
  1. I

    Would you be surprised if in the near future they tell you that an Iranian is one...

    ...of the best "English" poets? I've just found out that I'm amazingly talentful. I wrote 13 really lengthy poems in just 30 days. The number of lines varies from 30 to 72. The point is all my professors are amazed and they say some of these poems can be considered as masterpieces. I can't...
  2. S

    Are you agree that Iranian's Security Organizations been successfull...

    ...against westerns and israel? Iranian's Security & Defence Organization consist of 6 different layers: 1-Iran Security Organization(ISO)-Ext./Int. 2-Iran Military Security Organization(IMSO)-Ext./Int. 3-IRGC Security Organization(IRGC)-Ext./Int. 4-Iran Basij Security Force(IBSF)-Int. 5-Iran...
  3. C

    What is the best way for an Iranian passport holder to get a visa for Hong Kong?

    The Iranian passport holder is currently in Malaysia with a tourist visa and would prefer not to go back to Iran before going to HK.
  4. T

    After whining the loudest about 'allowing the IAEA to inspect' the Iranian nuclear

    facilities NOW, will Israel? ........... allow them a peek at THEIR nuclear program while they are in the neighborhood?
  5. T

    Who, in response to successful launch of Iranian satellite, abandoned the

    plans of deployment of ICBM interce? interceptors?
  6. H

    Iran demands Hollywood apology for disrespect of Iranian flag. Should we give... to them? In 2007, the war epic 300, a smash hit in the United States for its gory portrayal of the Greco-Persian wars, drew the wrath of Iranians for showing their ancestors as bloodthirsty. Similarly The Wrestler, was booed in Iran and heavily criticized for the scene in which the...
  7. T

    Whom can I complain to about U. S. visa application delays for Iranian citizens?

    An Iranian friend of mine had been living in the U. S. for three years, working on his Ph. D. and also working for a company here. He left for Iran in December of 2008, hoping to return within one or two months. But the visa-issuing process has dragged out so long that he had to resign from...
  8. R

    Will you guys please pray for the Iranian Baha'is Leaders of Iran?

    For those of you who don't know, the Baha'i Faith is a religious minority in Iran of 300,000 citizens. Seven Baha'i leaders were arrested in 2008 and have been held by Iranian govt. ever since. Some time next week these leaders will be tried as spies for Israel(which load of bunk) which means...
  9. R

    How can an Iranian citizen get a vacation visa to Costa Rica?

    How does an Iranian citizen visit Costa Rica?
  10. P

    Will the launch of Omid, the Iranian satellite, motivate more in the U.S.... study science, like Sputnik did? In the 1950's after Sputnik, there was a big emphasis on math and science education in the U.S. because of fear of being beaten in the space race. Now Iran has launched its own telecommunications satellite. Is it possible that education in the U.S...
  11. S

    How will Iranian satellite spread "monotheism, peace and justice" in the

    world as Ahmadinejad claims? Iran has launched its first domestically made satellite into orbit. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the satellite was launched to spread "monotheism, peace and justice" in the world. but I'm really curious to know HOW...
  12. A

    IRAN First home-made satellite in2 "another achievement for Iranian scientists under

    IRAN First home-made satellite in2 "another achievement for Iranian scientists under sanctions,"GOD BLESS IRAN? why west dont accept You (european only belive which is in your favour ) always the world only for you anyother have no right to develope ..and despite of it r u...