
  1. A

    Travel journalism,books,articles or a program that you have watched?

    books,articles or a program that you have watched what can you learn from others/ exprience of travel how can tourism help the environment what place would you write about
  2. A

    where are some more afordable good collages in the us for fashion journalism?

    i would just like to know a list to see the best best places to go
  3. E

    Besides the military or journalism, what careers could I get into that would allow

    me to travel? As I get closer and closer to to graduating high school, I am looking to choose my major for college. What majors could I take or career fields could I get into that would allow me to travel all over the world, but has nothing to do with the military or journalism?
  4. S

    Cute or Funny phrase for a Journalism t shirt!!?

    I am in competitive journalism writing and the team is trying to find a cute or funny phrase for a t shirt! (ex. the math and science group has a shirt with a linear graph on it that says can't touch this) we just want something kinda catchy:) thanks for your help.
  5. J

    I am a journalism major and I am looking toward purchasing a netbook or an ipad.?

    Which would be better if I'm looking for: -most compact -fastest [pulling up word] -easiest to transfer documents, print, etc.
  6. T

    Why is american journalism more about gossip than the Truth now a days?

    Now they post stories without backing there facts up. they post perverted internet sites as sources that any joe smoe can create and lie on. they rather sell gossip than seek the truth
  7. G

    Bora on Science Journalism on Skeptically Speaking Friday

    Desiree will interview Bora Zivkovic, Blog and Community Editor at Scientific American!!!! Details here Read the comments on this post... More...
  8. L

    Can a Journalism major work at as an assistant editor in a fashion magazine?

    I'm majoring in journalism, wanting to become a reporter then work me way up to the position I described in the question. I have a liking towards teen vogue, elle magazine an "W" magazine. I don't plan to minor in design, but rather English, with this plan would I have enough schooling and...
  9. J

    :)I just joined my High School journalism class & i need some

    interesting topics or ideas that i can write on!? So im new to this whole Journalism thing &school just started so we already decided about like this big football game but i need ideas how we can expand of it not just like write about it since every1 knows what it is. For instance, writing about...
  10. C

    4. How does print journalism significantly differ from televised news? Argue...

    ...three differences in kind.? 4. How does print journalism significantly differ from televised news? Argue three differences in kind.
  11. B

    Does anyone know any good universities to study fashion journalism?

    All i can find it UCA and the university of arts london, and as i live in the north west i dont really want to go that far away to study so was wondering if anyone knew anymore universities that do fashion journalism? thankyou xx
  12. L

    What is a good, catchy name for a journalism publication about

    human-interest pieces/profiles? I have to think of a name for a mock-newspaper for my class. Any suggestions? The pieces included will consist of journalistic stories/profiles in the form of human-interest pieces. I'm looking for something that doesn't have the word "profile" in it.
  13. L

    Fashion Journalism and Graphic Desgin Summer Camp for High schooler in MA?

    I am intrested in Fashion Journalism. I am looking for a camp that is sleep away preferably because my parents cant drive me back and forth every day. I want to take fashion, graphic desgin, and wrighting classes. If there was like a morning and afternoon class so I could take more that would be...
  14. H

    Fashion Journalism?? Confused!?

    I would like to become a fashion journalist when I am older, but I am not sure what subjects to take in later middle school and senior school. Please give any reccomendations to as how I can get a headstart on my dream career and take the right subjects.
  15. K

    High school journalism class, what are possible topics for an interesting article?

    any ideas? thanks.
  16. L

    Does this happen to journalists--or in my case, journalism students?

    In photojournalism class, we were instructed by our professor to take portraits and whatnot. Some mugshots, some environmental portraits, some candid, etcetera. So I went around campus looking for some interesting things and people to photograph, and lo and behold, I took a picture of one of the...
  17. F

    Are you interested in journalism and writing?

    There's a new site on the web that let's you submit articles. They only been online a couple days but it might be a great site for all kinds of writers and readers. I'm just a volunteer. I wish more people would give a little of their time without any reward.
  18. J

    Is that Possible to pursue journalism through correspondence if it is then...

    ...from where? I am giving exams of my 12th standard and want to pursue career in journalism so need suggestion about it and from where I can pursue the course through correspondence.Any help would be highly appreciated.
  19. M

    Writers Bureau Freelance Journalism course. Is this a recognised qualification?

    Has anybody studied this course and freelanced successfully? I am very impressed with the content of this course, but I am concerned that there seems to be just a certificate of achievement once work has been published. Is this recognised? Any recomendations would be appreciated...
  20. J

    Do you need a journalism degree to become a journalist?

    I was wondering that when I attend college will I have to major in journalism to become a journalist. Say I want to write for a newspaper, magazine, or website, do I necessarily have to have a journalism degree? Could I just major in American Studies or American history and minor in journalism...