
  1. A

    HEROES "trivia" Question?

    This question is only for those who have watched season 3&4 of HEROES When Peter got injected himself with the serum, do you think he got either a) Only the ability to fly (like Nathan) b) His old super power (absorbing other powers, and thats it/none of the other powers he had before Author...
  2. A

    Does anyone know of any future appearances the cast of NBC's show Heroes will...

    ...make where I could meet them? I'd love to be able to meet them. I would also like to get pics with and autographs from them. I heard they might be at Comic Con and/ or Wondercon this year. Anyone know if that's true or not? Have they signed autographs the last two years they have been at...
  3. S

    What are your opinions about SH: The Escape and BIA: Hour of Heroes for the...

    ...iPhone/iPod? Literally, what are your opinions? Would you recommend or not recommend? Is it prone to crash? Graphics? Etc? Please answer with only your opinions ONLY ABOUT THE GAME, NOT FRANCHISE. Rate the game 1-10 (10 being best rating) Explain how the game excels and fails, give a...
  4. A

    does hulu show every show? like gossip girl, heroes and supernatural?

    is it free? do i have to download, install, or pay something?
  5. F

    Heroes claire bennets phone?

    in season 1 anyone know what the make of clair bennets phone is?
  6. J

    Heroes Season 3 on dvd?

    Does anyone know when "Heroes" season 3 will come out on dvd? Thanks
  7. G

    Heroes volume 4 behind the scenes images: Hayden and Adrian

    Heroes volume 4 (Fugitives) is returning to television on Monday February 2, with an episode that defines what the rest of the storyline is. The US government considers everyone with super-power abilities as a threat to national security. Senator Nathan Petrelli (Adrian Pasdar), now head of...
  8. G

    Heroes 3.14 “Clear and Present Danger” spoilers and video

    This Monday, “Heroes” returns with a new volume called Fugitives, where the characters we met in earlier seasons will have to either fight for their lives and existence. An interview with several cast members of “Heroes” reveal cliffhangers and spoilers of the first episode of the year: Greg...
  9. E

    What do you think of Obama skipping the Salute to Heroes Ball to hang with the...

    ...Hollywood crowd? http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/8666
  10. N

    I bought Soldiers Heroes of World War 2 of the internet, and I can't play it...

    ...on vista.? I also can't install the Vista Update because you need to have the game pre-installed.
  11. G

    The most closely guarded secrets of "Heroes"

    From my interview, and the other interviews I read of the “Heroes” cast, one thing stands out when someone asks about spoilers. None of the cast wants (or can) spill any secret. It’s in their disclosure agreement, the second page of every script. So OK, we can’t get them to talk spoilers. Well...
  12. D

    Animal Crossing Wii Heroes Clothes Will pay 100,000 bells?

    I really want heroes cloths and will pay 100,000 bells for please 5 stars first person who wants it!!