
  1. J

    Is my penis small, medium or large for my age?

    i am 13 and yesterday measured my penis and on the inches side its almost 7 and a half (abit off that) and 18 cm. i am being honest. so is this big medium or small and if small how much can i expect it to grow until i stop growing?
  2. W

    Advise please on re-seeding after downloading a large file on torrent site?

    When Using a torrent server its kinda fair to then re-seed to back to the community. People also dont take kindly to leecher's But say like you got a file 60 + gigs that could take weeks to re- seed. A File made up of music samples.
  3. D

    As a large truck in the oncoming lane races past my small car, my car is...

    ...pulled towards the truck. Why ? I am driving in the lane closest to the oncoming traffic on the highway. As a large truck in the oncoming lane races past my small car, my car is pulled towards the truck. Why is it so?
  4. J

    Democrats, what is the economic benefit of a large percentage of federal...

    ...spending going to interest payments? The government gets nothing for that, no entitlements or anything, just money paid to investors...
  5. C

    Shipping some large boxes from Washington DC to Brazil.?

    I need to know a good company that does shipments to Brazil from DC area. It is nothing urgent so it doesn't have to be fastest way but yes the most trusted one and affordable. These would be personal items, nothing really too complicated. thanks.
  6. P

    Could eating large amounts of cooked onions and garlic cause bad breath?

    My mum puts heavy, heavy amounts of onions and garlic in my dinner each day. She puts about a cup of blended onions and blocks and blocks of frozen garlic into whatever she is cooking. Do you think this is having an impact on my breath? Could a diet like this be the reason why i get constant...
  7. M

    What dvd disc do I use to burn large wii games?

    I normally use sony dvd-r discs but I want to burn a game that is almost 8gb. Can I use a dual layer disc? Which type is the best?
  8. H

    What's in the pipeline in next couple of years for a large *hybrid* SUV or van?

    We need to buy a hybrid SUV or van that meets certain criteria. We have a couple of less than ideal choices available on the market NOW, but we don't know whether a model that would suit our needs better is in the pipeline to come out in a year or two. I am hoping that someone who has their...
  9. T

    Do Eggs Matured In The Laboratory Result In Babies With Large Offspring Syndrome?

    A review of studies of babies born after in vitro maturation (IVM) fertility treatment has suggested that they are more likely to be born larger than normal and to have more difficult births requiring more obstetric interventions such as caesareans... More...
  10. S

    Why do "large" teens complain about being so big when they do it to themselves.?

    Why do "large" teens complain about being so big when they do it to themselves.? There's so many shows about fat teens and how we should feel bad for them when its there fault they are the way they are. Unless they have a hereditary problem or something (which is not the case on those mtv...
  11. E

    I have an old 500Watt Stereo system with large speakers. Can I buy bookshelf...

    ...speakers for it? Are there any particular brands that have higher sound quality?
  12. T

    Is It Safe For Endoscopic Piecemeal Mucosal Resection In Treating Large Sessile Color

    Endoscopic resection of large sessile colorectal polyps is increasingly used as an alternative to surgery, but remains challenging because of its technical difficulty, the high risk of complications such as bleeding or perforation, and the possibility of coexisting malignancy. This research...
  13. T

    Evaluation Of Radiobiologic Biochemical Control In Large Permanent Prostate Brachythe - Although several studies have reported a dose-response in permanent seed prostate brachytherapy implants, we were unable to find a dose-response in our patient population or a detailed case-control radiobiological analysis.(1, 2) In our latest attempt,(3) we updated the post...
  14. S

    Do clothes by Religion generally run large or small? Also, how tall is the

    model in this picture?,Dresses+-+Day,Skirts&Rf-300=1370&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=200&sort=-1&clr=Grey#ctl00_ContentMainPage_mainImage1 I'm asking as I'm thinking of buying this skirt myself [in...
  15. L

    big difference in cooking with medium grade eggs compared to large?

    they had medium grade eggs on sale they other day so i bought some thinking i make them for breakfast but i have a recipe that i want to make that calls for 3 whole egg whites...does it matter that im using medium eggs instead of large? do i have to compensate for that somehow?
  16. C

    Camp cooking for a large group?

    For my thirtieth birthday, I'm organizing a big camping trip and we have between 15 and 25 people coming to a provincial park. Some of these people have never been camping before, and probably wouldn't be able to make their own food without electricity. We're hoping to do most of the meals as a...
  17. A

    How do I take large MPEG-4 files shrink them, and put them on 4.7 GB DVD-RW

    disks to watch on my computer? The MPEG files are on my computer and take up way too much space. Right now the files are too large to put on disks. How can I either split them or shrink them in order to put them on disks so that I can watch therm on my computer or DVD machine?
  18. T

    Large Majority Of Americans Still Believe In Global Warming, Stanford Poll Finds

    Three out of four Americans believe that the Earth has been gradually warming as the result of human activity and want the government to institute regulations to stop it, according to a new survey by researchers at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. The survey was...
  19. T

    Lower IQ Linked To Higher Attempted Suicide Risk, Large Swedish Study

    A large scale study of over 1.1 million men living in Sweden that spanned nearly a quarter of a century found a link between lower IQ measured in early adulthood and higher risk of attempted suicide later in life. The prospective cohort study was the work of Dr Finn Rasmussen, a professor in...
  20. T

    Antibody Therapy Lengthens Survival Of Metastatic Melanoma Patients In Large Clinical

    A therapy that multiplies the effect of a natural disease-fighting antibody has extended the lives of patients with metastatic melanoma in a large, international clinical trial. The study's researchers will report their findings simultaneously at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)...