
  1. A

    Sydney fans wait six hours to greet Alessandro Del Piero at airport, cheer his luggag

    Alessandro Del Piero has arrived in Australia to begin his two-year stint with Sydney FC and the locals are excited. It wasn't quite Didier Drogba's arrival in Shanghai, but according to the local news, about 500 fans greeted the 37-year-old Juventus legend at the airport and some waited as much...
  2. M

    Constipated? Lol anything i can do or take that will help within the next 16 hours?

    I have a major party to go to and i've been costipated for 5 days. I drink a lot of water, exercise regularly, and eat healthy so don't ask how this happend. Anyways i'm very bloated and uncomfortable and need to know how to get all this toxic out of me. If i take a laxative i know i'll be in...
  3. M

    Netflix hits 1 billion hours of viewing in June

    [No message]
  4. G

    Forty Eight Hours of Interesting Discussions for YOU!

    Staring tomorrow morning, if you are in the Twin Cities, there is Lynn Fellman's talk at the Hennepin County Library downtown. Lynn Fellman creates art that combines genetic data with creative imagery. Fellman will discuss basic genetic concepts, how art can uniquely express science...
  5. A

    Two teams end two of nation?s longest losing streaks just 24 hours apart

    Two high school baseball teams which use the Panthers mascot two states apart brought a halt to two of the nation's longest losing streaks on Saturday and Sunday, ending more than four years of combined misery for the two schools. As reported by the Annapolis Capital and Philadelphia...
  6. H

    What hours can you buy tickets for Giants at Pac Bell?

    By buying tickets for Giants games AT the stadium, you can avoid the pricey "service" fees. I cannot find ANYWHERE what hours the stadium is open for ticket sales. Does anyone know the hours/days? Thank You
  7. C

    What are some nice places to visit within 2 hours of DC?

    Hi, I'm trying to find some nice places to visit with my family for the last few days of Spring Break. Nothing too far, although a 3 hour drive might be acceptable is the destination is exceptional. Also, please don't suggest places like the Washington Memorial, or anything like that. I've been...
  8. A

    iHav.net was down for 5 hours...

    Folks, I apologize for the issue, as we had one of the plugins acting up and in the end halted the site for 5 hours. Problem seems to have been resolved now. If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us. Admin
  9. V

    List: Ten Great 12 Hours Of Sebring Winners

    Last weekend was the 62nd running of the 12 Hours Of Sebring, one America’s most famous endurance race. Traditionally looked at as a tune-up for the 24 Hours Of Le Mans that takes place in June, Sebring has played host to some of the world’s greatest drivers, cars, and teams over the course of...
  10. L

    I have an lg enlighten. and the battery dies in like 2 hours after its fully charged?

    My phone won't keep a charge at all. Is there a reason it dies so fast. Or a certain type of battery I can buy to make it keep a charge longer? With my busy schedule I can't have my phone dye every 2 hrs
  11. J

    POLL: do you wish there were more hours in a day?

    i sure do, it seems like i just got on my computer, but really i have been blazing the web since like 7:00pm and now it's 12:52 all the sudden.....
  12. D

    Smoked weed, felt high and lasted over 12 hours symptoms?

    I was smoking some "good shit" so called through a friends bong a few nights ago, around midnight. had bout 5-6 good hits throughout an hour and felt extremely messed up just around 1 am, went home and laying on bed completely paralysed unable to even move my head/neck! laying there for about an...
  13. R

    Working alone, Anita can cook 20 minute rice in 4 hours, and Roger can

    cook the same type of rice in 15 hours.? After working together for 2 hours, what fraction of the inedible rice still remains uncooked? Can u show the work and explain why you did these steps.
  14. J

    whats the total labor hours to replace crank sensor, cam sensor, all O2...

    ...sensors,on 1996 chevrolet s-10 blazer? need to know what the labor-guide hours for replacing crankshaft position sensor, camshaft position sensor, and all four o2 sensors, also if someone could help me out on the location of the four o2 sensors i'm feeling pretty lazy haha. i'm not licensed...
  15. I

    Is It Bad To Only Drink Lemon Water For 24 Hours?

    I am trying to lose 20 lbs. before Christmas (New Year's at the latest). I found weight loss plans online and one included a cleansing system of only drinking water and nothing else for 24 hours. Supposedly you can lose a pound solely from that, then just go on a strict diet from there. I was...
  16. K

    My dog hasn't gone pee in over 12 hours?

    I just got my dog today and when we got him he peed at the shelter, but ever sense then he hasn't gone. He is 7 months old if it helps.
  17. T

    My 10yr old male cat is missing for more then 24 hours??

    normally he comes within 24 hours and i searched him everywhere. my neibours have seen him with another cat
  18. C

    Walmart over-scheduling hours; should I complain or suck it up?

    I'm a full time college student who goes to class 16 credit hours a week. When I first got hired at Walmart two months ago, I told them not once, but twice that I had a 20 hr MAX availability each week... after the second time I told them, my schedules finally started changing to a consecutive...
  19. I

    How Do I Record a Film Longer Than 2 Hours Onto A DVD+R?

    I'm new to this. I've just decided to put all my old VHS video tapes onto DVD (Not ones I can buy on DVD, like films from Amazon etc, but ones that are not available, like stuff recorded from the TV etc) It seems that all DVD+Rs are 120 minutes. I have a 3-hour tape which I want to put onto DVD...
  20. S

    What are the T-mobile calling hours?

    For the UK, I cant seem to find them anywhere. What time are they open to receive calls?