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    Clear up Junk Files and Private Data from iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

    Watch Video: PhoneClean can remove the junk files like app caches, temp files, cookies, etc. to release more space and speed up your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. What’s more, it can also clear the sensitive content permanently to protect your privacy. > Secure your privacy data like SMS...
  2. D

    Clear Private Data and Junk Files from Your iPad, iPhone & iPod

    SafeEraser cleans up sensitive data like Apple ID, browsing history, messages, call history and more completely to 100% protect your privacy. It also woks well on clearing junk files to speed your iOS devices. Watch Video: youtu.be/6Th9RAkBv1I Supported iOS Version & Devices: iPhone 5S...
  3. C

    Remove Junk Files on Your iPad to Make It Running Faster

    For iPad users, playing games, watching movies, browsing online, listening music may be the usually things they do. But most of them don't know there would much of junk files when they do these things, and the junk files will eat much space of their iPad. Watch Video...
  4. B

    Remove Junk Files to Make Your iPhone 5S/5/4S Run Faster

    For iPhone 5S/5C/5/4S users, files you thought were deleted, caches, offline files, cookies and temporary files could be clogging up your system. These files are eating the space of your iPhone and making it work slower. Watch Video: youtube.com/watch?v=4ILHNHJvJkA PhoneClean is a smart tool...
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    Delete and Remove Junk Files & Clear Private Data on iPhone 5S/5C/5

    PhoneClean (iPhone Cleaner) Always Keeps Your iPhone Clean and Even Protects Your Privacy from Prying Eyes, Cleaning garbage in Your iPhone, iPad & iPod touch. > Gives you an all-around and risk-free iOS cleaning and optimization solution > The only iDevice utility that offers quick and...
  6. S

    When DC's credit is downgraded to junk status and all spending is frozen...?

    Q1: Will Latinos try to return to Mexico (whose peso is backed by increasing gold reserves as their govt trades its oil for gold)? Q2: Will they be stopped at the border as the Mexican govt refuses to take on the burden of (official est) 40 to 60 million illegals and their descendants (kids...
  7. A

    It’s World UFO Day: Alien Space Junk Gallery

    Greetings Earthlings! World UFO day is upon us again. We celebrate today to commemorate the "alleged" UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico 1947. More » It’s World UFO Day: Alien Space Junk Gallery is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes...
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    Wonderful New Federal Laws Ban Junk Food In Schools

    I love a good chocolate bar or Cheez-It from time to time, but I’m very happy that these new regulations passed Thursday about junk food in schools — with surprising bipartisan agreement. More » Wonderful New Federal Laws Ban Junk Food In Schools is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy...
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    McDonalds CEO Says “We Don’t Sell Junk Food,” Pushes Kiwi On A Stick

    McDonald's is holding its annual shareholder meeting today in Chicago, and it seems the fast food chain's CEO is not only business-savvy but also a comedian. How else to explain his comments on the role of McDonald's in the obesity crisis? More » McDonalds CEO Says “We Don’t Sell Junk Food,”...
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    Celebrity Endorsement Encourages Children To Eat Junk Food

    A study by the University of Liverpool has found that celebrity endorsement of a food product encourages children to eat more of the endorsed product. It also found that children were prompted to eat more of the endorsed product when they saw the celebrity on TV in a different context. Celebrity...
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    Babies Born Addicted To Junk Food? It’s (Sort Of) A Thing

    The old adage that pregnant women are "eating for two" is so much truer than the pre- neuroscience-obsessed*eras knew. A new study of pregnant women with poor diets found mothers can actually pass on a junk food "tolerance" to unborn children, setting them up for a lifetime of being less...
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    Melanoma Genes Found In "Junk" DNA

    US scientists have found two new mutations in non-coding (formerly dubbed "junk") DNA that occur in 71% of malignant melanomas. They say the highly recurrent mutations may be the most common in this deadliest form of skin cancer, more common than the already well-known protein-coding BRAF...
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    Poll Says People Want To Fight Obesity, But Not Lose Junk Food; What Do You Think?

    In a country where millions of people are well over the line to obese, where a salad will almost always cost less than a high-fat burger, it is painfully obvious that something needs to change. It's widely recognized that there has to be something to battle this ever-growing problem. The...
  14. U

    Are there any good Torrents that have little or no junk bundled within them?

    I am very new to this and what little i have done bugs me because i get all this junk with it and the Browser changes, what i did was I Legally bought The Untouchables from iTunes a short time ago for $14.99, so it's mine, i didn't steal it i paid for, i just wanted to get that across, now you...
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    Report: Junk Food In Schools Accounts For 400 Billion Calories Every Year

    If you side with*"hungry" high schoolers*and uninformed lawmakers*who care about business more than the health of our kids,*you may think that new regulations on school lunches, which are designed to to cut down on junk food, are just too nanny state-ish. But it's not just Michelle Obama who's...
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    Junk Food Advertising To Kids: Self-Regulation Is Failing Across Europe

    Advertising of junk food continues to undermine children's health despite the food industry's promises that they would restrict their marketing activities, according to a new report A Junk-Free Childhood 2012: Marketing foods and beverages to children in Europe published by the International...
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    Kids tablets -- Serious toys, or serious junk?

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  18. A

    Jamie Oliver Rightly Shames David Beckham For Promoting Junk Food

    Are pro athletes responsible for the products they endorse?*British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver thinks so and is bashing David Beckham*for representing companies like Pepsi and Burger King. At the start of the Olympic Games, it's a controversial, yet good point: Athletes should not enter into...
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    ‘Simple’ Junk Food: When 5 Ingredients Or Less Isn’t Good For You

    "Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce," is, according to Michael Pollan's Food Rules, a pretty easy way to prevent your diet from going off the rails. And while focusing on simple, high-quality ingredients is definitely a great way to frame a...
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    Crazy Vegans Want Obama To Quit Eating Junk Food In Public

    In today's ridiculous health news, one advocacy group has started a petition to stop President Obama from ever eating unhealthy food in public again. Like this is going to solve anything when it comes to our obesity crisis. More »Post from: Blisstree