
  1. M

    Water Damage to Samsung Gravity T-Mobile?

    The phone was less than half way through the contract, and got water damage. What would be the cheapest option to get it replaced. I heard they sell phones at walmart contract free?
  2. C

    samsung comeback or samsung gravity 2 for my 12th birthday?

    12th birthday nextmonth i want phone where i can IM take pics and HTML browser as well as QWERTY keyboardcan have some pros and cons on these two phone that would help alot thanxx
  3. E

    how do i put videos into my samsung gravity 2?

    i want to watch some videos i have on my computer. how do i put it into my phone? do i need a convert or anything? please help
  4. E

    how do i put videos into my samsung gravity 2?

    i want to watch some videos i have on my computer. how do i put it into my phone? do i need a convert or anything? please help
  5. T

    Samsung Gravity T - T-Mobile - Sending Pictures Question?

    I had the Samsung Comeback for a year, and didn't have any problems sending pictures to my friends/family. I have recently bought a Samsung Gravity T, and I am having some trouble sending pictures via text message. I have been trouble sending picture messages to my friend (he has AT&T and a...
  6. L

    Is the Samsung Gravity T from T-mobile a good phone money worthy phone to buy?a?

    I have bad experiences with buying expensive phones and gettin a crappy reward hence why im getting rid of my (side kick) and getting a Gravity T so is the Gravity T a decent phone?
  7. I

    I'm getting a T-mobile should I get the samsung gravity 2 or samsung comeback?

    So far people say samsung gravity 2
  8. S

    How do I unlock a Samsung Gravity phone?

    I found a Samsung Gravity phone, There was no sim card in the phone. But when I put my sim card in it, it askes for a password. I too have a Samsung phone and I also have a password on mine. Is there any way to hack it so that it goes away? The phone is really nice and mines is just messed up...
  9. A

    Samsung Gravity SGH-T459 background question?

    I have a Samsung Gravity and I've noticed that none of my pictures (that I took with my phone) will fit the background. Some of them will fit when the screen is in portrait mode, but not landscape mode, or vice versa. The default wallpapers fit in both modes. Does anyone know if there is a way...
  10. G

    Sonic Riders Zero Gravity PROPER USA WII-WiiFi

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.71 GB Files: 105 (14 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: Posted: Mon July 5th 15:23:29 UTC Download NZB
  11. L

    My memory card wont work for my samsung gravity?

    the phone works great, but i was getting tired of sending pics to my phone. the memory card was the one i used on my blackberry and its a 1gb nokia. thanks!
  12. M

    should i wait for a new tmobile phone or just get the samsung gravity touch?

    i have to go to school in october so should i wait for a sicker phone to come out for free with upgrade? doesw anybody know?
  13. S

    Samsung Gravity II for T-Mobile, my picture messages are coming in too small.?

    I have had the Samsung Gravity II for T-Mobile for the past few months, and never had a problem with my incoming picture messages. Until recently. Every picture message I receive now, either through an email, my t-mobile album, or from another phone come in no bigger than 5K. They used to come...
  14. M

    should i wait for a new tmobile phone or just get the samsung gravity touch?

    i have to go to school in october so should i wait for a sicker phone to come out for free with upgrade? doesw anybody know?
  15. G

    How do you lock the images on the samsung Gravity 3?

    I remember being able to lock the images on the Gravity 1, but I can't seem to figure it out on this newer version.
  16. C

    Samsung Gravity T Questions????

    1.QWERTY keyboard- Is it hard to press the keys?? 2.Personalization- Can you personalize a lot of things on it 3.Battery- Does it have good battery life? 4.Touch Screen- Bad or good?? 5. Camera and Video- Overall, is it good quality?? 6. other important things or just other fun stuff im going to...
  17. Danaa<3

    Where can I buy a Rogers Samsung Gravity cell phone in Ottawa?

    Where can I buy a Rogers Samsung Gravity cell phone in Ottawa? thanks to the people that helped (:
  18. M

    samsung gravity t help ?

    i just got the new samsung gravity T. when i first got it, the font in messages was normal. as the evening progressed, the font started gradually getting better for some reason. before i knew it, only one word could fit on a line, because the font is so huge. i dont know how to fix it. can...
  19. R

    i have the t-mobile Gravity, how do I set a personal message ring tone?

    I have the first addition to the Gravities and I have downloaded music, but i can't find out how to make it so when I get a text message it will ring to what I want. HELP
  20. S

    How do you delete Samsung Gravity Phone Folders?

    My idiot friend created 10 folders called penis on my shared phone between my parents and i I do not know how to delete them. the phone is a samsung gravity 2. PLEASE HELP!!!!!