
  1. A

    Special Needs Mom Receives Horrible Note On Car, Reminder Disabilities Aren’t Always

    As somebody with an "invisible" condition, I relate to this immensely. More » Special Needs Mom Receives Horrible Note On Car, Reminder Disabilities Aren’t Always Obvious is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental...
  2. J

    What was up with that horrible LBW decision against Rogers?

    - How could an umpire give that out? Terrible umpiring. - Why didn't Rogers review it?
  3. E

    What can I use to make my new cat and kitten smell better? It's horrible right now!!?

    Yesterday I picked up a momma cat and one of her kittens from a small trailor that, to my HORROR, was housing approximately 30 cats! The smell of cat urine and feces was so strong that I gagged several times. Part of me wanted to turn around and run out of there but the other part of me realized...
  4. A

    The Golden State Warriors survive a horrible collapse to oust the Denver Nuggets in G

    The Golden State Warriors entered the fourth quarter of Game 6 against the Denver Nuggets poised to complete an inspirational closeout win over the third-seeded team in the West. After struggling to a 42-40 halftime deficit, the Warriors turned things around to take the third quarter 33-20 on...
  5. L

    will a Dodge Charger be horrible decision on a insurance? due to my situation?

    i'm 17 years old and about to turn 18 in november. I have been in a car accident once so my insurance has gone up a little. I been thinking on getting this Dodge Charger for cheap for my first car, its a 4door so I heard it is not considered a sports car? and its not a RT or a srt so its just a...
  6. L

    will a Dodge Charger be horrible decision on a insurance? due to my situation?

    i'm 17 years old and about to turn 18 in november. I have been in a car accident once so my insurance has gone up a little. I been thinking on getting this Dodge Charger for cheap for my first car, its a 4door so I heard it is not considered a sports car? and its not a RT or a srt so its just a...
  7. A

    I want to switch to telus but people say they are horrible?

    I want to switch from my old provider to telus (Im also gettting the iphone 5 and their deals look the best) but when i look at their rating http://www.cellphones.ca/cell-plans/carriers/telus/reviews/ it just say Telus is complete crap. I know myself that Telus is a good company but with all...
  8. A

    Gwyneth Reveals Horrible Experience With Miscarriage And Now I Feel Like A Jerk

    Gwyneth Paltrow described her miscarriage as a “really bad experience” that left her wondering if she should try for another child. The 40-year-old actress speaks of her “window” of opportunity for having a child possibly being over. As someone who is 40 and pregnant – I can definitely...
  9. A

    Over 100 Guests Get Violently Ill In Yet Another Horrible Cruise Ship Ordeal

    Note to self: skip all cruises for the rest of my life. More » Over 100 Guests Get Violently Ill In Yet Another Horrible Cruise Ship Ordeal is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health & healthcare..
  10. A

    Oberlin College Has Horrible Outbreak Of Racism & Homophobia, Responds With Strong St

    Oberlin College Has Horrible Outbreak Of Racism & Homophobia, Responds With Strong St Oberlin College has long been known as an extremely liberal college campus. Going all the way back to the Underground Railroad, this institution has a tradition of equality and human rights. This makes it all...
  11. A

    Peter Odemwingie and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad transfer deadline day

    Drawn like a moth to the giant neon pound sign that floats above Loftus Road, smiling West Brom striker Peter Odemwingie turned up at QPR's door three and a half hours before the January transfer window shut. The problem here was that Odemwingie had not been sold to QPR nor had West Brom given...
  12. A

    DT?s horrible holiday gift guide: The Anfield stadium shirt

    Throughout the holiday season, we will be trawling official club shops for the items that will make the very best gift ideas for the very worst people on your list. First up: The official Liverpool FC stadium shirt. Do you know someone who appreciates pictures of a stadium on the front and...
  13. R

    Why do conservatives say Obama is doing a horrible job at everything he does except

    taking vacations? The economy, SCOTUS judges, dissing allies and destroying them, attacking the wrong countries with the UN, buying out of country buses, burning up over ten million in jet fuel......
  14. A

    Sad Surveys Reveal Both Men And Women Have Horrible Self-Esteem

    In a world where Kate Upton is a "fat cow" and Vogue's idea of being more body-positive is photo spreads of*skinny women smoking and models instead of female athletes, it's no wonder women have completely distorted relationships with their own bodies; we are being set up, over and over again, to...
  15. A

    Daily Fail: Horrible Career Women Cruelly Deprive Men Of Children

    Attention, child-free career women: the Daily Mail would like you to know that you are ruining everything for the men of the world. I mean, just look at this math! Do you know how many men's lives you're ruining by depriving them of parenthood? More »Post from: Blisstree
  16. G

    i just hit a dog and i feel horrible.....?

    i was driving up a street, it was dark, light snow. I was going 54 in a 50.... which is not fast considering how straight and wide the street is. And some lady was walking her 3 dogs, all not on leashes. And as i go buy, one sprints out, and i slam the breaks and hit her going probably 10km/h or...
  17. D

    87 dodge dokota getting horrible gas mileage in town.?

    so i have a 87 dodge dakota expecting it to get 10 mpg in town and it does but after driving it on the highway i did some research. While I drove it on the highway i got a whopping 27 MPG. So the fact the truck was only getting 10 in town made me think something was wrong. i looked on a few...
  18. A

    Boyfriend complaining of horrible head pain?

    For about 2 weeks now my boyfriend has been complaining about a horrible pain at the base of his neck. It is at the base of his head under his skull. He just recently started saying it feels like something is scratching, gnawing, or hitting his brain. The pain never goes away but subsides when...
  19. P

    Why is there allways some Atheists kids on here whining about how horrible there

    middle class life is? they really make me sick.. There are people suffering in this world and here they arewhining about how mommy made them pray... Why dont they grow up? Even when I was a teen I was above the kids BS they think there all that matters.. They think there suberbian coddled life...
  20. D

    Why does Netflix look horrible on my At&t Samsung Galaxy S2?

    I just got my Samsung Galaxy S2 from At&t yesterday and was super excited. I immediately downloaded netflix and started watching the Office. At first it looked blotchy, but i assumed it was just loading. It did get better overtime, but it remained slightly pixaly. I then checked youtube, but...