
  1. V

    Is this new Jonas Tour about the new album?

    I was wondering if this 2013 Jonas Tour is regarding the new album songs or it is like a concert, how may i say it?, "remembering" the old songs. Or is another thing?
  2. M

    Does anyone still like the Jonas Brothers?

    I'm on and off about them. One day I say I still like them and then a couple days later I say I don't like them anymore. I still have almost all of their songs on my Ipod. I listen to them once in a while but not as much as I used to. I mostly listen to the other songs on my ipod. I feel like...
  3. L

    The jonas brothers question lol?

    Okay, this question might sound rude, i love the jonas music and everything, but i have to ask what jonas do you guys like more? kevin, nick, or joe? I personally like Kevin. (:
  4. R

    Are Jonas L.A. episodes on DVD?

    Because jonas are on DVD i was just wondering if Jonas L.A. was on DVD tooo
  5. B

    PLEASE ANSWER!!! Nick Jonas Bayer Dog tag ...?

    ok so i want to order a dog tag ( from and i was just wondering how long it would take to come to Australia? Also is it really breakable/rusty if something happens? or is it actual steel? IF u want share your experience with the nick jonas dog tag you have :) im a big...
  6. G

    Which A-Lister Did Joe Jonas Blow Right Past Without a Glance?

    Hey, Joe Jonas is a busy guy with places to go and people to see. But did he really fail to see the star of one of the highest-grossing franchises ever passing thisclose to him in West...
  7. S

    where is the part in the book the giver when asher and jonas were tossing... apple back and forth? i have to do a project tonight and i was wondering where this part is, help?
  8. S

    . Lil Wayne Song Where He Uses Same Back Ground Music As Nick Jonas's Introducing Me?

    Dose Any One Know That Song. I Heard It Yesterday On The Radio. Lil Wayne Is Rapping But The Beat Is Nick Jonas's Camp Rock Introducing Me.
  9. K

    Jonas Brothers tour dates?

    now i know i keep asking about this, but i was wondering if anyone knew anything different about UK dates? its obvious they're not going to be in 2010 now because its been left far too late! Hopefully someone will know something about these dates!! Thanks xxx please no harsh comments about...
  10. J

    how to play introducing me by nick jonas on the drums?

    i have a friend that plays the drums and i play the guitar but i know how to play it on guitar but not the drums! please help!!!
  11. Z

    Nick Jonas's Introducing me song?

    Okay, What is this song based on! I've heard it before! I know it! I've heard the song but not the lyrics? What is this song, and who made it first? REALLY? Thank you. :3
  12. P

    Jonas brothers meet and greets?

    on team jonas i entered for the meet and greet but i dont know if i won and my concert is coming up soon so how do i know if i won
  13. K

    Did Joe Jonas Die??????????????

    my friend just texted me saying that they showed it on the news like 2 secs ago and these people on a chat room are saying that he did too...did he really die? I haven't found any proof of it
  14. E

    will jonas brothers take a tour in Iran?

    Watch MMA UFC ultimate fighting live on the internet, what site is best? Watch MMA UFC ultimate fighting live on the internet, what site is best?
  15. V

    Jonas Brothers Camp Rock tour 2010, VIP gift bag?

    I am going to the Jonas Brothers concert this tour and my friends and I bought VIP tickets. I know whats included in the package and there is a gift. does anyone know what items are included in the special gift??? Thank youuu(:
  16. J

    What episode of Jonas LA season 2 is it where the brothers film a concert on...

    ...Will Rogers Beach? The episode was filmed on May 6, 2009. In Pacific Palasades at Will Rogers beach. They used the concert for a music video on the Disney Channel. I did background work on the show and I can't find it. ): can someone help me?
  17. J

    What episode of Jonas LA season 2 is it where the brothers film a concert on...

    ...Will Rogers Beach? The episode was filmed on May 6, 2009. In Pacific Palasades at Will Rogers beach. They used the concert for a music video on the Disney Channel. I did background work on the show and I can't find it. ): can someone help me?
  18. J

    What are some inside Jokes with the Jonas Brothers and their fans?

    Im a HUGE Jonas Brother fan and I just recently became one and I was just wondering if you have any inside jokes with the fans, like when Joe says "awkward" and their YouTube video quotes. So if you have any could you please answer thanks so much!
  19. S

    Where is the meet and greet at the jonas brothers concert?

    I am going to the concert on September 1st!! I read another question asking the same thing and the answer was when you get your wristband. But i have absolutely no idea where to get this! me, my friend and my cousin all want to go to the meet and greet soo band so please help answer! AND NO...
  20. Y

    Which jonas brother would you say is cutest?

    personally i say nick is cutest,but maybe you think joe or kevin or even frankie!Nick is just so adorable plus his deep brwon eyes drive me crazy!who exactly do you have your eye on and why?Be totally honest and dont hold back!