
  1. T

    African-American women less likely to receive HPV vaccine than whites, even with acce

    Even with access to health care, African-American women are less likely to receive the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), which reduces the risk for cervical cancer, according to a study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The findings, published today in the...
  2. A

    Michael Douglas’ Throat Cancer Caused By HPV (Not Smoking, Drinking)

    Michael Douglas has been cancer-free for more than two years–but while fulfilling a recent promotional duty for his Liberace biopic Behind the Candelabra, the actor proved to be surprisingly frank about his diagnosis. Douglas, 68, recently revealed that it was oral sex–not usual suspects smoking...
  3. A

    Love Oral Sex? Get Your HPV Vaccine, Because HPV Could Lead To Mouth, Head & Neck Can

    Love Oral Sex? Get Your HPV Vaccine, Because HPV Could Lead To Mouth, Head & Neck Can Researchers at Australia's University of NSW might have stumbled upon something pretty interesting (or depressing): there have been higher incidences of oesophageal cancer, with rates higher in men (especially...
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    In Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, HPV Leaves Its Mark

    Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is a form of cancer that affects the cells lining the middle part of the throat, including the soft palate, the base of the tongue, the tonsils, and the pharynx. High-risk types of human papilloma virus (HPV) are increasingly detected in patients...
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    In Older Women, HPV May Be Due To Reactivation Of Virus, Not New Infection

    A new study suggests that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women at or after menopause may represent an infection acquired years ago, and that HPV infections may exist below limits of detection after one to two years, similar to other viruses, such as varicella zoster, which can cause...
  6. M

    What should I do about catching HPV from my current boyfriend?

    Im 18 my current boyfriend is 21 and we've been together for 6 months so far. We started becoming sexually active from the first couple months but he always wore a condom because i wasn't on birth control. I started taking birth control and we started to have sex without using a condom. I know...
  7. T

    HPV Linked To Heart Problems In Women

    Women infected with cancer-causing strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) appear also to be at increased for cardiovascular diseases and stroke, even in the absence of other more conventional risk factors, according to new research published in the 1 November issue of the Journal of the...
  8. K

    Wart on toe reappearing after several doctor visits for removal? HPV "rumor"?

    Wart on toe reappearing after several doctor visits for removal? HPV "rumor"? I got a wart in between my big toe and second toe in November. At first we tried in home treatment. No help. Then we tried the in home freeze off. Nothing. So I had 4 doctor visits getting freeze off treatments. They...
  9. B

    how do i tell future partners i have hpv?

    i dont know how im suppost to tell future partners about my virus... im scared once i tell someone, theyre gonna tell everyone else who knows me.. and theyll tell everyone, and itll go on like that then every one will know!! so when i do have a partner... how do i know if i can tell them or...
  10. B

    lesbians with hpv in ontario?

    i feel soo alone!! i mean... i looked for support groups in hamilton and only found one. it didnt give me the address, just the number.. and then i was calling them all day and there was no answer. then i go to like 5 different std dating sites.. looked for lesbians in all of canada who had...
  11. C

    I have HPV. Do I tell my future partners even if I am not showing any symptoms?

    I have had HPV now for about 3 years. I am sexually active and a lesbian. I have had a lot of partners in the past and plan to have many more. However since contracting HPV I am super paranoid about passing it on. Because I dont have that many regular partners, a lot of my sex is with casual...
  12. G

    Abnormal pap, neg hpv and no precancerous cell....?

    I went to the dr at 10 mnths post partum, got my well woman. The results came back abnormal, but negative Hpv and no precancerous cells. I'm worried..this is the first time I've had an abnormal pap...I'm freaking out
  13. T

    Einstein Receives $4 Million To Test HPV Microbicide

    The National Cancer Institute has awarded Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University $4.1 million to test the microbicide Carraguard® against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer. The research will evaluate the efficacy of Carraguard®, a clear gel made from...
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    HPV Vaccines Can Help Protect Against Genital Warts And Low-Grade Pre-Cancerous Growt

    A new study published by the BMJ (British Medical Journal) shows that vaccination against some types of human papillomavirus (HPV) can give strong and sustained protection against pre-cancerous growths of the cervix and genital warts. The quadrivalent HPV vaccine can help prevent low grade...
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    Blogs Comment On Emergency Contraceptives, HPV, Funding For Title X

    The following summarizes selected women's health-related blog entries. ~ Blogs Discuss FDA Hearing on Emergency Contraceptive: Several women's health groups issued statements praising an FDA advisory panel's recommendation that a new emergency contraceptive method -- called "ella" -- is safe and...
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    Some Parents Skeptical Of HPV Vaccination For Boys

    FDA's approval last year of Merck's human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil, for boys and men ages nine through 26 to protect against genital warts "is prompting yet another round of internal debate" among "parents already uneasy about vaccinating their children," the Chicago Tribune reports...
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    Mother-Daughter Communication And HPV Vaccine

    College women were more likely to be vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV) if their mothers communicated with them about sex, and if they thought their mothers would approve of their getting vaccinated, according to the study, "Mother-Daughter Communication and Human Papillomavirus...
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    HPV Vaccine Could Undermine Cervical Smear Testing, UK

    After television personality, Jade, died of cervical cancer, last year, the number of women coming forward for smear tests doubled, according to Mr Paul Carter, Consultant Gynaecologist and lead clinician for treating abnormal smears, at St Georges Hospital and in Harley Street. He voices his...
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    HPV Vaccine Could Undermine Cervical Smear Testing, UK

    After television personality, Jade, died of cervical cancer, last year, the number of women coming forward for smear tests doubled, according to Mr Paul Carter, Consultant Gynaecologist and lead clinician for treating abnormal smears, at St Georges Hospital and in Harley Street. He voices his...
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    HPV Vaccine Could Undermine Cervical Smear Testing, UK

    After television personality, Jade, died of cervical cancer, last year, the number of women coming forward for smear tests doubled, according to Mr Paul Carter, Consultant Gynaecologist and lead clinician for treating abnormal smears, at St Georges Hospital and in Harley Street. He voices his...