
  1. J

    What happened to people when they died BEFORE Christianity/Judaism/Islam...

    ...was invented by man? @Rationandheart So basically what you're saying is that Allah is telling us to shut up and stop asking questions? Hmm... Religion...
  2. S

    how could this have happened to me?

    i failed to bury the shield
  3. S

    What Happened To Hollywood?

    It seems like looks and hot bodies have replaced "talent". Like seriously, why can't they give someone who can actually SING a chance? I'm not saying this about every celebrity though, because there are still some celebrities that have pretty good talent. Why is it that the most popular...
  4. B

    How can I find out what happened to my wife and daughter if I haven't...

    ...heard from them? Who can I contact regarding this matter. Thanks.
  5. C

    What happened to Taheran Lowe's underground music?

    I listen to Taheran Lowe's newer music and its great but i want to hear his under ground music from back in the early 2010's ish. I've heard of his mixtape's "Indigo Sky's" and "High's and Lowe'z" but i can't seem to find them anywhere. He's a great artist, so if anyone know's I'd be more than...
  6. B

    how do Christians know prophecies were actual mentioned before the event happened?

    how do you know that was prophecies were mentioned after the event happened aka lies? Exmaple: if Bill Clinton died today, then days later somerone/group starts a rumor that it was foretold by a prophecies before Bill died.
  7. O

    Can someone help me explain what happened in last night's Pretty little liars

    episode? So when aria, emily, hanna and spencer went to see ally's memorial thing. Spencer saw someone with a last name of cavanaugh. (I think that's how you spell it), I'm wondering was that Toby's mom? Or was that Toby's grave thing?? Because she wrote Toby on it with the "a" key.. so I was...
  8. C

    What western movie remake that never happened was going to star Tom Cruise or...

    ...Arnold Schwarzenegger? Trying to do a trivia thing
  9. L

    Polls/surveys: tell me what happened in the last wet dream you had?

    BQ: do you have a partner? Were or werent they in the wet dream?
  10. R

    Need a laugh, do you have any funny incident that happened to you?

    do you have any real funny incident that ever happened to you in real?
  11. B

    Does anyone know what happened to Limewire?

    Not that I'm planning on getting it. I was on their site, and they said they were shutting down. I'm just curious.
  12. A

    ‘Milk Cliff’ Could Be Best Thing That Ever Happened To Your Health

    As the fiscal cliff looms in our not-so-distant future, there's another cliff some people are very concerned about: the milk cliff. The dairy industry is claiming if Congress doesn’t approve a new farm bill by January 1, milk prices could double and send us into a so-called “milk cliff.”...
  13. D

    Catch me up on what happened in Wwe?

    Last time I watched wwe was early november so I want to know what has happened has any wrestlers turned face or heel any titles changed returns etc
  14. A

    Mike Huckabee Says Connecticut Shootings Happened Because We ‘Removed God From Our Sc

    Mike Huckabee went on Fox News today to discuss the Connecticut school shootings and confirmed our worst fears: That someone would inappropriately lay blame for the death of nearly 30 people in the Newtown massacre. When asked how he would respond to the question–"How could God let this...
  15. I

    my desktop not turn on after 6months of not being used...whats happened, is it...

    ...dampness? i turned it on and the power just keeps turning on and off when its trying to bootup, then after a while i could hear a fuse pop inside of it....basterd.
  16. F

    What are some fun and funny stories that have happened in your life?

    My siblings and cousins put mattresses on the ground and jumped off the top bunk at my nans house. It was so much fun, but my brother missed the mattress one time and instead landed on the floor. That floor was as hard as concrete.
  17. J

    Does anyone what happened to alt.suicide.holiday or alt.suicide.methods?

    I'm looking for pro-suicide sites, I used to go to the one called alt.suicide.holiday and alt.suicide.methods and can't find either. Does anyone know the status of these sites or if they still exist? I seem to be getting the old sites, I don't see anything beyond 2010. Thanks for your help.
  18. J

    Why did I spaz out when something happened in a dream like stage?

    Alright so last night I wasnt fully asleep but I was dreaming of stuff.. I was laying on my stomach like someone who is in a wind tunnel.. anyways I was dreaming that I jumped over a fence and when I did and started the falling motion, my whole body twitched.. why did it do that
  19. H

    What happened to sony ericsson phones ?

    Well I remember my bro was a fan of sony ericsson phones , due to its picture quality and music . he moved to samsung phones , so I noticed today some sony xperia phones when it was running a tv adv . So wht happened to sony ericsson why they broke down ??
  20. A

    The greatest flop of all time happened in a motorcycle race

    Those of you who think NASCAR is fixed might want a look at what a real attempt to rig a race looks like. And it looks a whole lot like a kid faking injury to get his brother in trouble. Our scene: Brazil, the Rio Grande do Sul State Moto Grand Prix. Now, this is from a few weeks back, but...