
  1. H

    Ramadan: How long has the greeting 'Assalam alaikum' existed for?

    Like how many year ago did people first start using it? Thanks for answering, goodnight! :D xoxox
  2. C

    What is the correct way to respond to a professor's greeting in email?

    I always start my emails to professors: "Dear Professor X," But when they respond, I always get a more laid back, informal "Hi Camille," which is fine because they have the authority to do that. Here's my question: When I have to respond back to their response, do I stick with my formal and...
  3. S

    What is an excellent greeting card program to use?

    For the MacIntosh computer.
  4. A

    People I've never met keep greeting me by name!!?

    It's very strange. Any suggestions for how to react when someone comes up to you "Hey [your name]!" and you have no idea who they are? Also, any suggestions for how to help remember their faces in the first place? Thanks.
  5. L

    Is this a correct greeting for Eid?

    Hello, Is this correct to say: ??? ???? ?? ??? ? ??? ????
  6. I

    Is there an android app for a customized voicemail greeting using text to voice?

    I have an Lg spectrum from verizon and i hate the sound of my voice on the voicemail greeting.... is.there an app which could read out my name for me?
  7. B

    Is it weird to give your cousin a kiss on the cheek when greeting them?

    Between two female (distant) cousins? We hugged and the side of her face was on my lips so I just gave her a peck. I normally only give my parents a kiss on the cheek or baby cousins, or significant other, so I was thinking 'I hope she didn't think that was weird'. lol Is it common?
  8. H

    What swahili greeting should I use? (Tanzania)?

    I want to write an e-mail to company, so it's a pretty formal situation, but I don't know of any formal swahili greeting I could use to start the lettre. I know of "jambo" and "habari yenu?", but I have the feeling it's too casual... Is "salaam" okay in swahili too or is it really just an...
  9. H

    What swahili greeting should I use?

    I want to write an e-mail to company, so it's a pretty formal situation, but I don't know of any formal swahili greeting I could use to start the lettre. I know of "jambo" and "habari yenu?", but I have the feeling it's too casual... Is "salaam" okay in swahili too or is it really just an...
  10. O

    SMtown artist greeting?

    Although I can't attend the venue, my friend and I would like to see them at the airport. What airline are they coming from? What time is their arrival, etc.
  11. M

    Why is there greeting: `` How are cattle, are healthy? ``?

    Why is there greeting: `` How are cattle, are healthy? ``. Used by the shepherds peoples , from ancient times until today...
  12. M

    I have a question about greeting manners in Western countries. Would you check it?

    I am a student learning English. While watching the program shot in England, I found some kids behave in a rude way on my standard. It's not a drama, but a kind of reality show. When an adult guest visited some family, kids didn't stand up even though they saw her come in. They just lied on a...
  13. K

    How do I get my tmobile voicemail greeting to work?

    Last night i went through all the voicemail settings; Set pin Said name Made a greeting It said I had done everything required, and I had no messages therefore repeated all the introduction. So because of this I believe everything is done. Well, when I or a friend rings my phone it still rings...
  14. L

    What is the proper greeting for a cover letter to your resume?

    I have heard that it is no longer proper to begin the letter with "To whom it may concern". I need help because I don't know the companies name nor the employeers name.
  15. D

    Conversation with professor over email...Do I keep greeting him with "Dear" or

    Conversation with professor over email...Do I keep greeting him with "Dear" or "Hello"? we each have sent one email now. Do I start off my next email with "dear?" How do i greet the professor now? Thanks
  16. A

    Emailing potential employer- do I include a greeting?

    I was told by someone I know to send my resume in to a company that's hiring. She gave me the name of the hiring manager (June) and told me specifically to write "Attn: June" in the subject line. So now I'm wondering- do I include a greeting in the email? I don't know her last name and it's...
  17. N

    Good salutation or greeting for my speech?

    For my english class i have to wright and recite a speech about something to incite reflection and awareness on a particular issue. I chose to do it on suicide/bullying I am in the tenth grade and I need a good way to begin my speech I don't want something typical! I'll be using a sad tone...
  18. N

    Good salutation or greeting for my speech?

    For my english class i have to wright and recite a speech about something to incite reflection and awareness on a particular issue. I chose to do it on suicide/bullying I am in the tenth grade and I need a good way to begin my speech I don't want something typical! I'll be using a sad tone...
  19. A

    Greeting Poll: Last time you shook hands with someone?

    I shook hands yesterday with a new hire at work. And you? Thanks.
  20. D

    Is the Lil Sew & Sew sewing machine good for stitching on greeting cards?

    I heard it's only good for lightweight materials so I didn't know if cardstock is lightweight enough.