
  1. C

    can post traumatic stress affect sexual judgment?

    im wondering because i had a car accident in 9th grade . im in 12th now and am having bi curious thoughts . the thing is tho that ive never had theese before and am wondering if it could be a pycological disorder , im so confused because when i was younger like 8-14 i hated gays at age 15-16 i...
  2. A

    I have been hearing a lot about the prediction of May 21 being Judgment Day,...

    ...but I'm skeptical.? I am a Christian, but the idea that there may not be much time left is scary. I've been reading about the tribulation period and I'm a little confused about it, has any of the Bible's events leading up to the Judgment happened yet? Or are we in the Tribulation period already?
  3. M

    LOL, October 21st end of the world? May 21st judgment day? say what?

    my ass if anyone believes in this
  4. T

    European Court Of Human Rights To Issue Judgment In Case Challenging Ireland's Restri

    The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) has welcomed the announcement that the European Court of Human Rights will issue a judgment in the case of ABC v Ireland next week. The case was taken by three women living in Ireland who were forced to travel to the UK to access safe abortion...
  5. D

    Signs of judgment day in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism?

    What is the thing in common between those 3 religions about judgment day? I just want to know what do all of these 3 religions say about judgment day that the other religion also says about.. example. Islam says: epidemic, adultery, and slow time. Christianity says: disobedience, adultery, and...
  6. T

    Appeals Court Stays Judgment In HemCon's Patent Infringement Case

    HemCon Medical Technologies, Inc., announced that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit granted HemCon's motion to stay the injunction and final judgment (including the damages award) obtained against it in a patent infringement case brought by Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc. The...
  7. J

    Do repented sins get brought up at Judgment, do Christians go to Lake of Fire?

    At the Judgment where Jesus will judge every person upon the earth... Do Christians get judged upon repented sins or not? And can Christians lose their salvation at Judgment or not? Like can people who did a lot of sins in their lives be thrown into the Lake of Fire despite having been Christians?
  8. G

    The Eye of Judgment JB PS3-ANTiDOTE

    Category: Console-PS3 Size: 11.79 GB Files: 71 (13 pars) Group: a.b.console.ps3 .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed October 13th 13:17:56 UTC Download NZB
  9. J

    Christians: are you warning sinners of impending judgment, and telling them...

    ...of the Savior Jesus Christ? "When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand." (Ezekiel 3:18)...
  10. G

    Castlevania Judgment USA WII-ZRY

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.90 GB Files: 110 (15 pars) Group: a.b.games.wii .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue August 24th 14:36:16 UTC Download NZB
  11. Z

    Quran testifies that Christ is going to stand on day of judgment for his followers?

    According to Quran who may they be.. who are people that he is going to stand for... and why do Muslims Chose to stand for themselves in front of GOD if they know this truth..
  12. B

    1911 style frame chambered in 9mm? Read B4 judgment lol.?

    Hey guys. The situation is this. I am looking to buy a handgun that my wife will be willing to learn to handle. Jumping right into a .45 is not something I wish to try, for fear of discouragement on her part. A .22 would be a fine learning tool, but this gun will be for home defense. I have...
  13. N

    I am looking to partner with interested attorneys, regarding judgment collection.?

    I do court house research on judgments and filter out for high probability collectable judgments, based on certain criteria. I have a big list of such judgments (Mostly Florida). I am looking to partner with any interested attorneys, so that we split the profits from the judgment collection. I...
  14. G

    The Eye of Judgment Legends USA PSN PSP-HR

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 334.86 MB Files: 27 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed March 24th 06:11:24 UTC Download NZB
  15. G

    The Eye of Judgment Legends EUR PSP-pSyPSP

    Category: Console-PSP Size: 363.92 MB Files: 34 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed March 3rd 16:51:28 UTC Download NZB
  16. C

    Why don't Atheists save their complaints for God at Judgment, why complain to us?

    God made the rules afterall.
  17. M

    Humor me, If you died right now, and there was judgment, where would you...

    ...end up ? heaven or hell.? depending on how you lived your life, and even if you don't believe imagine heaven and hell, where would you end up? All religions all faith's, this question is special for atheists
  18. M

    Humor me, If you died right now, and there was judgment, where would you...

    ...end up ? heaven or hell.? depending on how you lived your life, and even if you don't believe imagine heaven and hell, where would you end up? All religions all faith's, this question is special for atheists
  19. M

    Judgment Night (1993)

    Name: Judgment Night (1993) Category: Movies: DVD Size: 4927.41MB Added: 2009-10-23 15:09:42
  20. L

    Can I help my boyfriend develop better judgment skills?

    What thought processes are going on in their heads? I know that the prefrontal cortex that controls decision-making hasn't yet developed, but is there any way to prevent someone from making stupid choices? I'm 17. My boyfriend, 16, is a great person, but he has lapses in judgment..a lot of...