
  1. H

    people famous for being honest?

    HELP! i need to finish this english assignment for monday and basically what i need to do is write a specific example of someone who is famous for being honest and what they did to be honest and how it helped them and others. so basically,i need someone to tell me a famously honest person and a...
  2. S

    How is this girl, good or bad remember its her first time be honest?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAHG6IxSycM sorry about noise and the shut up steven
  3. O

    to be honest, I don't think anyone here could be able to recommend the right anime?

    i have watched anime for four years, i want something that is surprisingly not on the major list of the "best anime ever" which is mainly everything i already tried, and yet that only lasted for one year out of the four. let the games begin. watched clannad, not the after story, i got too bored
  4. P

    Be honest: Do you laugh when a little kid throws a violent tantrum at the store?

    I do...
  5. Devastator

    What do you think about my book, be honest?

    It's a novel that I'm still working on (I just finished planning it after a week and a half, and I'm beginning to write it). I will not give all the information because I don't want to spoil it. Here's what it's about: The book takes place approximately 100 years in the future, and the world is...
  6. A

    Honest guys only this may be offensive to some people so do not open if...

    ...you dont have a sense of humor? Ok so you wake up wake up one day and everyone in the entire world is passed out would you take advanage of any hot girls and if so who? They can be celebs also..everyone is passed out lol
  7. C

    Honest opinions of FF13??

    Perhaps in comparison to FFX, FFX-2, I understand the story and battle systems are different between the 3 games, but I LOOOOVED FFX, and FFX-2 (less so, but for the sake of rikku and yuna, still enjoyed it), and if FFXIII's story is anywhere near as good as the FFX storyline I know I'll love...
  8. G

    They're Just Like Us, Honest: Apple Store Employees Caught Planking [Planking]

    Apple's got quite the reputation as being a tough employer, so once they catch wind of employees planking on the job, will they follow Woolworths in giving them the sack? I mean, that's a precious MacBook Pro he's planking on! More »
  9. M

    B&Aers: All right, it's time to be honest.....?

    Now look me in the eyes (metaphorically speaking) and tell me, in all truth....why are you procrastinating writing your story by hanging around B&A? Coommeee on, we all do it. My reason would be that I have to rewrite a scene I've done a zillion times before, and I keep finding excuses to look...
  10. §

    Survey for Couples: Honest Relationships?

    If you REALLY love your partner and found out that he or she gave you a disease after making out, would you dump him/her and move on or get cured and still live with him/her?
  11. §

    Survey for Couples: Honest Relationships?

    If you REALLY love your partner and found out that he or she gave you a disease after making out, would you dump him/her and move on or get cured and still live with him/her?
  12. B

    Is This Story Good So Far? Please Give Honest Opinion. (Fantasy Fiction) Thank...

    ...You! Please Read? Hi, I am writing a story for my class. In my class we have to write things and turn them in to him every week. He always makes us write about really stupid boring things, so I asked him if we could do a free write, where we can write about anything we want. He said sure. I...
  13. R

    What are your honest opinions on these martial art systems?

    I just want to see what answers i can get from other practitioners from foreign systems on these martial arts. Just to see how knowledgeable other practitioners are and how they really think in terms of this subject. Some things i wanna know is: -What you think of the systems -What you know...
  14. M

    Can I get a honest opinion? + BQ's?

    Hello, My name is Deston Nighthart and thats all I am tellign you about me for right now. Death, Death, Death, I heard the words being whisperered over and over again. Next came the screech of the car slamming on the brakes, trying to stop. Slam, That was the car hitting my mom. Screams, the...
  15. L

    Need honest opinions and reviews?

    Chapter 1 In the distance a car alarm can be heard and the smell of cannabis from a near by house wafts past leaving this young mind in a trance of wonderment...a labrador retriever bounces with excitement as a black figure throws what seems to be a stick into the distance, persuading the dog...
  16. L

    Need honest opinions and reviews?

    This is about half of the first chapter of my book and I would just like some feedback: Repressed Chapter 1 In the distance a car alarm can be heard and the smell of cannabis from a near by house wafts past leaving this young mind in a trance of wonderment...a labrador retriever bounces...
  17. L

    Need honest opinions and reviews?

    This is about half of the first chapter of my book and I would just like some feedback: Repressed Chapter 1 In the distance a car alarm can be heard and the smell of cannabis from a near by house wafts past leaving this young mind in a trance of wonderment...a labrador retriever bounces...
  18. Z

    who's prettier & why.. be honest lol?

    http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i458/baybeegal55/B018526suzste034.jpg 1. left- 5:3 9st 8 studying english at uni haf italian, half english 2. right- half indian, half english, 5:5. 13st 4. studying sociology..
  19. J

    Someone Said I Look Like a Tranny Lol Please Look At Me and be honest Its not an...

    ...Insult some are HOT? http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z207/pla104/Mobile%20Uploads/179868_190926677597649_100000409539287_602854_3538337_n.jpg Don't mind my pink Girl About Town MAC lipstick i was just experimenting lol...
  20. A

    Need a reputable and honest English speaking tour guide company in...

    ...Beijing. Any suggestions? Want to visit major attractions such as Great Wall, Forbidden City, etc.