
  1. G

    Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School

    Read the comments on this post...
  2. J

    What is the intro song to the movie Drive called?

  3. S


    I am here to say hello to all of you people.I am Adam currently completing my studies.My degree is realted to the management and I want to become that VP or AVP of a recognized Financial Instition.Every one has his own define goals in life but my goal is some what differnt from others.Regarding...
  4. K

    Looking For Someone Who Can Make A Intro For My Xbox 360 Clan And Possibly A

    Signature For Me.? Hey, my clan has been around for a year and now were rising, i am the leader of the clan and founder. I am looking for someone with experience with making video intros, if you are interested i can pay a maximum of $15 for a 10 sec into, and i will pay $20 if you also include a...
  5. K

    Looking For Someone Who Can Make A Intro For My Xbox 360 Clan And Possibly A

    Signature For Me.? Hey, my clan has been around for a year and now were rising, i am the leader of the clan and founder. I am looking for someone with experience with making video intros, if you are interested i can pay a maximum of $15 for a 10 sec into, and i will pay $20 if you also include a...
  6. K

    Looking For Someone Who Can Make A Intro For My Xbox 360 Clan And Possibly A

    Signature For Me.? Hey, my clan has been around for a year and now were rising, i am the leader of the clan and founder. I am looking for someone with experience with making video intros, if you are interested i can pay a maximum of $15 for a 10 sec into, and i will pay $20 if you also include a...
  7. N

    whats the intro song for olan rogers videos?

    like the intro for the last scene series?
  8. K

    Can someone make a YouTube intro for me?

    I want something that say iR xTeMez. It shatters out and then shatters back in. Also the background is a cool red background that looks professional Something along those lines. I just want a cool intro that shatters
  9. P

    Self introduction Intro for speech class. Can someone please help?

    Im trying to think of an opening sentence or attention getter that works. My topic is about about a time i almost drowned a few years ago while surfing
  10. A

    How did I start an intro using 3 books in an essay?

    Hey everyone i have an english exam tomorrow and our essay is talking about similar themes within 3 books we had read this semester. the books are shakespears macbeth, mary shelley's frankenstein and and william golding's lord of the flies. some of the themes are monstrosity and ambition we only...
  11. A

    How should I make an intro for my cartoon?

    It's just sorta funny skits of my character Bo: a funny intro would be good. and maybe some kind of music/sound effects to go with it? thats a short animation i did for him
  12. G

    Ideas for basketball intro routine?

    I need a good routine for when the announcers announce my name for the starting line-up for my basketball team. For example, Shaq did the bowling thing in the Celtics game when they announced his name. He pretended to knock down all of the Celtic players with an imaginary ball. I need a...
  13. J

    Thoughts On This iPad Game Intro?

    Here is a game intro I am working on. I was hoping to get constructive feedback from my peeps out in the big I. :-) Its early Saturday morning. Josh wakes up to the annoying sound of his alarm clock. It seems his girlfriend has thoughtfully set his alarm clock for him again. His head is...
  14. A

    intro to nutrition questions help 2!?

    it said to watch an the answers with a number. i have already found some and just found number three. thank you for your help! =) 1.supplement to improve insulin action 2.vitamin critical for protein metabolism 3.vitamin that is part of the energy carrier NADH-niacin 4.vitamin that is part...
  15. A

    Sci-Fi intro criticism?

    This is the intro to a Sci-Fi book series i plan i working on in my spare time It is the year 2237... The Human Empire is fresh into the Space Age.. Interstellar travel is a crude dangerous journey in this period of time.. Though in its infant stage, there is room for heroes of the...
  16. S

    how can you make a free 30 second to 1 minute intro Video for Youtube i need

    introduction video for my show? i need a"kick off" intro/.promo to start off my show on youtube i need something thats easy to do and is free to do any help
  17. B

    would this be a good intro to a story? please comment! all are appreciated!?

    The pungent aroma filled my nostrils like the morning dew. Unfortunately for me, the warm steady streams of three other dirty, putrid homeless people followed it. It’s known as a poor man’s shower on the streets. When you don’t wake up early enough; well, good luck. A friend once told me...
  18. S

    IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio v2.0

    IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio v2.0 IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio is a very easy and powerful tool to create a Flash animated intro and banner without any Flash knowledge using a wizard-driven user interface. More than 100 text effects Choose from 100 text effects. Each effect...
  19. S

    IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio v2.0

    IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio v2.0 IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio is a very easy and powerful tool to create a Flash animated intro and banner without any Flash knowledge using a wizard-driven user interface. More than 100 text effects Choose from 100 text effects. Each effect...
  20. S

    IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio v2.0

    IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio v2.0 IncrediFlash Intro and Banner Studio is a very easy and powerful tool to create a Flash animated intro and banner without any Flash knowledge using a wizard-driven user interface. More than 100 text effects Choose from 100 text effects. Each effect...