
  1. A

    Botox Approved For Surprising (Yet Logical) Purpose

    The FDA itself says that incontinence is by and large a preventable and treatable condition, yet 33 million Americans still suffer from in, so it's nice to see a more approvals and research done on the issue, as well as scientists thinking outside the box in order to use existing medicines even...
  2. R

    this is supposedly the hardest logical riddle ever and i think i have the answer

    someone check me? A group of people live on an island. They are all perfect logicians -- if a conclusion can be logically deduced, they will do it instantly. No one knows the color of their eyes. Every night at midnight, a ferry stops at the island. If anyone has figured out the color of their...
  3. A

    Is it logical to break of the 70th week from the 70 week prophecy and defer it

    to an indefinite future? Many churches which believe in a 7-year tribulation impose the idea that the 'prince that shall come' in Daniel 9:26 is ''the'' antichrist and because, in their opinion, antichrist hasn't appeared yet, they break off the 70th week from the 70-week block of time. They say...
  4. R

    Is it logical to assume a position of non-belief on god or is it just a...

    ...prediction like a prophet would use? If you state that you do not believe in god because you have no proof is the reverse any more logical? Is that a definitive reason for a non-belief or belief or are both just an argument from ignorance (Draws a conclusion based on lack of knowledge or...
  5. U

    Are my thoughts logical or paranoid about the warren buffet tax hike ?

    When ever a rich guy campaigns to have their taxes raised I get a bit skeptical about their motivation because the self interest angle is not that obvious I begin to think there is some shell game going on. fact- increased taxes are not in a person's self interst fact warren buffet takes a...
  6. T

    Is there a logical explanation for this or is a spirit trying to contact me?

    My landline has been completely disconnected for quite a while now. However, this morning it rang. It only rang about 3 or 4 times and it really shocked me as i know we are disconnected. I got up to answer it and it stopped, I tried calling 1471 to see if it would let me check who called but I...
  7. A

    if sata 11 is 3.0gbs , wouldnt 6gbs usb3.0 be a more logical choice for data/game...

    ...storage? am i better of not getting an ssd and just getting an external usb 3.0 hdd , wich one is faster ? thanks :)
  8. A

    if sata 11 is 3.0gbs , wouldnt 6gbs usb3.0 be a more logical choice for data/game...

    ...storage? am i better of not getting an ssd and just getting an external usb 3.0 hdd , wich one is faster ? thanks :)
  9. I

    Would it be logical to lease a BMW when I own a 2006 Honda Civic?

    I am not looking to purchase a used BMW and incur the risk of mechanical failures and the cost of maintenance. I paid off the Honda Civic last year. Would it make sense to keep the Honda and lease the BMW?
  10. Q

    What are some humorous books where the main type of humor employed is logical

    fallacy humor? I'm looking for something accessible to a young adult audience. Fiction would be good. So would a book of humorous essays, for example.
  11. S

    Why is Buddhism intelligible, logical, enlightening, peaceful unlike

    Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc..? Even to an atheist, this deistic philosophy is interesting.
  12. L

    Christians, can you point out the logical fallacies in this atheist's statement?

    The following sentence is riddled with so many logical fallacies but I wanted to hear your thoughts: "I realized that if there was a God and he was loving, he would not let me be tortured forever in Hell for honestly being mistaken about his existence. By not believing, I was not trying to...
  13. tttt

    Could you agree that? Christians only. (Logical Answers Only.)?

    If a text must be interpreted in different ways: -literally -metaphorically -allegorically -contextually One could probably spin the text to believe in anything they want. Now if it can be spun to mean anything the interpreter wants, for what they want to get across at a particular time. Does...
  14. D

    We keep seeing theists trying to argue logical fallacies. How would

    teaching logic in school affect theism? If schools (say grade school or middle school) taught logic, including what logical fallacies are and how to detect them, what would be the impact on religion?
  15. Z

    How to find most logical meeting place between 4 towns using geometry?

    The shape is not a cyclic quadrilateral
  16. S

    Are pro-lifers ever going to offer a logical alternative to abortion or r

    they just going to whine incessantly? until the end of time? The Pro-lifers answers to abortion... 1) Adoption - Yeah, sure, as long as the child is a white female baby under the age of three. Those are the babies that people stand on line for. Then the white male babies under the age of...
  17. P

    Is there any logical reason my Laser detector would go off in my car and

    not in my truck? I have a 2003 Chevy Impala, it is not supposed to have navigation, or any satellite communications. I did buy it second hand so I am only partially sure of the above information. It does have a amplifier/antenna booster that may have capabilities for navigation, but that is...
  18. J

    Logical Depression/Dreams?

    Over the course of the past year or so, I have noticed that my dreams routinely involve a:me or multiple people dying and/or b:Some apocalyptic event (The citie's collapsing/burning building's, zombies(lol) etc). Anyway, These dreams don't really disturb me horribly, however, it would be helpful...
  19. G

    There Has To Be a Logical Reason for the Carbon Fiber Toilet [Design]

    Italian designer Alberto Del Biond has created a carbon fiber toilet. Why? That's what I want to know. More »
  20. S

    why do people gossip about others behind their backs? Is there a logical reason ?

    i have a mom and an aunt that i chat with on facebook and we share pics and positive comments with each other. But if i am not on it for a few days they talk crap about me in their inboxes.I see it because i have my mom's password. yes it's wrong to snoop, but why do people gossip?