
  1. H

    HYPER - The Online Game Currency

    HYPER is an alternative digital crypto-currency similar to bitcoin, with certain differences and potential benefits. It is designed for use in online games, emerging virtual worlds, massively multiplayer online games, simulations and more. The Hyper Team is developing an MMO space strategy game...
  2. J

    How do you perform all hyper combos on Marvel vs Capcom 2 on iphone?

    I need to know how to do every hyper combo for every character in marvel vs capcom 2. For example, I only know how to do spider-man's punches but I have no idea how to use his other hyper combos. Please don't say "look it up" or "try the arcade version" and give me a detailed answer for either...
  3. G

    The Stoner Channel: Hyper Lapse Trains, Gorillaz In Glastonbury, and Where Not to Hid

    More »
  4. S

    my friend is sore and hyper and can't sleep?

    my friend is now sore and hyper, and wants to sleep but can't sleep, how can u calm a person down and try to make them sleep?
  5. D

    My DivX Codec only records sound on Hyper Cam 3 ?

    Whenever I put DivX Codec 6.9.2 ( 8 Logical CPU) as a compressor for Hyper Cam 3 and record it only records the sound in the background and in the DivX player it comes up as a black screen with only sound. I cannot even upload the video onto youtube because it says 0 seconds on yet. Please help...
  6. D

    My DivX Codec only records sound on Hyper Cam 3 ?

    Whenever I put DivX Codec 6.9.2 ( 8 Logical CPU) as a compressor for Hyper Cam 3 and record it only records the sound in the background and in the DivX player it comes up as a black screen with only sound. I cannot even upload the video onto youtube because it says 0 seconds on yet. Please help...
  7. B

    is the hyper donny robinson signature a good bmx bike?

    i recently bought a hyper donny robinson signature bmx bike. i got it from walmart for $99. now before you start sayin it sucks just because the price and place it was bought plz give 100% legit answers. now the bike is super lite. and it looks good its got sponsers and everything. now i let...
  8. G

    Is Hyper R4i work in any DSi verision?

    An R4i on NDS,NDSL,NDSi,NDSiXL,N3DS.
  9. A

    Im really Hyper, and blah blah blah im not joking?

  10. A

    20 inch hyper spinner pro bmx bike or we the people or gt?

    i need a bike for street fast and light and beautiful and for freestyle
  11. B

    how do i disable hyper threading in my k42jk (core i3-350) asus laptop?

    i have a asus laptop (k42jk). cpu is core i3-350 (2 cores, 4 threads). i noticed that in single thread applications maximum load of cpu is 25% because they use half of a core (1 thread). how to disable hyperthreading to use a whole core in single thread applications, as like as core 2 duo does ?
  12. S

    How to get my 1/2 Siamese Kitty to calm down a little. He is wayy to hyper, lol.?

    He is 1/2 Siamese we are not sure what the other half is but we think tabby because he has some stripes. He is about 2 and we have had him a year and a half. He was fine for the first 6 months we had him but now there is no end to his energy. He runs around at all hours of the night making...
  13. J

    I'm constantly hyper, irritable, and caffeine calms me down instead of making me

    hyper? OK so I've had this for as long as I can remember. Whenever people are talking to me I'll feel myself drift off half the conversation and I'll start daydreaming and everything around me seems like it was in a dream. People say I talk fast and I get told to slow down, a lot. I sometimes...
  14. J

    I'm constantly hyper, irritable, and caffeine calms me down instead of making me

    hyper? OK so I've had this for as long as I can remember. Whenever people are talking to me I'll feel myself drift off half the conversation and I'll start daydreaming and everything around me seems like it was in a dream. People say I talk fast and I get told to slow down, a lot. I sometimes...
  15. K

    New puppy, too hyper, no manners?

    I have a Lab mix puppy who will be a year old in October. As of now, she is on a dog run, and we can't let her loose to train her properly because she gets distracted too easily. Usually, we unchain her daily and let her chase our ATV around to run off her energy. When she sees people, she will...
  16. Z

    which is better Samsung LED Engine of Hyper real engine?

    soooooo confused!!! is the hyper real engine a newer model?
  17. Z

    which is better Samsung LED Engine of Hyper real engine?

    soooooo confused!!! is the hyper real engine a newer model?
  18. R

    where is hyper city located in Hyderabad.?

    please tell the place.
  19. G

    Hyper Deejays Feat. Elva-Nothin I Wont Do (BBR020)-Promo Vinyl-2009-NRG

    Category: Music-MP3 (Dance) Size: 39.04 MB Files: 16 (7 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun September 20th 14:12:12 UTC Download NZB
  20. T

    how do u make the video brighter and the video slower in hyper cam 2?

    okay when i always record source games my videos always end up really fast and dark can anyone help me?