
  1. G

    How Much Porn Does the Internet Hold? [Internet]

    For as much as we try to ignore and segregate it from our daily surfing, the fact remains that porn is the life-blood of the Internet. But how much sexy sex is actually moving through the series of tubes? More »
  2. R

    How many gallons of gas does an 89 VW Golf GL hold?

    I'm just curious to know how many gallons my 1989 Volkswagen Golf GL holds. Thanks I filled it to 11 gallons yesterday but I still had a bit in the tank before I filled it.
  3. V

    Rumors: Industry Report–Ford Focus RS Put On Hold

    For a while now, rumors have been circulating about that Ford will be launching the hot Focus RS hatchback sometime soon, potentially as a 2015 model. A recent report on Car Advice, however, appears to dispel that rumor somewhat.
  4. J

    my motorcycle battery doesnt hold acharge and the gauges are acting funny.?

    Hello i own a 1985 honda shadow. i st pulled it out of storage. the battery apears to be dead. i jumped it to start it and it runs but the rpm gauge flucuates from 0 to 9000 and everywhere in bewteen but the engine runs stable. also the fuel light and rear light light stay on? it does not appear...
  5. G

    Could this woman harm her son, the way she holds him?

    My wife and I are quite concerned about a family friend, a young woman who has a son, age 6. She holds the boy on her lap a lot, which is great. But we're worried that she could injure him, with the way she holds him. She always holds him on her lap with her hands pulled in on his stomach...
  6. G

    POLL: have you ever tried to hold in a laugh?

    in a serious time/ matter? like in school when the room is quiet, church, funeral, meeting.. i dunno I guess it gets boring i think of funny things
  7. S

    Quiz: What do you hold dear?

    Me: You hold growth dear You are so energetic that you sometimes push yourself too much. You are prone to exhaustion. You are creative and mentally sharp. You are constantly figuring out new ways of doing things. Your mind is flexible and embraces change. You are simply wired to keep growing...
  8. C

    Do basketballs hold grudges?

    B.Q: Do you hate Batista and does he hate you too?
  9. P

    My boyfriend HATES PDA. He won't even hold my hand?

    I know some guys hate PDA but all I want to do sometimes is hold his hand, hug him, or kiss him on the cheek. Whenever I try to do something like that he just does it really quick and then lets go or moves away from me. It makes me feel unwanted. When we're alone, he's all over me but in...
  10. P

    How long can you be on active hold for Norwegian cruise line before you are...

    ...called for training as jr waiter? on the pride of america, its been 4 months already and I am eager to go : /
  11. A

    New Health-Based Review Sites Hold Restaurants Accountable For Their Food

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about the struggle than many diet-conscious diners face when trying to find a restaurant. Sure, plenty of places get positive customer reviews on Yelp and similar websites, but these reviewers seldom answer health-related questions, like those about the sustainability...
  12. E

    my itouch will only hold 40 songs and it's practically brand new?

    I restored my itouch and synced it, and it said it was full and I could only fit 40 songs on it. I'm so frustrated because I don't know what to do about it. If there's anything I'm not doing to make all the songs I want on it fit, please let me know. Thanks :)
  13. S

    does anyone know how many texts the t mobile rapport can hold up to?

    Im thinking about buying the t mobile rapport phone and because its not that well known of there isn't too much info or reviews on it, so im just wondering do anyone know how many texts can be stored on the phone? (inbox) because it says 256 mb but im not really sure how many that is! I text...
  14. A

    Do you think Dan Henderson will ever hold a UFC belt?

    Hendo's stated goal is to hold a UFC belt before he retires but to do so, he'll have to either beat Anderson Silva at MW or Jon Jones at LHW and both dudes have been nearly unstoppable in their weight classes. Though the odds are long, Hendo has continuously defied the odds (and his age) to win...
  15. M

    I've replaced the alt and battery in my truck the battery will not hold a charge,...

    ...when jumped it will start ? After jump starting it will be fine for the day but if it sits for 6 or 8 hours it won't start.
  16. J

    does dick sporting goods hold revolution speed helmets?

    im looking to buy a riddell revolution speed helmet i was wondering if dicks or any other sporting goods store i could get them at by the way i live in tarpon springs florida so in the tampa bay area
  17. K

    How do you hold blue fire like in the movie Karate Kid?

    Jackie Chan healed Jaden Smith and when he was doing it, it looked as if he snatched the fire from the top of the fire and rubbed it on Jaden.
  18. A

    In the Odyssey By Homer did Penelope hold back Telemachus from going out

    on adventures? Like did Penelope hold him back in fear of him disappearing like her husband? Thanks
  19. T

    How big of an sd card will my Samsung Highlight hold?

    So far it has held 2G and 4G. Could I could go up another few?
  20. M

    Why do women whine about not being allowed to hold combat jobs in the US military?

    They whine and bitchh about it, but when it comes to the facts, they just aren't physically fit enough. they have about 50-100 percent less strength, 40 percent less stamina, and not enough willpower( as all studies show). Also, about all the studies showing that women have a higher pain...