
  1. S

    I am word of seven letters! people eat me! If u remove 1 letter i wil be a

    form of game, If u remove my first? I am word of seven letters! people eat me! If u remove 1 letter i wil be a form of game, If u remove my first 2 letters i wil be needed for driving, If u remove first 3 letters i wil be a adjactive, If u remove my first 4 letters i wil become a season for u.
  2. S

    Dad won't notarize a letter for a vacation?

    I'm 16 years old, almost 17 from Canada and I am planning on going on a trip alone into the USA to visit a friend for a few days. My parents have been divorced for 14 years and both have custody, but I've been living full time with my mom since I was a baby and I never speak to my father. My mom...
  3. T

    Research Letter Suggests Twitter May Serve As A Good Forum For Communicating Informat

    JAMA Dermatology Study Highlights A research letter by Kamal Jethwani, M.D., M.P.H., of the Center for Connected Health, Boston, and colleagues suggests that clinicians can learn about the perceptions and misconceptions of diseases like acne via Twitter, and communicate reliable medical...
  4. T

    I recently got a letter saying i owed money to Bell from a old bill my ex told me

    he was taking care of? when we were dating now i got a letter saying its in collection and I dont have alot of money because I have a disability and i dont work and i dont get much from the government at the end of each month does the collection people do much? or do i have a few months to make...
  5. S

    so im writing a letter to my uncle joe he smokes and i want to tell him...

    ...to stop smoking in this letter? give me a full letter with why he should stop smoking?
  6. T

    Research Letter, Viewpoint, Invited Commentary Examine Cervical Cancer Screening Inte

    JAMA Internal Medicine Study Highlights A research letter by Zahava Berkowitz, M.S.P.H., M.Sc., of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and colleagues found that most of the 2,087 primary care clinicians surveyed recommended Papanicolaou (pap) tests sooner than recommended by...
  7. M

    When was the last time you wrote and recieved a handwritten letter?

    I'm writing one right now, and my last one was in December.
  8. A

    Anonymous Mom: An Open Letter To My Bipolar Husband

    You’re never going to stop being bipolar, and I’m never going to be able to wear a bikini without looking like a lumpy loaf of white bread. That’s how I see your problem, as just another part of you. You look past my weight, even appreciate it at times, and I spend very little of my day worrying...
  9. Z

    Need help in writing a Recommendation Letter?

    So far I know to start of by typing To Whom it may Concern, but the heading do I type my address name &etc or the name of the person I'm recommencing? Plz help
  10. A

    The Scarlet Letter, passage breakdown, HELP!?

    I'm supposed to explain the significance of this piece in relation to the Custom House Introduction of the Scarlet Letter, but I'm having a hard time understanding. Can anyone help me better interpret the significance of this passage in order to write a literary analysis of if? Here it is: And...
  11. F

    Recreation Poerty changed into a letter?

    Hey guys I have picked a poem, 'born yesterday' i have written half a page but i need to write more can you please give me some ideas what i can write.. i have chosen to change it into a letter. and can i have good words too please thankyoou
  12. M

    who I can write an annual vacation letter for four months?

    my two years is complete in this company and now I want to go to vacation for four months from march 2013 to june 2013 with one month vacation salary, air ticket fare.
  13. Z


    ...LAST..? can anyone get me the answer of this riddle??..........
  14. Z


    ...LAST..? can anyone get me the answer of this riddle??..........
  15. C

    what are some cute & funny things to put in a short letter for someone?

    for example 1.i need to tell u something but look at # 3 2.aha last time look at #4 3.ahaha now look at #5 4.i wanted to say ....never mind i'll tell u in person =) 5.i know ur getting mad but look at #2
  16. A

    9-Year-Old Paralyzed Girl Makes Everyone Cry With Letter To Drunk Driver

    Last July, just before her eighth birthday, Xitclalli “Chilli” Vasquez was hit by a drunk driver who left her paralyzed from the waist down. Now, during the sentencing in court for this man, Chilli, who is now nine, wrote a touching letter that left everyone in the courtroom--including the man...
  17. T

    What e-mail service allow to send letter to many recipients?

    google let send no more than 500 recipients, where more?
  18. V

    How do you send a fan letter to a movie star?

    That lives in another country?
  19. A

    10-Year-Old Girl Writes Touching Letter To Obama, Thanking Him For Gay Marriage

    Wow. Just when we thought this election was losing perspective, a 10-year-old girl comes along and reminds all of us what's truly important. Sophia Bailey Klugh wrote the most touching letter to President Obama, thanking him for supporting her two dads and then asking the President a very...
  20. A

    The Vent: Reaction to 50/50 offer; open letter to Gary Bettman

    THE VENT is a forum for rants, raves, pleas and laments from hockey fans across the world about the NHL lockout. It runs every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. If you've got a take on the lockout and need to let it out, email us at [email protected], Subject: The Vent.) Here' is Andrea...