
  1. A

    National Draft Day: Buffalo Wild Wings/Yahoo, a match made in fantasy football heaven

    Wings. Beer. And fantasy football ... Pardon me for slobbering like a St. Bernard. For the first time ever Yahoo Sports and Buffalo Wild Wings are teaming up for National Draft Day, an event celebrating the heart of the fantasy football picking season. This Saturday, August 24, Yahoo will have...
  2. V

    Pictures: Cypress Hill Joint is Weed Smoker’s Heaven

    [No message]
  3. J

    Judaism: How are heaven and hell depicted?

    Hey everybody, just wanted to know what kind of imagery the tenach placed into the Jewish religion. Im doing an essay so Id like some references of how heaven and hell is depicted in the tenach. thanks.
  4. T

    Is it true that only those who follow or believe in Christ go to heaven?

    So according to the statement be many Christians, Moses, Buddha, Muhammad, Gandhi, Japanese inventors, Julius Caesar, and many others may burn in hell instead. Please do not report this question, I am only asking for religious guidance.
  5. B

    will jesus christ except me in heaven someday if i'm a homosexual?

    i know the bible states that homosexuality is a sin and that gay marriage is an abomination in the eyes of the congregation but will jesus except me for who i am? growing up as a child my famiy we're christians devoted to the church every sundays along with my older sister and young brother...
  6. B

    What can i put in my room to make it cat heaven ( toys). Read rest!?

    He has a large cat condo with 4 platforms toys attached to it! What toys do cats love to play with ..are those little tracks with ball in them any good? Any fun toys or objects that will make him happy!
  7. M

    why do bible dumb christians think they will go to heaven?

    where in the world did you get that info from? definitely didn't come from the bible. I doubt you'll make it into the millennium, if your lucky and God truly is merciful, you might make the second resurrection after the millennium is finished
  8. J

    Christians: Do insects, birds, animals, fishes go to Heaven or Hell?

    Or this whole concept is for Human Beings? And if they don't then it means that they have no souls. As scientists and atheists believe for us Humans and other creatures. @Shaytaan Hater - Who told you that animals don't have a free-will???!!!
  9. A

    In 'Lost Heaven: In The Beginning' in Chapter 27, what does Herata mean?

    I've already read the whole book. Loved every bit of it but I don't get what he meant when he said "I know about Malakai" on the plane to Serfius. I reread the book and there's nothing about Malakai in the book until the end and even then it's still not explained what Herata meant when he said...
  10. M

    Brands and Bras: Marriage made in heaven or bouncing hell?

    [No message]
  11. M

    Brands and bras: Marriage made in heaven or bouncing hell?

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  12. M

    Brands and bras: Marriage made in heaven or bouncing hell?

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  13. S

    is it compulsary for me to pray Goddess to go to Heaven?

    Acharya (Gargantuan Teacher) SANKARA says=> "YES". He says, "if one worships Tri Murthi (Trinity),it may take minimum 10,000 years to go to the Abode of GOD (Saayujyam) HEAVEN --In case of GODDESS--just say ONLY TWO WORDS(2 words only)=> She will immediately take ONE to HEAVEN,Super fast---...
  14. S

    In Heaven, would you still be interested in the events on Earth?

    I was thinking about death the other day, and thinking what a bummer it would be if I died before Friday and didn't get to see the new Men in Black movie. If you're in Heaven, would there still be silly desires like that? And what would you wish to get to see? And no, I'm not sick, I just have...
  15. W

    Has jesus christ the jewish messiah himself begun the kingdom of heaven on earth?

    And shed his blood as ransom for our sins, and then rose for our redemption (by the power of god, well-pleased with his begotten son). So that the kingdom may be empowered to take root. Not in the future (as surmised till now). But, as he told the high priest of the jews, "Henceforth," which...
  16. J

    After 1000 yrs, how many redeemed from earth come down from God out of heaven

    to greet those on the new earth? Rev. 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her...
  17. S

    Heaven; Jesus Christ in said in John 3 16 receive and you will be will be with...

    ...forever..? Just look at the what we he said to the thief on the Cross, Do you want to receive Jesus Christ free gift forever and ever?
  18. M

    Is it possible for the majority of the world to end up in Heaven?

    I would much rather have the majority (if not all) of the people to end up in Heaven instead of Hell, I personally don't wish Hell on anyone at all and don't want anyone to end up there at all.
  19. Q

    Finding a 7th Heaven episode?

    What is the 7th Heaven episode where Lucy was trying new looks and Simon says that she looks beautiful?
  20. N

    If christian go to heaven, why is it a crime to murder them?

    just wondering..... If All good Christians o to heaven, why do they think it is a crime for someone to send them to heaven sooner? if you KNEW you were going to someplace wonderful, and someone said they would take you there faster, wouldn't you want to get there faster? no, not a troll, just a...