
  1. S

    WIndows 98/95 in Dosbox sound and hardware problem?

    I recently watched tutorials on how to install windows img file on dosbox. but there is problem. When i try opening some sound file it says me to install drivers from control panel, but when i try installing it, windows doesnt find the driver... is that because my img file is incomplete or...
  2. K

    a laptop: similar hardware and range of price as Acer Aspire

    E1-571G-53234G50Maks + internal bluetooth & USB 3? any suggestions? price can be around 50-100$ above Acer Aspire E1-571G-53234G50Maks
  3. D

    Enable hardware virtualization in samsung netbook(Pheonix secureboot Setup BIOS)?

    i hav searched all the setting in my bios but coudnt find a way to enable VT......i hav a intel core i5 which supports VT(i came to know after running Intel Tool).....when i run Apple OS Lion in VMware it gives an error saying "The CPU has been disabled by guest operating system & u need to...
  4. D

    can use my iphone instead of buying bluetooth hardware?

    my pc is not bluetooth capable can i download bluetooth software and then tether my iphone and use the blutooth option to to listen to music on my pc thru my wirless head phones
  5. S

    Does Nokia Lumia 520 have Hardware Support for FM Radio?

    Hi All, I wanted to know whether Nokia Lumia 520 has hardware support for FM Radio? So that software upgrade for this phone will enable FM Radio option. Please answer.
  6. G

    More Samsung Galaxy S III Hardware Caught On Camera [Rumors]

    Samsung looks like it's playing the sneaky disguise-a-phone game Apple so famously played – wrap your next generation phone's hardware in a body that looks exactly like current models, at least from a cursory glance. This time though we get a glimpse at Samsung's musings over its new UI, and it...
  7. N

    installing problem and hardware software format problem with nokia C5?

    hi i am nabil when ever I install new software like nimbuzz or others since give message' end all active call and connection first as well as same message during factory setting. so please help me to solve my mobile problem and give solution on my email: [email protected]. (Nokia C5 )
  8. B

    Computer hardware issue?

    https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=2b5388cdc5&view=att&th=134c170422ce8c46&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1390511636408696832-1&zw Please help, this happens whenever I go on facebook or watch videos for too long. My computer is an HP desktop. Type in my link to see my issue.
  9. B

    Computer hardware issue?

    https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=2b5388cdc5&view=att&th=134c170422ce8c46&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1390511636408696832-1&zw Please help, this happens whenever I go on facebook or watch videos for too long. My computer is an HP desktop. Type in my link to see my issue.
  10. K

    ATI Radeon HD 6870x2 hardware and software compatibility, possible DVD...

    ...ROM change and 6870x2 or 6770? I recently found an ATI Radeon HD 6870x2 (the PowerColor one) at a computer store and I was wondering if it's compatible with the following PC hardwares and software I also searched: ASUS Maximus IV Gene-Z motherboard Silverstone Strider Plus SST-ST50F-P 500...
  11. T

    Interested in a degree in computer hardware engineering?

    any opinions or websites i could learn more from? or books? im relatively new to this computer stuff but ive taken a liking to it. ive taken my laptop completely apart and put it back together a few times now, for no other reason than to just learn more. i understand the very basics when it...
  12. J

    is iPhone 4 -> 4S considered hardware upgrade?

    is iPhone 4 -> 4S considered hardware upgrade? What about Galaxy S II -> the soon to be released Nexus Prime (Galaxy Nexus)?
  13. K

    do you list network hardware?

    network devices
  14. A

    Is it worth the money to buy Blue-ray? and other desktop hardware questions?

    is it true that in order to use blue-ray, you need to have special software? i saw some reviews for blue-ray players on newegg.com and saw a bunch of horror stories about the blue-rays not working because of software. do i need a blue-ray reader? writer? burner? what are the differences? is...
  15. G

    Paul Allen Wants Your Legacy Hardware [Hardware]

    Paul Allen, Microsoft's "Idea Man," is an aficionado of relic computing devices—the older and more obscure, the better. He collects them, along with rare WWII fighter planes, and shares this passion at his Living Computer Museum in Seattle. More »
  16. L

    How long do you have to wait to get a hardware upgrade for TELUS?

    Well, I went on a vacation last 2 weeks and the airplane did something to my phone. I've been having alot of problems with it and it barely works anymore. It's a blackberry curve and its scratched to sh** anyways. I would like a new phone. Is there a way I can sign on for another 3 years...
  17. G

    Adobe Takes Back What It Said About Lion Disabling Flash Hardware Acceleration [Apple

    Yesterday, Adobe wrote of its suspicions that OS X Lion has had Flash Player hardware acceleration disabled, which could be why Flash is proving to be a bit buggy. They've since retracted what they said, writing: More »
  18. G

    Rumor: WP7 Mango Phones Don't Need No Stoopid Hardware Buttons [Blip]

    So Nokia's first WP7 phone won't have any hard buttons under the screen. Fair enough; we knew Microsoft was granting Nokia a few special powers on the design front. But what if buttons aren't needed...on any WP7 Mango phones? More »
  19. D

    Any suggestion for embedded hardware development support?

    I’ve been looking out for embedded hardware development support with expertise in the multimedia domain. Any suggestions?
  20. G

    does anyone else have a new Chrysler vehicle without any mounting hardware?

    Our dealership just drilled holes in the bumpers and stuck them on, not only is it trashy but it irritates me that they would damage the front just to put on a vanity plate advertising their dealership. I spent 19,000 dollars and you damage my vehicle? They insist that there is no kind of...