
  1. P

    Has anyone ever seen a snowmobile with a home-made setup that has a...

    ...gearcase and a shifter? I'm looking to build a home-made contraption with maybe like a motorcycle engine with the transmission and shifter and stuff.. Anybody ever seen one? If so, any pictures?
  2. T

    Homemade face cleanser i heard about...?

    Someone said to do this: mix cocoa powder and whole milk together in a bowl. Mix it very well, with a fork or whisk. Put it on your face for about 20 minutes, or until it dries, then wash it off. It's like a clay mask. I waz wunderin' if i could use skim milk and swiss miss hot cocoa powder...
  3. R

    Is there an easy way to figure out nutrition in homemade recipes?

    I am type one diabetic and pregnant. It is vital that I know exactly how many carbs I consume. I have been trying a lot of homemade recipes but have a hard time figuring out nutrition info because some are in ounces others in cups and then I combine them all. Is there a website to enter all...
  4. A

    how can i make a homemade tracking device thats small enough to fit in a model

    rocket? i need to make a tracking device that can be tracked about a mile away and that can fit in a model rocket and is fairly cheap. Any ideas?
  5. N

    How Can I Make A Homemade Ranchero Chicken Soft Taco Like (Taco Bell's) ?

    I want to make homemade ranchero chicken taco's but I'm having problems finding the sauce they put in it.....does anybody know ? :)
  6. M

    How should I build a homemade boat?

    For school I need to build a boat by this Friday. It's not a major project, and it doesn't necessarily have to look like a boat either (it could be a raft, etc.) It could also be made out of ANYTHING as well. What materials should I use to build it?
  7. D

    Best speakers for Homemade jukebox. Powered speakers so we dont want an amp?

    My dad and I are going to make one, normal computer put into a homemade box like a juke box and we want to no what the best speakers are for it, We want powered speakers so we dont want an amp but we r looking for great sound and a good base. Please help