitals and doctors charging separately for their services," driving...
  10. T

    Experts See 'Lump Sums' In Health Spending's Future

    Los Angeles Times/Dallas Morning News: Some elite California hospitals will begin "bundling" their fees for joint replacement surgeries into a single lump sum in an attempt to rethink the current pricing system that leaves "hospitals and doctors charging separately for their services," driving...
  11. T

    Experts See 'Lump Sums' In Health Spending's Future

    Los Angeles Times/Dallas Morning News: Some elite California hospitals will begin "bundling" their fees for joint replacement surgeries into a single lump sum in an attempt to rethink the current pricing system that leaves "hospitals and doctors charging separately for their services," driving...
  12. N

    Lump on Genitals.......?

    Hello everyone, I recently found a lump on my penis shaft. It's not attached to my testicles, it's on the penis shaft, underneath the scrotum. It's about the size of a pea. And i'm not getting any pain, either on the lump or any other region of my genitals.
  13. A

    A hard lump under the skin?

    My little brother has a long hard lump that has formed under his skin on his back.. Any ideas what it might be??
  14. D

    I have found a lump on my dogs stomach?

    I have a 12 year old labrador and she has grown up with me ever since i was 2. She has a couple of lumps on her back and we have had these checked out by the vet And they said they are just sists. But recently I have found quite a bi lump in her stomach and i am worried. How much will it be to...
  15. W

    Lump on vagina???????????

    i have a pimple thing on the inside of my vagina.I usely have get pimples in weird places but im kinda worried because it never happened on there before.I toke a mirror and looked down there and it looks like a small pimple and it looks like it popped or whatever and its bleeding alot.I know...
  16. E

    Why do anti-feminists lump all feminists together, yet complain when feminists do

    this to them? I actually believe there are many different kinds of anti-feminist, so I merely use the term as a convenient label to attract the attention of those I wish to speak to. I also presume the same for feminists, it's very rare we all agree. Nonetheless, I often notice that those...
  17. M

    Lump in Left Breast :S?

    This morning, I was giving a self breast examination, I realized it had been a while since my last one. I found a long lump in my left side of my left breast near the armpit. Its about an inch long and 3/4 cm in width. It hurts a bit when I touch it... I am going to see my Doc. Monday.. can...
  18. N

    My dog has a lump on her chest?

    She has a lump the size of a childs fist in her chest. I see her licking it at times but I'm not sure it hurts her or not. She is an older dog 16 yrs. I don't want to take her to a vet and they hurt her. My dog means alot to me my mother got me her when she was a puppy and my mom recentl passed...
  19. J

    sometimes I feel a lump in my testicle?

    Sometimes I feel a lump in my testicle. I can't always find it though. I usually come accross it when im not looking for it. Iam a 14 years old turning 15 soon and im a little scared. My older brother had testicular cancer at the age of 17. Do you think that I can have it. Im kinda scared to...
  20. B

    Lump on bottom of testicle?

    About a month ago i found a lump on the TOP or BOTTOM i can't tell but not on the side of my testicle it only hurts if you squeeze it what could this be possible???