
  1. T

    What is a funny joke to say when your sitting at a table with some people at a party?

    Something appropriate no bad words or bad content
  2. S

    Weirdest job story ever, no joke my job is crazyyy?

    Okay... lemme make this short.... okay, so theres 3 kiasks all in a circle, 1 sells salad, 1 sells pretzels and another sells ice cream. Everyone that works here is a college kid... okay so theres some new guy, who turns out to be in his 60s, and hes got an itialian accent, so lets call him...
  3. P

    What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?

    something random on top of my head. But I wanna hear what you got! No racism.
  4. M

    Seniors does this type of joke?

    offend you? The 'Perfect Password' A woman was helping her husband set up his computer, and at the appropriate point in the process, the computer advised him that he would now need to enter a password. Something he will use to log on. The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he...
  5. N

    What Does This Joke Mean?

    Why Are Gay Men Always The First Ones to Leave A Hotel.. Because They Pack At Night
  6. E

    what's the font on the windows notebook that has the word joke in it?

    I used to have a winodws notebook and there was this font tht looked really cool i dont remember what it was called all i know is that it has the word joke in it and its not joker...maybe it was jokerface? i dont remember.
  7. S

    is this a funny joke?

    my friend thinks its hilarious but i dont. so this is a picture with a caption picture...
  8. B

    Girls would you think this joke is funny if a guy told it too you...?

    Every month, Chuck Norris secretly sleeps with every girl in the world... As a result they bleed for a week.
  9. A

    Do I seem like just a joke to him or something ?

    You know you have those certain kind of people who love to talk to you just to joke with you and they think it's funny to. I think that's just the only reason why he gives me a lot of attention -_- so that we could joke and he thinks its funny to joke around with. I just don't like it because if...
  10. S

    This is a Pre Holiday joke?

    A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the day before Thanksgiving and says,"I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough. "Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams. We can't stand the sight of each other...
  11. R

    Was I raped? Or is this just a joke?

    So this is really messed up and really retarded. So last year i'm at my friend's house and she invited like 15 people over for a party. I did not know about this until everyone showed up, but i just went along with it because i was in 8th grade and didn't think much of it.(im in 10th grade now)...
  12. N

    Was last year's wwe hall of fame a joke?

    I mean they inducted drew carey with the likes of HBK WTF?Has the wwe gotten this lazy?What does drew carey have to do with the wwe besides the royal rumble?I don't see wwe giving Mike Tyson a hall of fame award/ring.What are your thoughts?
  13. D

    does going to college in Mississippi sound like a joke?

    for some reason it does for me
  14. R

    How much would you rate this joke by a former Y!A reg?

    ...;_ylt=Auj0_GJvOPlBI8ou.USGhNkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20110103134313AAMDvix I give it a 0 OQ- Are you enjoying the blast from the past or should I stop? Lmao Kevin... look how silly and immature i was then....
  15. C

    More proof of Manny draining fighters? Is Manny a joke?

    I read an article today that Arum said Manny would fight Sergio if he did a "Same Day Weigh In" at 150. lol. They don't want to let him rehydrate. They want him to dehydrate the day of the fight! HAHA. Look it up on the news. Google it. I didn't provide a link.
  16. B

    where did Smokin' Joke get the nickname?

    Did he actually smoke? Or was it because he smoke other boxers? Just trying to learn
  17. K

    Should I talk to his 'joke' baby mama?

    I have never gone through my boyfriends phone before and we have lived together for almost six months now. But he has always been very secretive about his phone. He never leaves it in a room with me, he will always take it with him if he goes to the bathroom, etc. Anyway the other day he was...
  18. S

    Another Irish Bar Joke?

    An Irish man walks into a pub. The bartender asks him, "what'll you have?" The man says, "Give me three pints of Guinness please." So the bartender brings him three pints and the man proceeds to alternately sip one, then the other, then the third until they're gone. He then orders three more...
  19. E

    Whyd he say such a stupid joke?

    So I was talking to my friend on facebook the other day (Hes a guy), and the conversation was becoming kind of awkward (like there was nothing else to say...), and he said the **lamest joke ever** just to keep the conversation going. So I just decided to change the subject. Is it a good thing i...
  20. L

    what is different and this is a joke?

    a mop and a ghost n hawaii