
  1. F

    what comedian talks about a bad time to laugh I cannot seem to find it on google?

    He talks about an inappropriate time to laugh and talks about suppressing his laugh and about an old lady falling out of a church pew. I know it was a stand up segment done with in the last 8 years, its not terribly old. who does it and whats the name of the skit? I though it was "a time not to...
  2. G

    Help I laugh at everything?

    I just can't stop laughing? I was just sitting there talking to my mum about my hair and things and then I just randomly started laughing, people think I'm weird because of it, how do I controll my laughter? Please help!
  3. 2

    why do i laugh when i see a capricorn?

    maybe i laugh at what they dont know
  4. 1

    What are some movies where you laugh at every part ?

    I laugh at every part of Shaun Of The Dead & Napoleon Dynamite. Hahah
  5. E

    Do you want to laugh?!?! Follow me on twitter then!?

    Hey! Follow me on twitter @kidsyoubabysit for some hilarious tweets! I'm just going to tweet all of the funny things the kids I babysit say. I just made it, but there will be much more to come. Share with your friends please:)
  6. H

    Is Alex Salmond having a laugh at us?

    £470,000 on a golfing junket for him and his flunkies.
  7. B

    Why do we laugh and why do we cry?

    Why do we laugh when we are being tickled?Told a funny joke, or seen something we think is funny? Why do we cry when we get hurt? Both Physicaly and mentally?... Thank you please Explain in perfect understandable detail. Thanks (:
  8. J

    Why did this girl laugh? 10 pts for best answer?

    alright so i'm in college and i was at the gym and some guy cut me in line and i was like: hey bro i was in line ( and he was like sorry and went to the end of the line)and then this random girl laughs after observing what happened.... wtf? was it cuz i looked stupid?
  9. R

    Why does my ex laugh at me??? Please help!!!?

    I broke up with my ex boyfriend a few weeks ago. We live in the same dorm and when I saw him with his friend I said hi to him and his friend so it wouldn't be awkward. His friend said hi back to me and than my ex started to laugh right at me. His friend didn't laugh back. Why is my ex laughing...
  10. G

    Why do girls look at me and laugh?

    Ok, to be honest I have a different hairstyle from the majority of the guys. My hair is somewhat is like "Itachi" of Naruto fame. Girls tend to look at me and giggle or smile sometimes. It feels very weird and irritating to me. Can anyone tell me why they do that? :/
  11. O

    People laugh at me when they see me driving?

    i am one month away from turning 18 but i look like a 12 year old. people make fun of me for it. i cant even get a girlfriend my own age. the last girlfriend i had got teased by her friends for dating a "primary school kid". when people i dont know ask for my age i lie and say i am 14 just so...
  12. B

    Why do guys laugh at the word cock?How dumb?

    Like in our class that day a teacher was explaining about a maths sum where this word came.Whenever he used the word guys were giggling.I think thats very immature and silly.Can't guys ever take things normally do they have to attach sex to everything.
  13. S

    I guarantee I can make you laugh? 2:16 IS THE FUNNIEST PART!! IT WILL LEAVE YOU CRYING WITH LAUGHTER!! It's a hidden camera show from a few years ago :D
  14. M

    I get anxiety attacks when people laugh, ....?

    It's whn I hear people laugh, if I see people smiling and talking, I could be in my room on my laptop, and I'll hea my roommates laughing outside my room and I freak out.
  15. J

    What is it called when you laugh once without humor?

    Or let a noise from the back of your throat as a response to something ludicrous. sry i should specify... It is for writing purposes so I need the actual term. Like a snort for example.
  16. M

    Last Youtube video that made you laugh?

    What was the last video that made you laugh? or the first video that comes to your mind anyway!
  17. L

    Why did this girl laugh at me?

    It was my first time speaking to her yesterday and I was really nervous so it was silent while we were walking. So out of no where I asked "how's life?" She laughed then looked at her friend still laughing. I just told her I had to make a call and left. Why did she laugh? I'm going back to...
  18. V

    Are leggings ugly,I mean some people stare at my a as and laugh wtf ?

    Hey we'll my mom bought me 2 pairs of Tan leaped color,and one black one with stripes. And it seems that people are making rude comments an whisper,and giving me dirty looks when I wear leggings,I think it's because my ass looks big ,idk ? Someone came up to me and said u look...
  19. D

    Do you ever laugh for no reason?

    When I'm in a good mood EVERYTHING makes me laugh. And sometimes I have random laugh attacks where even tears of laughter come out, for NO reason. Lol, anyone else experience this...?
  20. O

    Where can I watch just for laugh gags online best answer 10 points?

    I started watching that show on youtube and I want to continuing to watch ot bu youtube only has season 9 and its a Canadian show and I live in america and by the way dont say the (just kidding) in Disney XD cuz that one are reruns of season 9 so plz help find a website were I can watch this...