
  1. R

    I am on some legitimate internet groups which has chat. The question comes up about

    exchanging e-mail,can do? I have read and heard never to give out e-mail person from other country whom you have limited knowledge of. After awhile you could get knowledge. But still, particularly outside of US, it seems like too big a risk. Do any readers have stories tell about problems? Is...
  2. S

    Why is it Yahoo moves my celebrity groups into the Adult category when there... no nudity? I have spent much of my time building, monitoring and adding photos to the group. While Angelina J., Carmen E. and Vida G. are provocative, I do not understand why Yahoo persists. Do they have a quota to meet each month to add to the Adult category? Please help as I am becoming...
  3. G

    How to add caller groups to Samsung A867 Eternity Phone Book?

    The phone came with 3 groups with the orgininal setting: friends/family/work. I deleted one of them by accident and want to add it back. Is there a way to add back the caller group or create more caller groups? Thanks!
  4. H

    Why did American Idol go back to their original system of 3 groups and a...

    ...wild card round? Which method do you like better?
  5. L

    Groups on the internet for talented children at painting?

    My little sister paintings are amazing and I was wondering if you can give me the address of some site where I can subscribe and post her work (She is 9 years old) Do you know abt smthing like this?
  6. C

    How many social groups can you think of have more than one label but will complain

    about which they're called? I can think of one. Goth / Emo / Vampires Same group. Three names. And yet the individuals that make up this group will complain if you "call them by the wrong one", as though it makes a difference. I cant think of any other groups that make up such trivial reasons...
  7. D

    What are some 90s rap groups with two(2) guys from Oakland that rap about weed?

    they also mention Humboldt County and had beef with Jay Tee from N2Deep
  8. Z

    Re the Australian bushfires do you think Al Queda type groups could start

    bushfires as an act of terrorism? I do. And the picture released of a guy being sought re arson in North Melbourne looks like a Middle Eastern or Pakistani or Indian guy. This made me wonder if he is Middle Eastern or Pakistani (Indians aren't connected to Al Queda as far as I'm aware) then...
  9. M

    Health groups buy $10 million in ads to say thank you for SCHIP

    Health groups buy $10 million in ads to say thank you for SCHIP Health care advocacy groups, unions, and pharmaceutical manufacturers are sending out an expensive 'thank you' to members of Congress who supported an expansion of health insurance for low-income children under the SCHIP...
  10. M

    UK Car insurance Groups?

    I currently have a golf which is insurance group 5, I am looking to get an ibiza tdi FR which is group 8. Currently my insurance premium is around the £1000 pounds mark, how much would the ibiza cost to insure. cheers, oh, no one word or daft answers
  11. K

    This is more a general poll: how do you deal with the Anti hunting groups?

    I see a few of them posting here. I though a little discussion of the PR side of hunting might be a good idea. Here is mine, I try to answer them honestly. And with out letting my emotions get the better of me. I remember my Hunter Ed teacher said to me "We are the representatives of hunting...
  12. B

    Do Dwarf Cichlids Need To Be in Groups?

    I have two aquariums that house dwarf cichlids. My 72 gallon has a pair of Kribs and Red Rams. My 90 gallon houses a pair of Gold Rams and a pair of Cockatoo Dwarfs. I have been doing some research on these fish and have read that they will spawn easier in groups and generally do much better...
  13. S

    Does religious groups' opposition to "imagine no religion" billboards mean they...

    Does religious groups' opposition to "imagine no religion" billboards mean they... ...oppose public proselytization? Thanks for bringing some much-needed maturity and insight to the forum, super kitteh. I know it's what Jesus would want.
  14. B

    When otters travel in groups. What do they call that?

    like when lions are in a group they are called like a pack or something.
  15. J

    I need to publish our travels, and Yahoo! groups is not the way to go?

    I want to publish text and photos together like a magazine, and limit the people who have access. Any ideas/
  16. S

    Groups to help prevent Global Warming?

    I'm looking for local groups that are doing what they can to prevent global warming. I live in Orange County. Thanks.
  17. M

    Does anybody know any good rap/rock groups? Kinda like how sum41 and...

    ...ludacris teamed up to do "Get Back"?
  18. M

    Bereavement Groups for Accidental Death?

    Why cant I find any bereavement groups online for people who have lost a loved one from an unexpected and/or accidental death?? Im sure they exists Any help please?
  19. T

    What outcome do you think online focus groups have on internet companies?

    Positive/Negative? ? give focus grp web addresses please
  20. S

    I keep hearing rumors about secret dog section groups?

    Is this true? How many are there? How do you get to be a member of these dog groups?