
  1. N

    Is the Christian God on vacation, or possibly laid off his job and currently...

    ...unemployed in the 21st century? I mean, he was active a few thousand years ago, guaranteeing safe passage across split seas, turning rods into snakes, turning water into wine, killing the firstborn sons of Egyptians, etc. Did the Christian God relocate to another universe to look for...
  2. C

    What will all the volunteer White House tour guides do now that they are laid off

    for money? How will they replace the pay they never recieved? How much money did the Liar in Chief save? @Krista - Thanks for making that up. Vounteers give the tours and sometimes whitehouse employees might fill in when needed.
  3. K

    How does the interior air vent system in a car work? How is it laid out?

    I was installing an ipod adapter and when putting a panel back in I suspect a little metal clip fell down into the air vent. It's an accord and it's the pair of vents between the dashboard and glove compartment. Mostly wondering how the "plumbing" is laid out and if it's possible to get the...
  4. G

    Anti-evolution and anti-climate science bills laid bare

    Read the comments on this post...
  5. G

    Whitney Houston, RIP: Singer Laid to Rest at Fairview Cemetery

    May Whitney Houston find the peace that eluded her in life. Friends and family said a final farewell to the iconic pop singer Sunday at a private, invite-only burial at Fairview Cemetery...
  6. I

    I have 2 pairs of zebra finch and one of the birds laid just 1 egg 3

    days ago. she doesnt seem to care about t? The birds seem healthy and active. They built a nest too but i dont think they are gonna breed cause the males are not singing. Please tell me whats happening. Thanks :)
  7. S

    Any laid back lounges in NYC with a 20+ age limit open til at least 2 am?

    I'm 20. Boyfriend is 22. It sucks that we can't go to many places because you must be 21. Just trying to find some nice places for us to hang out. Neither of us like the homebody lifestyle. It gets boring after a while. Thanks in advance!
  8. G

    How do I get laid on a cruise?

    I'm going on a cruise at christmas and i want to get it in. I'm a 20 year old girl. where do i begin?
  9. S

    Do you know that a south Indian prince named Bodhidharma laid the

    foundation for Chinese kungfu? Bodhidharma reached china and taught Chinese people this martial art.....
  10. L

    Saved By The Bell fans: Do you think Zack and Slater got laid ( on the show)?

    If so with who
  11. C

    Mystery snail laid eggs?

    yes they can give them time
  12. E

    Mystery snail laid eggs?

    My sisters black Mystery Snail has laid two clumps of eggs above the water line. We've had the snail for at least 8 months now, and it's only ever been the only one in the tank...My question is, will these eggs hatch or will they just sit there since there's no second snail to fertilize? I'm not...
  13. G

    What are some really laid back rock songs like these ones?

    I'm hooked on Mother by Pink Floyd and Us and Them. I am also listening to Imagine by John Lennon. Can anybody name a song like those that I will be interested in? You know. Really laid back rock songs.
  14. J

    A girltold me if a guy makes me laugh alot hes as good as laid. WHY? Why

    are women so turned on by humour? Like if a lady made me laugh id like her but I wouldn't be turned on by the her humour!? Great answer Ghost thanks mate Its time I got me some funny!
  15. A

    Which celebrity has a classy/chic/and laid back style?

    Something in between Audrey Hepburn and Jennifer Anniston
  16. M

    Jingle bells United smells Wenger laid an egg ?

    Ancelloti cried cos drogba died and Liverpool won the league hey ! ^_^ StevANDO GerRES ? what in fecks name r u goin on about you nutcase lol
  17. J

    What was your reaction the first time you laid down your bike?

    Getting my first bike soon this year, I just want to know what to expect when I lay it down my first time. Just tell us your story.
  18. T

    How to Get Laid Without Getting Screwed - Round 2 - Jul 24,2010

    He's back! Laying down the law about relationships, how to wine, dine, refine, keep, and surrender gracefully your relationship without being taken to the cleaners! Men and women are encouraged to bring anyone who might need this real talk about grown up relationships. RK Hendrick, Esq. In...
  19. D

    Which Religion is the most laid back?

    What I'm trying to say, Which religion, preferably in the Christian domain, is the least uptight and needy for attention? An even simpler way of saying it: Which religion doesn't need me to do anything but believe?
  20. H

    How do I know this guy is just laid back or just wants sex?

    I have been seeing this guy for just over 2 weeks he makes as much effort as he possibly can to see me. It seems as though he is playing it by ear. But I am not sure if he is just really relaxed, interested in just sex or wants a relationship. The coversations are stimulating and intellectual...