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    Improve PC performance with new Paragon Alignment Tool 4.0 Professional

    Windows 8 Support, 20% faster alignment engine, recovery of accidentally deleted volumes, convenient bootable WinPE version included.
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    where can I watch some german videos which can help improve my understanding?

    I've just started to learn some..
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    Does Fertility Improve If A Woman Loses Weight? No

    While losing weight does not improve a woman's fertility, her sexual function does, say Penn State College of Medicine researchers, who reported their findings in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Richard Legro, M.D. explained that obese women have problems ovulating, which...
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    Morning Links: 21 Foods To Improve Your Mood

    • Try these*foods to boost your seratonin–and mood. (Organic Authority) • 10 celebs who've given up cigs. (HuffPost Healthy Living) • When yoga isn't all fun, mentally. (Intent) • 6 ways to wear lace at the gym. (Well+Good NYC) • 17 ways to take out stress. (FitSugar)... More »Morning Links...
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    In Future Intrauterine Surgery May Improve Prognosis For The Fetus

    Fetuses with congenital malformations can be helped by surgical intervention while still in the womb. The potential of intrauterine surgery to improve their chances of survival is described by Anke Diemert and her co-authors in the latest issue of Deutsches Arzteblatt International (Dtsch...
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    CT Scan Technique Could Improve COPD Diagnosis And Treatment

    A new approach to lung scanning could improve the diagnosis and treatment of a lung disease that affects approximately 24 million Americans and is the country's third-highest cause of death. In a new paper published online in Nature Medicine, a team from the University of Michigan Medical School...
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    Rams improve to 3-2 under Jeff Fisher, may lose Danny Amendola to broken collarbone

    The St. Louis Rams improved to 3-2 on the 2012 regular season with a 17-3 win over the previously undefeated Arizona Cardinals on Thursday night, but the win came with a hefty price tag as wide receiver Danny Amendola is believed to have suffered a broken collarbone while laying out in an...
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    Scientists Use Sound Waves To Levitate Liquids, Improve Pharmaceuticals

    It's not a magic trick and it's not sleight of hand - scientists really are using levitation to improve the drug development process, eventually yielding more effective pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have...
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    Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Consensus Set To Standardize And Improve Care For P

    Recommendations for the practical management of CRT patients have been set out for the first time in an international consensus statement on cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in heart failure... More...
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    New Zealand government invests in research for tools to improve broadband performance

    The University of Waikato's WAND Network Research Group has been awarded just under $1.5 million in government funding over four years to develop models and tools to monitor the performance of internet networks across New Zealand.
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    Study Underscores Need To Improve Communication With Moms Of Critically Ill Infants

    Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once described England and America as two countries separated by a common language. Now research from the Johns Hopkins Children's Center suggests that common language may also be the divide standing between mothers of critically ill newborns and the...
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    Healthy Food Choices Improve With Color-Coded System

    A program designed to encourage more healthful food choices through simple color-coded labels and the positioning of items in display cases was equally successful across all categories of employees at a large hospital cafeteria. In an article appearing in American Journal of Preventive Medicine...
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    Someone wants to chat for help to improve my english? I could teach italian if ur

    interested :)? As the title :) (chatting over FB, MSN Skype or anything else)
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    Stroke Survivors' Balance May Improve With Yoga

    Group yoga can improve balance in stroke survivors who no longer receive rehabilitative care, according to new research in the American Heart Association journal /iStroke. In a small pilot study, researchers tested the potential benefits of yoga among chronic stroke survivors - those whose...
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    Counseling Program Found To Reduce Youth Violence, Improve School Engagement

    A new study by the University of Chicago Crime Lab, in partnership with the Chicago Public Schools and local nonprofits Youth Guidance and World Sport Chicago, provides rigorous scientific evidence that a violence reduction program succeeded in creating a sizable decline in violent crime arrests...
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    Intervention To Improve Foster Families' Trust, Connectedness

    The key ingredients for a successful foster family aren't complicated, said former foster youths in a new study. Most adolescents in foster care simply need a stable home life that provides a sense of belonging, love and someone who shows a genuine interest in their lives. But the new study, by...
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    Lapatinib And Pazopanib Combo Not Found To Improve Outcomes For Patients With Inflamm

    Inflammatory breast cancer is a very aggressive type of cancer associated with early metastasis and poor survival rates, and the prognosis is even worse for patients with tumors expressing the ErbB2 receptor. The ErbB2-inhibiting drug lapatinib can slow the spread of cancer cells in individuals...
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    Knowing Genetic Makeup May Not Significantly Improve Disease Risk Prediction

    Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers have found that detailed knowledge about your genetic makeup - the interplay between genetic variants and other genetic variants, or between genetic variants and environmental risk factors - may only change your estimated disease prediction risk...
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    Exercise Does Not Improve Lipoprotein Levels In Obese Patients With Fatty Liver Disea

    New research found that moderate exercise does not improve lipoprotein concentrations in obese patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Results published in the June issue of Hepatology, a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, report that moderate...
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    Glioblastoma Classification Revision Should Improve Patient Care

    Radiation oncology researchers have revised the system used by doctors since the 1990s to determine the prognosis of people with glioblastoma, which is the most devastating of malignant brain tumors. The outdated system was devised for glioblastoma and related brain tumors that were treated by...