
  1. T

    Planned Home Births Linked To A Higher Risk Of Perinatal Deaths In Childbirth

    A retrospective population-based study has added to previously published evidence showing that planned home birth in Australia is associated with a higher risk of intrapartum related perinatal mortality (death during labour or after birth owing to problems occurring during labour). Conducted by...
  2. T

    Planned Home Births Linked To A Higher Risk Of Perinatal Deaths In Childbirth

    A retrospective population-based study has added to previously published evidence showing that planned home birth in Australia is associated with a higher risk of intrapartum related perinatal mortality (death during labour or after birth owing to problems occurring during labour). Conducted by...
  3. T

    Planned Home Births Linked To A Higher Risk Of Perinatal Deaths In Childbirth

    A retrospective population-based study has added to previously published evidence showing that planned home birth in Australia is associated with a higher risk of intrapartum related perinatal mortality (death during labour or after birth owing to problems occurring during labour). Conducted by...
  4. T

    Low Growth Hormone Levels Linked To Memory Defects Later In Life Can Be Prevented Wit

    Scientists have shown that early growth hormone supplementation in rats with growth hormone deficiency can prevent defects in memory developing later in adulthood. The study, published in the Journal of Endocrinology is the first to show that memory defects in adults as a result of growth...
  5. A

    anyone interested to have a secured investment in their own name and linked to

    their bank account to earn? You would need to open a forex account with a forex broker of your choice with a minimum capital of USD 5K, we shall be withdrawing the profits on a monthly basis.....any profits over and above 10% of the initial capital would be distributed equally that is 50%...
  6. T

    Pollution Linked To Hospitalizations For Pneumonia In Older Adults

    Older adults with long-term exposure to higher levels of pollution are at higher risk for hospitalization for pneumonia, according to researchers in Canada. "Our study found that among older individuals, long-term exposure to traffic pollution independently increased their risk of...
  7. T

    Anthrax Found In Drums Linked To Infected Woman, US

    US health officials have confirmed samples from a pair of African drums used in a drumming circle attended by a New Hampshire woman who is severely ill in hospital with gastrointestinal anthrax have tested positive for the deadly bacterium... More...
  8. T

    Identification Of Gene Linked To Rare Form Of Progressive Hearing Loss In Males

    A gene associated with a rare form of progressive deafness in males has been identified by an international team of researchers funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. The gene, PRPS1, appears to be crucial in inner ear development and maintenance. The...
  9. T

    Identification Of Gene Linked To Rare Form Of Progressive Hearing Loss In Males

    A gene associated with a rare form of progressive deafness in males has been identified by an international team of researchers funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. The gene, PRPS1, appears to be crucial in inner ear development and maintenance. The...
  10. M

    Repellents and insecticides linked to birth defects in baby boys

    [No message]
  11. T

    Young Adults' Blood Lead Levels Linked To Depression, Panic Disorder

    Young adults with higher blood lead levels appear more likely to have major depression and panic disorders, even if they have exposure to lead levels generally considered safe, according to a report in the December issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "Lead...
  12. T

    Homicide Rates Linked To Trust In Government, Sense Of Belonging, Study Suggests

    When Americans begin routinely complaining about how they hate their government and don't trust their leaders, it may be time to look warily at the homicide rate. In researching the new book American Homicide (Harvard University Press, 2009), an Ohio State University historian tried to make...
  13. T

    Sugary Cola Drinks Linked For First Time To Higher Risk Of Gestational Diabetes

    Researchers from LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Public Health, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, have found for the first time that...
  14. O

    My friend linked photos from his profile to mine on facebook.can i just...

    ...include only MY photos onto my profile? thank you all for your time
  15. S

    I have a Parrot fitted in my car and I have just linked a new phone up to it?

    For some reason my contacts will not come through the Parrot, does anyone know why?? BTW my husbands and my previous phone worked fine, dont know why this one...
  16. J

    What can I do about VISA card fraud linked to internet shopping please?

    I've had fraud on my visa card twice this year and the bank say it's probably because of security problems with my imac. What can I do to prevent it happening again? Thanks.
  17. I

    cartoon, why linked to the bill?

    i m just wondering why the bill would be mentioned in a shot chimpanzee, this seems to take a direction towards Obama.....this is pretty clear that it's a race motivated cartoon, you might have a conflicting opinion out there, i know this is a controvetial topic....
  18. L

    Nintendo wii, linked to other consoles?

    I have a wii and am linked to a couple of other peoples machines. I know a few games are compatible if you both have the same game and you can message. Is there anything else you can do machine to machine? Thankyou
  19. B

    linked to missing export SHELL32.dll shGetFoldPatha?

    I'm trying to install something on an older laptop running Win 98 and I get this message about not being able to link to a missing export SHELL32.dll:sheGetFolderAn. Is this just because WIN 98 is too old? Is there a workaround? Help is appriciated. Thanks.
  20. J

    I am in therapy and have a sexual addiction linked with debting addiction-need... stopping behavoir? I am currently in therapy - I have sexual deviance/addiction issues, debting/spending issues (spend money on prostitutes that I cannot afford) - and I recently met someone who has encouraged me to joing Debtors Anonymous - I tried SCA (Sexual Compulsives Anonymous)...