
  1. Y

    Safe Limewire Alternatives?

    What are some safe and legal limewire alternatives available for download? No viruses!
  2. S

    how to uninstall limewire off my computer?

    i want it off my computer i have tryed going to control panel add/remove but its not on the list thought its on my Computer ... i have even searched it its definitely not in add/remove
  3. R

    If I un-install Limewire, will I lose my music?

    Since Limewire is no longer working, I want to free up space on my computer. If I un-install Limewire, will it delete my music? I have my music saved in the music folder under "Libraries". I can't remember whether I made my own "Limewire" folder, or whether it's the folder the program created...
  4. P

    Thoughts on Limewire being shut down?

    Feel free to share your thoughts..
  5. D

    Im looking for good limewire alternatives?

    Okay last year i was doing music for conformations and communions and stuff just for relatives and now one as come up I had no problems last year getting music from limewire but i assume you know that limewire is gone. i need a place to download good free music. Ive tried imesh but its not that...
  6. J

    Is there a way to get free music other than limewire and frostwire?

    I'm looking for a way to get free music other than limewire and frostwire seeing is limewrie destroyed my last computer. And now i have a youtube converter but it freezes and takes to long to download all the songs i want. Anyone help?
  7. L

    Does the older version of limewire still works?

    does the older version of limewire still works and what version?
  8. D

    Limewire is no longer in service any replacement site available?

    LimeWire is under a court order dated October 26, 2010 to stop distributing the LimeWire software. A copy of the injunction can be found here. LimeWire LLC, its directors and officers, are taking all steps to comply with the injunction. etc blah blah blah.. TY I got it now :)
  9. K

    Bit torrents? Isn't using a bit-torrent the same as limewire? Therefore...

    ...still illegal? Can't you still get into trouble for doing that.
  10. K

    Bit torrents? Isn't using a bit-torrent the same as limewire? Therefore...

    ...still illegal? Can't you still get into trouble for doing that.
  11. D

    sites like limewire and frostwire?

    it needs to be ipod compatible, not shareaza, not bearshare, not mp3rocket
  12. H

    Whats another free music download place like limewire?

    I had to delete everything off my iTouch so I have no music on there as of right now. I used to use Limewire until it shutdown, is there any thing similar that is just as simple to use, i couldnt understand frostwire
  13. H

    Whats another free music download place like limewire?

    I had to delete everything off my iTouch so I have no music on there as of right now. I used to use Limewire until it shutdown, is there any thing similar that is just as simple to use, i couldnt understand frostwire
  14. J

    Deleted my limewire folder and half of my Itunes Library?

    I deleted my limewire file by accident and now my itunes songs can't be played becuase they can't be found. A couple weeks ago i transfered most of the songs to my portaby harddrive becuase my computer was acting weird and i wanted to save them in case it crashed. What do i do now to get the...
  15. K

    How to fix limewire on the computer?

    My limewire has been taken over by the government and I cannot use it. I really want to fix it and i have tried to download different versions and none have worked. Is it fixable? If so how or where can i download a working version?
  16. T

    I am currently using Limewire and my results are a bunch of limewire spam....

    ...Any other sites where i can down-? load for free? Music, howard stern show, etc. Thanks for your help. sorry about that. It's not limewire i am using. it is frostwire. And i get a bunch of frostwire spam.
  17. S

    Is there any website out there to get music from like Limewire?

    A website thats also FREE like lime wire. Thank you sooo much!
  18. A

    Question about Limewire?

    I used to have Limewire on my computer but I deleted it when the site got in legal trouble last year. I was just browsing the internet a little bit ago and found an advertisement for I went to it and it is a website to download limewire pro for free. I went to limewires...
  19. C

    Downloading limewire?

    Ive downloaded Limewire a couple times and it does not even want to open. It will flash the opening part but then suddenly closes. I cant figure out what is causing this and its irritating me. I had it before and it worked great then all of a sudden it stopped working for me. How do I fix this?
  20. M

    where can i get music for free like i did on limewire?

    sense limewire is shut down where can i get new music? i dont have an ipod for itunes so that out of the answer.