
  1. V

    Are the Laker Girls Black Enough? Ratio Not Very Diverse

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  2. S

    what goes through your minds when steve blake is running your offense laker fans?

    as a non-laker fan it puts a smurk to my grill haha
  3. J

    What's worse, having a lot of bragging laker fans or a bunch of whining...

    ...and crying laker fans? Laker fans were bragging about 3 peating when they thought they got Chris Paul, Hell some fan even has Lakers for a 3 peat as his username, how crazy is that? And after the trade got cancelled all i see is a bunch of losers crying over Stern cancelling the trade...
  4. C

    Isnt it funny how all the Laker fans have changed their avatars back to Kobe...

    ...since they are winning? SHIFT had some type of weird avatar but now all of a sudden its Kobe. Mind you he isnt the only user DOMINANCE - THE KOBE ERA 2000 - NBA Champion 2001 - NBA Champion 2002 - NBA Champion, All-Star MVP 2003 - 30 ppg, 7 rpg, 6 apg, 2.2 spg 2004 - Finals Appearance 2005...
  5. M

    Isn't it funny that ''Laker fan'' call the Heat fans bandwagoners because

    of Lebron James when they're only? only a Laker fan because of Kobe? Lakers hometown fans suck just like Miami Hometown fans But out of state fans are mostly a Kobe fans which means they're bandwagoners. Its like the Pot calling the kettle black. Remember when kobe wanted to be traded like...
  6. S

    Is there any where I can watch the Laker game live on my iPhone!!? ?

  7. A

    what point guard could the laker get from free agency or trade who could they... for a point guard? who could they trade for
  8. A

    what point guard could the laker get from free agency or trade who could they... for a point guard? who could they trade for
  9. A

    what point guard could the laker get from free agency or trade who could they... for a point guard? who could they trade for
  10. A

    what point guard could the laker get from free agency or trade who could they... for a point guard? who could they trade for
  11. A

    what point guard could the laker get from free agency or trade who could they... for a point guard? who could they trade for
  12. S

    what point guard could the laker get from free agency or trade who could they...

    They really cant afford anybody unless they get rid of one of there quality players
  13. A

    what point guard could the laker get from free agency or trade who could they... for a point guard? who could they trade for
  14. L

    Wanna hear my big prediction for the Laker's future?

    WE WILL GET KEVIN DURANT THE DAY AFTER KOBE RETIRES Whether Its through a trade or free agency, Kevin Durant will be a Laker. I guarantee it
  15. S

    So the laker's "superstar" went off the court whining again, huh?

    Does this guy ever quite acting like a spoiled brat?
  16. J

    Laker- Celitcs Playoffs Finals Game (3)?? Any good prediction for Playoffs Finals

    Game (3)? fot my bet! pllllllllllllllssss
  17. K

    Am i now getting upset because i ranted against Laker fans all year and.....?

    now i get to watch them go to the Finals again whilst my boy Lebrick has "gone fishin" again? Why am i still desperately trying to compare Lebron and Kobe when i know deep down that Lebrick isnt even in the conversation anymore? Why do i do this and think i can get away with it basketball section?
  18. W

    Deja vu laker fans!!! Lol?

    Well it look like the lakers will have another chance at the boston celtics since they battle in 2008..who do u think will win?..lakers? nawl..well i think the same thing gonna happen this year and celtics takin it all over the lakers..2 much...
  19. N

    Am I the only one that thinks the Laker's box score looks really funny?

    Take a look at the box core of the Lakers and tell me that isn't the box score of a very selfish team. Btw, I hope Laker fans understand the game enough to know that this type of play will not win a championship. Even coach Phil Jackson said...
  20. A

    For all you Laker fans? Pop Quiz?

    1. Magic Johnson 2.That really tall white dude...I'll remember in a second 3.Mike Dunleavy 4.7 players and 1 Chick Hearn! 5.Shaq? 6.Kobe and Fisher 7.SG 8.He played in the Macdonalds game with Ron Artest. 9.???..not sure but it was high. 10.Andrew Bynum.