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    Care For Kidney Disease Patients Not Improved By Physician Reminders

    Laboratory-based treatment reminders meant to improve physicians' prescribing habits for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may not be effective, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN). The findings indicate...
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    Northwestern Researchers Trial New Device That May Support Improved Newborn Health

    Despite the numerous medical advances that happen every day, the infant mortality rate in the United States is still higher than most European countries. While experts believe this is closely linked to the growing rate of pre-term births, researchers are committed to finding ways to make labor...
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    Has GM improved there roll ever protection for the SUV vehicles yet?(Chevy...

    ...Tahoe, GMC Yukon, Cadillac Escalade? I was at least hoping that GM enforced that issue for the 2012 line up for Cadillac Escalade's. Since I been thinking of getting one. So I was wondering if they improved on the safety for it yet. All I know is there SUV's failed very sadly for rollever's...
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    Symptoms Of Chronic Widespread Pain Improved By Talking Therapy Over The Phone

    Patients who received a short course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) over the telephone from trained therapists reported that they felt "better" or "very much better" at the end of a six-month treatment period, and also three months after it ended. The Arthritis Research UK-funded trial...
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    Post-Cardiac-Arrest Discharge Improved By Better Understanding Of Neurologic Defects

    Delay in initiation of therapeutic hypothermia and delay in return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), evidenced by a palpable pulse or a measurable blood pressure, were both associated with poor neurologic outcomes in post cardiac arrest patients, according to a study presented Nov. 14 at the at...
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    Children's Spatial Skills Improved By Learning Spatial Terms

    Preschool children who hear their parents describe the size and shape of objects and then use those words themselves perform better on tests of their spatial skills, researchers at the University of Chicago have found. The study is the first to show that learning to use a wide range of spatial...
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    Improved Diagnosis, Treatment Of Coronary Artery Disease Expected Using Combined Arte

    A new device that combines two microimaging technologies can reveal both the detailed anatomy of arterial linings and biological activities that, in coronary arteries, could indicate the risk of heart attacks or the formation of clots in arterial stents... More...
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    Public Reporting Hasn't Improved Transplant Centers' Care

    When transplant clinics must publicly report their success rates, this should provide an incentive to improve care for patients. But a recent study appearing in the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN) found that such public reporting has not had any effect on the care...
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    Improved Accuracy Of IMRT Delivery In Post-Prostatectomy Patients

    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the United States, as well as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in this population. Many of these patients undergo surgical removal of their prostate, followed by radiation therapy applied to their prostate bed - the space where...
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    Advanced Prostate Cancer With Bone Metastases Survival Improved In First Phase III Tr

    According to an investigation reported today at the 2011 European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress, individuals suffering with bone metastases from advanced prostate cancer have not had many options until recently. Now the first Phase II investigation of an alpha-pharmaceutical in these...
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    Potential Improved Test For Adulterated Heparin

    Scientists are reporting refinement of a new test that promises to help assure the safety of supplies of heparin, the blood thinner taken by millions of people worldwide each year to prevent blood clots. The test can quickly and economically detect adulterants, including the substance...
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    Predicting Sexual Function After Prostate Cancer Treatment Has Improved

    A study published in the Sept. 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association by a Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center research team, suggests more open discussion between doctor and patient will assist in improving quality of life for prostate cancer survivors. The report shows...
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    Long-Term Survival For Inoperable Stage III Lung Cancer Improved By Concurrent Chemo

    Nearly 50,000 Americans are diagnosed each year with stage III or locally advanced NSCLC, for which surgery is usually not a viable treatment option. Optimizing nonsurgical treatment strategies for these patients is an ongoing research endeavor. In an article published online September 8, 2011...
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    Improved Understanding Of Human Mitochondrial Diseases Following New Cellular Surpris

    A surprising new discovery by the University of Colorado Boulder and the University of California, Davis regarding the division of tiny "power plants" within cells known as mitochondria has implications for better understanding a wide variety of human diseases and conditions due to mitochondrial...
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    Previous Government's Higher NHS Funding Improved Health Outcomes, UK

    Published in the latest issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a new study reveals that after 1999, increased funding by the NHS marked improved health outcomes when measured using the concept of "amenable mortality," an indicator intended for routine use by the current...
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    Improved Radical Surgery Techniques Provide Positive Outcomes For Bladder Cancer Pati

    Bladder cancer patients who have radical surgery at university hospitals can benefit from excellent local control of the disease, acceptable clinical outcomes and low death rates, according to research in the August issue of the urology journal BJUI. Researchers studied 2,287 patients who had...
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    Improved Polyp Detection Using Retroflexion Technique During Colonoscopy In The Right

    A new study from researchers in Indiana reports that use of a retroflexion technique in the right side of the colon during colonoscopy is safe and results in the detection of additional adenomatous (precancerous) polyps in approximately four percent of patients. This result is comparable to that...
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    Hospital Workflow And Schedules Improved By Automated Workflow System

    A new customised IT business management system developed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers and capable of improving the scheduling of resources and workflow in surgical theatres has been successfully demonstrated in a German hospital. Dr Chun Ouyang, from QUT's Business...
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    Could my fanfiction be improved with a Beta Reader?

    I'm not sure whether to get a beta reader for my fanfiction or not. This is my fanfic: Could it be improved if I got one?
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    Could my fanfiction be improved with a Beta Reader?

    I'm not sure whether to get a beta reader for my fanfiction or not. This is my fanfic: Could it be improved if I got one?